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Search returned 194 items for : M

Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2015ViewThe Information Systems Core: A Study from the Perspective of IS Core Curricula in the U.S. Hwang, Ma, Wang
2024ViewThe Southwest Airlines Winter Meltdown - Case studies on risk, technical debt, operations, passengers, regulators, revenue, and brand Witman, Prior, Mackelprang, Nickl
2023ViewYours, mine and ours: Risk assignments, management, and tradeoffs on the road to driverless vehicles Witman, Prior, Mackelprang
2006ViewRedesign of Introduction to Computers Course Mackin, Johnson, Paranto
2023ViewUser Experience Design in the Information Systems Curriculum –Lessons Learned and Best Practices Bozan, Stoner, Maden
2009ViewLess is more when developing PowerPoint Animations Mahar, Clark, Janicki
2018ViewManaging an NSF-Funded Information Technology Scholarship Program Mahatanankoon, Hunter, El-Zanati
2006ViewLow Cost Collaborative Tools for Virtual Communication Dwyer, Malani
2009ViewCapstone Projects: Putting the Pieces Together Malinowski, Noble
2015ViewBusiness Analytics in Practice and in Education: A Competency-based Perspective Mamonov, Misra, Jain
2005ViewWhy C# and Why .NET in the Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Maniotes
2003ViewTeaching the Development of Effective Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in the Area of Computer Hardware/Software/Services Selection Maniotes, Winer
2013ViewA Comprehensive Survey on Cyberbullying Perceptions at a Major Metropolitan University – Faculty Perspectives Molluzzo, Lawler, Manneh
2019ViewIntellectual Merit and Broader Impact: Collaborative Education toward Building a Skilled Software Verification and Validation Community Acharya, Manohar, Wu
2016ViewThe Design and Evaluation of Class Exercises as Active Learning Tools in Software Verification and Validation Wu, Manohar, Acharya
2016ViewThe Development of an Educational Cloud for IS Curriculum through a Student-Run Data Center Hwang, Pike, Manson
2010ViewDeveloping the Cyber Defenders of Tomorrow with Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions (CCDC) Carlin, Manson, Zhu
2008ViewFive Years of Success: Some Outcomes of the Carnegie Mellon Information Assurance Capacity Building Program Sledge, Manson, Berta, Tsamitis
2003ViewA Comparison of Academic and Government Information Security Curriculum Standards Manson, Curl
2013ViewSecurity Engineering Lessons Learned for Migrating Independent LANs to an Enterprise Environment Marchant, Bonneau
2009ViewAnswering the Need for Information Assurance Graduates: A Case Study of Pennsylvania State University’s Security and Risk Analysis Major Marchant, Cole, Chu
2024ViewEmbracing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Self-Directed Learning: A Cybersecurity Classroom Study Marquardson
2023ViewCybersecurity Assessment for a Manufacturing Company Using Risk Registers: A Teaching Case Marquardson, Asadi
2020ViewSkills, Certifications, or Degrees: What Employers Demand for Entry-level Cybersecurity Jobs Marquardson, Elnoshokaty
2019ViewSimulation for Network Education: Transferring Networking Skills Between Simulated to Physical Environments Marquardson, Gomillion
2018ViewCyber Security Curriculum Development: Protecting Students and Institutions While Providing Hands-On Experience Marquardson, Gomillion
2018ViewInfrastructure Tools for Efficient Cybersecurity Exercises Marquardson
2017ViewStudent Veterans’ Shared Experience Using Social Media in Higher Education: A Pilot Study with a Hybrid Phenomenological Data Analysis Method Marsilio
2016ViewOrganizing an App Inventor Summer Camp for Middle School Girls: What the Experts Don’t Tell You Martin, Soares
2015ViewIT0: Discrete Math and Programming Logic Topics as a Hybrid Alternative to CS0 Martin
2015ViewTeaching Non-Beginner Programmers with App Inventor: Survey Results and Implications Soares, Martin
2013ViewBuilding a Cybersecurity Workforce with Remote Labs Martin, Woodward
2013ViewReassessing the Skills Required of Graduates of an Information Systems Program: Legier, Woodward, Martin
2011ViewExpansion and Validation of the PAPA Framework Woodward, Martin, Imboden
2016ViewWooden Peg Game: Implementations as Both a Web App and as an Android App Martincic
2012ViewWill Computer Engineer Barbie® impact young women’s career choices? Martincic, Bhatnagar
2009ViewCombining Real-World Internships with Software Development Courses Martincic
2009ViewMTSolution: A Visual and Interactive Tool for a Martinez, Barbuzza, Mauco, Favre
2017ViewAccentra: Thrashing through ERP Bradds, Hills, Masters, Weiss, Havelka
2008ViewIntroductory Course Improves Retention, Especially for Women Mathis
2022ViewInstructional Modes for the New Normal: In-Class, Synchronous or Asynchronous? Matta, Palvia
2011ViewExploring Impact of Self-selected Student Teams and Academic Potential on Student Satisfaction Matta, Luce, Ciavarro
2014ViewEducational Software for First Order Logic Semantics in Introductory Logic Courses Mauco, Ferrante, Felice
2009ViewMTSolution: A Visual and Interactive Tool for a Martinez, Barbuzza, Mauco, Favre
2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
2009ViewTechnical Classes Online: A Different Breed of Learning? Maurino, Federman, Greenwald
2023ViewExploring the Strategic Cybersecurity Defense Information Technology Managers Can Implement to Reduce Healthcare Data Breaches Mawel, Sambasivam
2008ViewChanges in the System Analyst Skill Set: 2006 Versus 2001 Haga, Morris, Mawhinney, Morrell
2015ViewInternet Addiction Risk in the Academic Environment Ellis, McAleer, Szakas
2010ViewAccounting for Systems Analysts in the 21st Century Giordano, McAleer, Szakas
2010ViewMyth busting: Using Data Mining to Refute Link between Transfer Students and Retention Risk McAleer, Szakas
2009ViewForces for Change in the New IS 20xx Curriculum McAleer, Szakas
2008ViewCutting to the Core: McAleer, Szakas
2006ViewDon't Forget the Manager: Management of IT Professionals by IT Professionals for IT Professionals McAleer, Szakas
2006ViewMoving Past Gantt and PERT - Reinforcing Metrics as a Management Tool for CIS Students McAleer, Szakas
2023ViewDigitally Prepared for Success? Technology Skills of Incoming First-Year College Students McCarron, Frydenberg
2023ViewHealth Care Management: Preventing Post-Surgical Falls after Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery through Predictive Analytics McCarthy, Ceccucci
2021ViewCan you Predict the Money Laundering Cases? McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Sugumar
2021ViewCan you Predict the Money Laundering Cases? McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Sugumar
2019ViewAlpha Insurance: A Predictive Analytics Case to Analyze Automobile Insurance Fraud using SAS Enterprise Miner McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Halawi
2019ViewAlpha Insurance: A Predictive Analytics Case to Analyze Automobile Insurance Fraud using SAS Enterprise Miner McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Halawi
2018ViewGroup Assignments as a Measure to Promote Performance in Virtual Teams Angelo, McCarthy
2018ViewHarnessing Business Analytics: Analyzing Data Analytics Programs in U.S. Business Schools Parks, Ceccucci, McCarthy
2014ViewStudent Perception of Social Media as a Course Tool McCarthy, McCarthy
2014ViewStudent Perception of Social Media as a Course Tool McCarthy, McCarthy
2007ViewThe Development of a Comprehensive Assessment Plan: One Campus’ Experience White, McCarthy
2005ViewObject Oriented Analysis and Design: Do We Need More UML in the Classroom? McCarthy, White, Grossman
2004ViewThe Balance between Teaching and Research: The Development of a Survey Instrument to Assess Factors that Affect MIS Research McCarthy, Claffey, White
2010ViewAlive and Kicking: Making the Case for Mainframe Education Murphy, Sharma, Seay, McClelland
2009ViewMy Personal Computer Lab: Operating in the 'Cloud' Murphy, McClelland
2007ViewThe Value of a Project-Based Approach to Teaching e-Commerce in MBA Programs Kakish, McCord
2020ViewBroadband Connectivity In “Flyover Country” McCoy
2016ViewAgile Preparation Within a Traditional Project Management Course Landry, McDaniel
2003ViewA Survey of Student Attitudes: Database Competition NCC 2003 Pollacia, Miller, Simpson, McDaniel
2019ViewDotting i’s and Crossing T’s: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course Yates, Frydenberg, Waguespack, McDermott, OConnell, Chen, Babb
2015ViewCoastal Pacific Doctor Associates: Implementation of a Purchased System Schwieger, McDonald
2008ViewDoes Information Systems (IS) Really Matter in Business Colleges? McDonald, Viscelli
2006ViewStudent Performance Online Vs. Onground: A Statistical Analysis of IS Courses McDonald, McDonald, Ury
2006ViewStudent Performance Online Vs. Onground: A Statistical Analysis of IS Courses McDonald, McDonald, Ury
2005ViewLessons Learned from OnLine vs. Paper Based Computer Information Students' Evaluation System Liegle, McDonald
2003ViewGrade Distribution and Its Impact on CIS Faculty Evaluations: 1992-2002 McDonald, Johnson
2013ViewA Longitudinal Study Assessing Carpenter, McGinnis, Slauson, Snyder
2003ViewAdvancing Local Degree Programs Using the IS Model Curriculum McGinnis, Slauson
2003ViewThe Implications of Information Assurance and Security Crisis on Computing Model Curricula McGinnis, Comstock
2015ViewCrypto Currencies: Core Information Technology and Information System Fundamentals Enabling Currency Without Borders Serapiglia, Serapiglia, McIntyre
2006ViewThe Center for Computing Education Research (CCER): A Nexus for IS Institutional and Individual Assessment McKell, Reynolds, Longenecker, Landry, Pardue
2006ViewUsing the IS Model Curriculum and CCER Exit Assessment Tools Landry, Pardue, Longenecker, Reynolds, McKell, White
2009ViewIntroductory Programming with ALICE as a Gateway to the Computing Profession McKenzie
2006ViewInformation Systems Curriculum Revision in a Hostile Environment: Declining Interest, Threats from Offshore, and Proprietary Certification McKenzie
2005ViewMobile, Agile, Versatile: The Use of Tablet PCs and Wireless Technology in Introductory Programming McKeown
2019ViewSoftware Concepts Emphasized In Introductory Programming Textbooks McMaster, Rague, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
2018ViewA Comparison of Key Concepts in Data Analytics and Data Science McMaster, Wolthuis, Rague, Sambasivam
2017ViewJava vs. Python Coverage of Introductory Programming Concepts: A Textbook Analysis McMaster, Sambasivam, Rague, Wolthuis
2013ViewRelational Algebra and SQL: Better Together McMaster, Sambasivam, Hadfield, Wolthuis
2012ViewProblem Solving Frameworks for Mathematics and Software Development McMaster, Sambasivam, Blake
2012ViewSoftware Engineering Frameworks: Textbooks vs. Student Perceptions McMaster, Hadfield, Wolthuis, Sambasivam
2011ViewA Relational Algebra Query Language McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2011ViewIntegrating Health Information Systems Into a Database Course: A Case Study Anderson, Zhang, McMaster
2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2009ViewTwo Frameworks for Discrete Mathematics McMaster, Rague, Hadfield
2008ViewTeaching Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: McMaster, Anderson, Blake
2008ViewTwo Gestalts for Mathematics: Logical vs. Computational McMaster, Rague, McMaster, Blake
2008ViewTwo Gestalts for Mathematics: Logical vs. Computational McMaster, Rague, McMaster, Blake
2021ViewDevelopment of a Flexible Point-based Promotion and Tenure Document in the Age of Societal Uncertainty Schwieger, Dickson, Johnston, McMillan, Stovall
2023ViewAn Industry Survey of Analytics Spreadsheet Tools Adoption: Microsoft Excel vs Google Sheets Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Booker, Levkoff, McMurtrey, Powell
2017ViewMicrosoft Excel®: Is It An Important Job Skill for College Graduates? Formby, Medlin, Ellington
2006ViewEstablishing a Remote Lab for Teaching Enterprise Application Development Lee, Mehta
2011ViewExploring the Connection between Age and Strategies for Learning new Technology Related Tasks Meiselwitz, Chakraborty
2011ViewDeveloping Information Systems Higher Education – Lessons Learned from an Inter-organizational R&D Project Melin, Axelsson
2009ViewProject Based Learning – An Emergent Framework for Designing Courses Melin, Axelsson, Wedlund
2023ViewTax Time: An Interdisciplinary Accounting Analytics Experiential Learning Activity Woodside, Mendoza
2023ViewExamining the Number of Concepts Students Apply in the Exam Solutions of an Introductory Programming Course Menon
2022ViewThe Role of Task Value and Online Learning Strategies in an Introductory Computer Programming Course Menon
2021ViewAn Investigation On Student Perceptions of Self-Regulated Learning In An Introductory Computer Programming Course. Menon
2020ViewUsing a Concept Map to Represent the Composition of Knowledge in an Introductory Programming Course Menon, Kovalchick
2009ViewIssues and Challenges for Selecting a Programming Language in a Technology Update Course Ali, Mensch
2010ViewTracking Women and Minorities as They Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Sorkin, Gore, Mento, Stanton
2008ViewEncouraging Women and Minorities to Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Mento, Sorkin, Prettyman
2024ViewAre Tech Savvy Students Tech Literate? Digital and Data Literacy Skills of First-Year College Students Mentzer, Frydenberg, Patterson
2023ViewRobotic Process Automation Overdue Collections Case Richards, Mentzer, Calnan, Kolodziejczak
2022ViewBracketology: Predicting Winners from Music March Madness Mentzer, Galante, Frydenberg
2008ViewA User-Acceptance Evaluation of Two Web-based Computer Programming Teaching Tools Liegle, Meso
2007ViewEvaluation of a Virtual Lab Environment for Teaching Web-Application Development Liegle, Meso
2024ViewLeveraging ChatGPT for Higher Education Course Offerings Mew, Money
2023ViewA Proposed Methodology to Teach Robotic Process Automation Analysis, Design and Development by Combining Project Based Learning and Lean Six Sigma Money, Mew
2020ViewDeveloping and Implementing an Undergraduate Data Analytics Program for Non-Traditional Students Mew
2016ViewInformation Systems Education: The Case for the Academic Cloud Mew
2013ViewEffects of Social Networking on Adolescent Education Miah, Omar, Allison
2011ViewSelecting a Good Conference Location Based on Participants’ Interests Miah
2012ViewWhatever Happened to Richard Reid’s List of First Programming Languages? Siegfried, Greco, Miceli, Siegfried
2006ViewPost-Implementation Review of an Introduction of WebCT Michele , Petkov, Kleine
2014ViewThe Google Online Marketing Challenge: Miko
2011ViewTaking it to the Top: Frydenberg, Miko
2006ViewGroup Projects in in-ground Undergraduate and On-Line Graduate Degree Program: Guidelines for Success Miles, Kelm
2006ViewThe Information Technology Model Curriculum Lawson, Reichgelt, Lunt, Ekstrom, Kamali, Miller, Gorka
2003ViewA Survey of Student Attitudes: Database Competition NCC 2003 Pollacia, Miller, Simpson, McDaniel
2015ViewUSMCo Payroll System Cohill, Dudley, Gregg, Millette, Zinnecker, Havelka
2007ViewDevelopment of Assessment Portfolios of IS Majors Todorova, Mills
2003ViewInformed Discussion in Information Technology Survey Courses Settle, Berthiaume, Lulis, Mirza
2024ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2022ViewExposing the IT Skills Gap: Surveying Employers’ Requirements in Four Key Domains Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2020ViewStudent Perceptions of Challenges and Role of Mentorship in Cybersecurity Careers: Addressing the Gender Gap Pinchot, Cellante, Mishra, Paullet
2014ViewGender Rationales and Success Factors in Assessing and Selecting a Major in Information Technology at the Undergraduate Level of a University Program: A Focus Group Approach Mishra, Draus, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, Repack
2015ViewBusiness Analytics in Practice and in Education: A Competency-based Perspective Mamonov, Misra, Jain
2023ViewManaging Graduate Student Advisement Questions during a Season of Explosive Growth: Development and Testing of an Advising Chatbot Mitra, Schwieger, Lowe
2019ViewThe Soul of the Introductory Information Systems Course Modaresnezhad, Schell
2015ViewA Proposed Concentration Curriculum Design for Big Data Analytics for Information Systems Students Lawler, Molluzzo
2014ViewA Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions of Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
2013ViewA Comprehensive Survey on Cyberbullying Perceptions at a Major Metropolitan University – Faculty Perspectives Molluzzo, Lawler, Manneh
2012ViewA Study of the Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
2012ViewAn Expanded Study of Net Generation Perceptions on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) Molluzzo, Lawler, Doshi
2009ViewGender and Technology Careers: The Gap Continues Molluzzo, Dwyer
2009ViewImplementing Ethics, Legal Issues and Globalization in an ABET Accredited IS Program Molluzzo, Farkas
2008ViewAn Expanded Study of Integrating Issues of Location-Based Privacy with Mobile Computing Into General Curriculum of Universities Molluzzo, Lawler
2008ViewIntegrating Issues of Location-Based Privacy with Mobile Computing Into International Information Systems Curricula Lawler, Molluzzo
2006ViewA Study of Data Mining and Information Ethics in Information Systems Curricula Molluzzo, Lawler
2006ViewA Web-Assisted Graduate Course in Cyber and Professional Ethics Molluzzo
2024ViewLeveraging ChatGPT for Higher Education Course Offerings Mew, Money
2023ViewA Proposed Methodology to Teach Robotic Process Automation Analysis, Design and Development by Combining Project Based Learning and Lean Six Sigma Money, Mew
2011ViewAn Enterprise System and a Business Simulation Kreie, Shannon, Mora-Monge
2010ViewGoing from data to decisions: Preparing Kreie, Mora-Monge, Shannon
2012ViewIs Student Performance On The Information Sys-tems Analyst Certification Exam Affected By Form Of Delivery Of Information Systems Coursework? Haga, Moreno, Segall
2006ViewThe Business of Information Technology: An Integrated, Multi-disciplinary Approach to a Capstone Experience for Management Information Sciences Students Morgan, Aitken
2006ViewA Critical Evaluation of Database Textbooks, Curriculum and Educational Outcomes Morien
2006ViewStudent Experience of Using Agile Development Methods in Industrial Experience Projects Morien
2011ViewAn Improved Database System for Program Assessment Haga, Morris, Morrell
2009ViewA Database System for IS Curriculum Assessment using ISA Examination Performance Segall, Ghosh, Morrell
2008ViewChanges in the System Analyst Skill Set: 2006 Versus 2001 Haga, Morris, Mawhinney, Morrell
2007ViewThe Information Systems Analyst National Assessment Exam: Factors for Success Segall, Gollhardt, Morrell
2018ViewConnecting the Dots and Nodes: A Survey of Skills Requested by Employers for Network Administrators Morris, Fustos, Haga
2012ViewPreparing for a Career as a Network Engineer Morris, Fustos, Haga
2011ViewAn Improved Database System for Program Assessment Haga, Morris, Morrell
2010ViewInterdisciplinary introductory Course in Bioinfomatics Kortsarts, Morris, Utell
2008ViewChanges in the System Analyst Skill Set: 2006 Versus 2001 Haga, Morris, Mawhinney, Morrell
2004ViewIntegrated Learning Nets: Applications to Business Education Hall, Morrissey
2009ViewA Case Study: Developing an Architectural Description for the Technology-Communications Engineering Viewpoint Steenkamp, Sabri Alomari, Mousa Basal , Kakish
2019ViewProcess-Focused Approach to a Systems Analysis & Design Group Project Mukherjee, Bleakney
2024ViewStudent Research as a Means to Closing the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Education Müller
2011ViewCreating and Using a Computer Networking and Systems Administration Laboratory Built Under Relaxed Financial Constraints Conlon, Mullins
2022ViewA Framework to Implement Academic Digital Badges when Reskilling the IT Workforce Ermicioi, Liu, Murphy
2021View“BILT for Success”: An Alternative Education Strategy to Reskill the Business and Technology Professionals for a Sustainable Future Liu, Murphy
2020ViewAn Assignment a Day Scaffolded Learning Approach for Teaching Introductory Computer Programming Dawar, Murphy
2020ViewUsing an Electronic Resume Analyzer Portal (e-RAP) to Improve College Graduates Employability Green, Liu, Murphy
2016ViewToo Much of a Good Thing: User Leadership at TPAC Connelly, Dalton, Murphy, Rosales, Sudlow, Havelka
2015ViewCybersecurity Curriculum Development: Introducing Specialties in a Graduate Program Bicak, Liu, Murphy
2014ViewDocument Explosion in the World of Big Data – Curriculum Considerations Liu, Murphy
2013ViewDeveloping an Undergraduate Information Systems Security Track Sharma, Murphy, Rosso, Grant
2013ViewUsing Mobile Apps to Entice General Education Students into Technology Fields Liu, Murphy
2012ViewFusing Communication and Writing Skills in The 21st Century’s IT/IS Curricula Liu, Murphy
2012ViewMeasuring Assurance of Learning Goals: Murphy, Sharma, Rosso
2011ViewTeach or No Teach: Is Large System Education Resurging? Sharma, Murphy
2010ViewAlive and Kicking: Making the Case for Mainframe Education Murphy, Sharma, Seay, McClelland
2009ViewMy Personal Computer Lab: Operating in the 'Cloud' Murphy, McClelland
2006ViewImplementation of a Basic Computer Skills Assessment Mechanism for Incoming Freshmen Tesch, Murphy, Crable