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Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2004ViewSWOT Analysis and Theory of Constraint in Information Technology Projects Sabbaghi, Vaidyanathan
2009ViewA Case Study: Developing an Architectural Description for the Technology-Communications Engineering Viewpoint Steenkamp, Sabri Alomari, Mousa Basal , Kakish
2011ViewDistance learning: An empirical study Sagheb-Tehrani
2009ViewThe Results of Online Teaching: A Case Study Sagheb-Tehrani
2018ViewACS: Bringing Business Intelligence and Analytics to a Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming Company Christian, Akujobi, Saha, Korzaan
2006ViewMeasuring Innovation: A Comprehensive Audit Wolk, Salé
2023ViewExploring Methods Cybersecurity Managers Need to Implement to Minimize Cyber-Frauds in Mobile Money Services in Ghana Sambasivam, Siaw Afriyie
2023ViewExploring the Strategic Cybersecurity Defense Information Technology Managers Can Implement to Reduce Healthcare Data Breaches Mawel, Sambasivam
2019ViewSoftware Concepts Emphasized In Introductory Programming Textbooks McMaster, Rague, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
2018ViewA Comparison of Key Concepts in Data Analytics and Data Science McMaster, Wolthuis, Rague, Sambasivam
2017ViewJava vs. Python Coverage of Introductory Programming Concepts: A Textbook Analysis McMaster, Sambasivam, Rague, Wolthuis
2013ViewRelational Algebra and SQL: Better Together McMaster, Sambasivam, Hadfield, Wolthuis
2012ViewProblem Solving Frameworks for Mathematics and Software Development McMaster, Sambasivam, Blake
2012ViewSoftware Engineering Frameworks: Textbooks vs. Student Perceptions McMaster, Hadfield, Wolthuis, Sambasivam
2011ViewA Relational Algebra Query Language McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2005ViewReconciling Principle and Practice in a LAN Course: A Simulation and Lab Mixed Approach Li, Sambasivam
2005ViewSMARTVIEW - An Intelligent Expert System Tool using JAVA and JESS Framework Sambasivam, Davies
2003ViewQuestion Difficulty Assessment in Intelligent Tutor Systems for Computer Architecture Li, Sambasivam
2013ViewStrategic Plan for Enhancing Online Learning Samman, Omar, Belmasrour, Alijani
2021ViewAligning the Technical and Soft Skills of Management Information Systems and Business Analytics Curricula to Supplement Accounting Education Larson, Sanders, Bohler
2003ViewTeaching the Complete Object-oriented Development Cycle, Including OOA and OOD, with UML and the UP Jackson, Satzinger
2016ViewThe Application of Writing Across the Saulnier
2015ViewThe Flipped Classroom in Saulnier
2014ViewA Paradigm for Student Learning Outcome Assessment in Information Systems Education: Continuous Improvement or Chasing Rainbows? Saulnier
2013ViewInformation Technology for Good (IT4G): Saulnier
2011ViewThe Greening of the Information Systems Curriculum Sendall, Lester, Peslak, Saulnier
2009ViewFrom “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side” Revisited: Saulnier
2007View“Child is Father to the Man”:Social Software in the IS 2007 Curriculum? Saulnier
2007ViewLearning Communities in Information Systems Education: Saulnier, White, Ceccucci, Brooks
2005ViewService Learning in Computer Information Systems: Significant Learning for Tomorrows Computer Professionals Saulnier
2003ViewCreating Significant Learning Experiences in Systems Analysis and Design: Towards a Service Learning Paradigm Saulnier
2008ViewEncouraging Students to Choose a Computer Related Major: The Influence of Guidance Counselors Saunders, Hunsinger
2010ViewIdentifying Influencers in High School Student ICT Career Choice Babin, Grant, Sawal
2010ViewDetermining the Effectiveness of Various Delivery Methods in an Information Technology/Information Systems Curriculum Davis, Kovacs, Scarpino, Turchek
2009ViewTailoring an MIS degree: incorporating current skills in an accelerated format. jordan, henderson, schaefer
2005ViewInitial Experiences with a Capstone Approach to an Introductory IS Course (IS 2002.1) Schatzberg, harris
2003ViewA Capstone Introductory IS Course: Strengthening Coverage of IS2002.1 and Disentangling it from IS2002.p0 Schatzberg
2011ViewTag Clouds as a Pathway to Improved Pedagogical Efficacy in Information Systems Courses: A Baseline Study Involving Web 2.0 Technologies Conn, Hall, English, Scheffler
2011ViewUsing Undergraduate Information Systems Student Epistemic Belief Data in Course Design: A Research-based Approach to Improve Student Academic Success Conn, English, Scheffler, Hall
2019ViewThe Soul of the Introductory Information Systems Course Modaresnezhad, Schell
2010ViewA Generalized Thurstonian Paired Comparison Multicriteria Heuristic Model for Peer Evaluation of Individual Performance on IS Team Projects Scher
2009ViewOpen Source and Freeware – Strategic Resources for IS Pedagogical Endeavors Scher
2006ViewFD-EXPLORER: A Pedagogical and Design Tool for Functional Dependency Exploration Scher, Qiu
2005ViewTowards a WebCenter for Pedagogical Freeware Collaborative Review and Retrieval Kim, Scher, Turoff
2007ViewModeling Information and Business Systems Architectures – a Team Project Steenkamp, Schiller, Allour, Lyons, Nnolim
2017ViewIdentifying The Real Technology Skills Gap: A Qualitative Look Across Disciplines Schirf, Serapiglia
2005ViewWeaving Experiences from Software Engineering Training in Industry into Mass University Education Bleek, Lilienthal, Schmolitzky
2010ViewCritical Thinking Measurement in ICT Lester, Schneider, Bennett
2009View"Cycle of Poverty" in Educational Technology Lester, Bennett, Schneider
2022ViewComparison of Information Technology Professionals’ Perception of Job Satisfaction and Inclusion by Gender: Insights for Recruitment and Retention of Female Students Schultz, Adams
2017ViewNavigating the Minefield of Self-Publishing E-Textbooks Schultz
2013ViewAn Exploratory Study of the use of Video as an Sharp, Schultz
2011ViewStudent Perceptions of Instructional Tools in Programming Logic: A Comparison of Traditional versus Alice Teaching Environments Schultz
2008ViewThe Effect of Class Duration on Academic Performance and Attendance in an Introductory Computer Class Schultz, Sharp
2024ViewAn Eye Toward the Softer Side of CC2020 Computing Curricula: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Artificial Intelligence Issues Ladwig, Schwieger
2024ViewCleaning Out the Basement: Designing & Developing a Database to Support an Online Side Hustle Case Schwieger
2023ViewA Registration System for a Citywide Service Project: A System Design & Development Case Schwieger
2023ViewCreating a Clear Vision for Rural Healthcare: A Data Analysis Exercise Ladwig, Schwieger, Weber
2023ViewDeveloping a Data-Driven Emerging Skill Network Analytics Framework for Automated Employment Advert Evaluation Liu, Schwieger
2023ViewManaging Graduate Student Advisement Questions during a Season of Explosive Growth: Development and Testing of an Advising Chatbot Mitra, Schwieger, Lowe
2022ViewCyber Insurance Concepts for the MIS and Business Curriculum Schwieger, Ladwig
2022ViewHere We Grow Again! An Expansion for Mark’s Doggy Day Care: A Database Design and Development Case Schwieger
2021ViewDevelopment of a Flexible Point-based Promotion and Tenure Document in the Age of Societal Uncertainty Schwieger, Dickson, Johnston, McMillan, Stovall
2020ViewEthical Coding: Privacy, Ethics & Law in Computing Ladwig, Schwieger
2020ViewStyles by Ashley: A System Design and Development Case Schwieger
2019ViewSystem Design and Development of a Tween Esteem Event Management System Case Schwieger
2018ViewReaching and Retaining the Next Generation: Adapting to the Expectations of Gen Z in the Classroom Schwieger, Ladwig
2018ViewSystem Development and Data Modeling for Stevens’ Wholesale Health Supplies Schwieger, Lui
2017ViewThe Piranha Solution: Monitoring and Protection of Proprietary System Intangible Assets Ladwig, Schwieger, Clayton
2016ViewProtecting Privacy in Big Data: A Layered Approach for Curriculum Integration Schwieger, Ladwig
2015ViewA Project Management Approach to Applying Best Practices to Online CS/MIS Experiential Learning Projects Schwieger, Surendran
2015ViewCoastal Pacific Doctor Associates: Implementation of a Purchased System Schwieger, McDonald
2015ViewUsing a Balance Scorecard Approach to Evaluate the Value of Service Learning Projects in Online Courses Schwieger
2013ViewInformation Technology Management: Course Re-design Using an Assessment Driven Approach Schwieger, Surendran
2012ViewCIS Program Redesign Driven By IS2010 Model: Surendran, Amer, Schwieger
2012ViewDeveloping an Introductory Level MIS Project in Accordance with AACSB Assurance of Learning Standard 15 Schwieger
2011ViewIncorporating Capstone Courses in Programs Based on the IS2010 Model Curriculum Schwieger, Surendran
2010ViewA Value Chain Approach for Attracting, Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2010ViewEnhancing the Value of the Capstone Experience Course Surendran, Schwieger
2009ViewDeveloping the Information Literacy of University Students: Integrating Research into Curricula Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2008ViewExtending the Value of MIS Programs Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2007ViewBridging the Academic / Industrial Chasm for the Millennial Generation Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2020ViewLearning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities Gomillion, Becker, George, Scialdone
2022ViewUse of Artificial Intelligence to Grade Student Discussion Boards: An Exploratory Study Rutner, Scott
2020ViewUsing an Ocean Shipping Game to Teach Transportation Fundamentals to Supply Chain Management Students Scott, Rutner
2017ViewAn Approach to Harvesting, Cleaning, and Analyzing Data from Twitter Using R Hill, Scott
2006ViewSkills Learnt During a Systems Development Course: Graduate Perceptions of Skills Transfer and Industry Alignment Scott, Seymour
2006ViewSystems Development Group Project: A Real-World Experience Scott
2016ViewEdugamifying Media Studies: Student Engagement, Enjoyment, and Interest in Two Multimedia and Social Media Undergraduate Classrooms Bajko, Hodson, Seaborn, Livingstone, Fels
2004ViewDeveloping a Collaborative Learning Facility to Support Advanced Information Systems Courses: The LMU Experience Ewusi-Mensah, Seal, Abraham
2010ViewAlive and Kicking: Making the Case for Mainframe Education Murphy, Sharma, Seay, McClelland
2012ViewIs Student Performance On The Information Sys-tems Analyst Certification Exam Affected By Form Of Delivery Of Information Systems Coursework? Haga, Moreno, Segall
2009ViewA Database System for IS Curriculum Assessment using ISA Examination Performance Segall, Ghosh, Morrell
2008ViewBusiness Intelligence in the IS Curriculum Segall
2007ViewThe Information Systems Analyst National Assessment Exam: Factors for Success Segall, Gollhardt, Morrell
2016ViewE-Learning and Medical Residents, a Qualitative Perspective Segerman, Crable, Brodzinski
2020ViewAcademic Entitlement Beliefs of Information Systems Students: A Comparison with Other Business Majors and An Exploration of Key Demographic Variables and Outcomes Seipel, Brooks
2018ViewGrit and the Information Systems Student: A Discipline-Specific Examination of Perseverance and Passion for Long Term Goals Brooks, Seipel
2010ViewVirtual Teams: Preparing Students for Global IT Management: An Empirical Exercise on three Campuses and Two Countries White, Tastle, Balazs, Semeniuta
2024ViewTeaching Data Literacy Using Titanic Survival Factors Sena, Ariyachandra
2023ViewAn Examination of Tableau as a Supplement to Excel to Enhance Data Literacy Skills Sena, Ariyachandra
2022ViewAn Experiential Learning Project using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts Asay, Crable, Sena
2017ViewRateMyInformationSystemsProfessor: Exploring the factors that influence student ratings Sena, Crable
2010ViewA Modular Approach to Delivering Braun, Crable, Sena
2010ViewFaculty Perceptions on the Goals and Achievements of Information Systems Executive Advisory Boards Sena, Crable, Sena
2010ViewFaculty Perceptions on the Goals and Achievements of Information Systems Executive Advisory Boards Sena, Crable, Sena
2011ViewThe Greening of the Information Systems Curriculum Sendall, Lester, Peslak, Saulnier
2010ViewGot Web 2.0? Sendall, Ceccucci, Peslak
2010ViewIntegrating Soft Skill Competencies Through Project-based Learning Across the Information Systems Curriculum Woodward, Sendall, Ceccucci
2008ViewFaculty Research and Development in the Technology Disciplines Sendall, Poteat, Noonan
2008ViewWeb 2.0 Matters: An Analysis of Implementing Web 2.0 in the Classroom Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci
2018ViewAdministrative or Faculty Control of Online Course Development and Teaching: A Comparison of Three Institutions Tannehill, Serapiglia, Guiler
2018ViewFormula One – a database project from start to finish Serapiglia
2017ViewIdentifying The Real Technology Skills Gap: A Qualitative Look Across Disciplines Schirf, Serapiglia
2016ViewThe Case for Inclusion of Competitive Teams in Security Education Serapiglia
2015ViewCrypto Currencies: Core Information Technology and Information System Fundamentals Enabling Currency Without Borders Serapiglia, Serapiglia, McIntyre
2015ViewCrypto Currencies: Core Information Technology and Information System Fundamentals Enabling Currency Without Borders Serapiglia, Serapiglia, McIntyre
2013ViewLINUX, Virtualization, and the Cloud: a hands-on student introductory lab Serapiglia
2012ViewAdjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: A Longitudinal Look Serapiglia
2011ViewNon Directed Utilization of a Hand Held Device: Serapiglia, Serapiglia
2011ViewNon Directed Utilization of a Hand Held Device: Serapiglia, Serapiglia
2010ViewDiscovering Adjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: An Exploratory Study Serapiglia, Woratschek, Louch
2010ViewFactors Affecting Women’s Decisions to Pursue an IS Degree: A Case Study Serapiglia, Lenox
2003ViewInformed Discussion in Information Technology Survey Courses Settle, Berthiaume, Lulis, Mirza
2006ViewPractical Aspects of Promoting Research in a Graduate Course Seyed-Abbassi
2006ViewSkills Learnt During a Systems Development Course: Graduate Perceptions of Skills Transfer and Industry Alignment Scott, Seymour
2023ViewPerceptions of IT students’ utilization of embedded online tutors Spangler, Shah, Lockwood
2021ViewPlugin-based Tool for Secure Mobile Application Development Shahriar, Zhang, Valero, Sneha, Riad, Islam, Ahamed
2011ViewAn Enterprise System and a Business Simulation Kreie, Shannon, Mora-Monge
2010ViewGoing from data to decisions: Preparing Kreie, Mora-Monge, Shannon
2011ViewA Validation Study of Student Differentiation Between Computing Disciplines Battig, Shariq
2013ViewDeveloping an Undergraduate Information Systems Security Track Sharma, Murphy, Rosso, Grant
2012ViewMeasuring Assurance of Learning Goals: Murphy, Sharma, Rosso
2011ViewTeach or No Teach: Is Large System Education Resurging? Sharma, Murphy
2010ViewAlive and Kicking: Making the Case for Mainframe Education Murphy, Sharma, Seay, McClelland
2023ViewMicro-Credentials in US Higher Education: An Empirical Analysis Lang, Sharp
2022ViewCoding Bootcamp Satisfaction: A Research Model and Survey Instrument Lang, Sharp
2021ViewCurriculum? Shmurriculum! The Relationship Between Major Curriculum Characteristics and First-Year Earnings for Information Systems Graduates Lang, Sharp
2019ViewUsing Codecademy Interactive Lessons as an Instructional Supplement in a Python Programming Course Sharp
2013ViewAn Exploratory Study of the use of Video as an Sharp, Schultz
2008ViewThe Effect of Class Duration on Academic Performance and Attendance in an Introductory Computer Class Schultz, Sharp
2007ViewDevelopment, Extension, and Application: A Review of the Technology Acceptance Model Sharp
2006ViewImportance of Learner-Learner Interaction in Distance Education Sharp, Huett
2006ViewThe Use of Open Source Software in Education Sharp, Huett
2022ViewReflections on the Creation of a Business Analytics Minor Burns, Sherman
2019ViewA Cross Collegiate Analysis of the Curricula of Business Analytics Minor Programs Burns, Sherman
2018ViewDo the Knowledge and Skills Required By Employers of Recent Graduates of Undergraduate Information Systems Programs Match the Current ACM/AIS Information Systems Curriculum Guidelines? Burns, Gao, Sherman, Klein
2014ViewInvestigating a 21st Century Paradox: As the Demand for Technology Jobs Increases Why Are Fewer Students Majoring in Information Systems? Burns, Gao, Sherman, Vengerov, Klein
2024ViewDigital Transformation in Information Systems Curricula: A Keyword Analysis Hwang, Shi, Preiser-Houy
2010ViewThe Integrated Technology Assessment: A Portfolio-Based Capstone Experience Shih, LeClair, Varden
2006ViewIs it Possible to Assess Information Systems Skills using a Multiple Choice Exam? Paranto, Shillington
2006ViewIntegrating Ethics into the Curriculum: A Case Study on Developing an Ethics Colloquium Jensen, Christianson, Larson, Shilts
2004ViewAn Investigation of the Methodologies of Business Process Reengineering Stoica, Chawat, Shin
2014ViewA Study of Information Systems Programs Accredited by ABET Feinstein, Longenecker, Shresthat
2023ViewExploring Methods Cybersecurity Managers Need to Implement to Minimize Cyber-Frauds in Mobile Money Services in Ghana Sambasivam, Siaw Afriyie
2009ViewLeveraging Academic Resources in the ABET Accreditation Process: A Case from California University of Pennsylvania Kovalchick, Boff, DeLorenzo, Sible
2018ViewThe Impact of Teaching Approaches and Ordering on IT Project Management: Active Learning vs. Lecturing Sibona, Pourreza
2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
2012ViewWhatever Happened to Richard Reid’s List of First Programming Languages? Siegfried, Greco, Miceli, Siegfried
2012ViewWhatever Happened to Richard Reid’s List of First Programming Languages? Siegfried, Greco, Miceli, Siegfried
2005ViewTeaching the Blind to Program Visually Siegfried, Obianyo-Agu
2005ViewTools for Hybrid Instruction - Classroom and Distance Instruction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes Sigle, Prince, Key, Critcher
2003ViewA Survey of Student Attitudes: Database Competition NCC 2003 Pollacia, Miller, Simpson, McDaniel
2011ViewA ‘Rainmaker’ Process for Developing Internet-based Retail Businesses Abrahams, Singh
2005ViewThe Student-Professor Research Relationship: Examining IS Employer Skills Expectations Braun, Tesch, Skeldon
2012ViewBeyond the Bake Sale: Snyder, Carpenter, Slauson, Skinner, Nash
2011ViewSystem Testing of Desktop and Web Applications Slack
2020ViewLiberating Legacy System Data with Rails, Intelligent Use of Conflict Data with Automated Class Scheduling Tools Wolthuis, Slade
2009ViewAlice and The Introductory Programming Course: An Invitation to Dialogue Goulet, Slater
2016ViewDifferences in Males and Females in When and Why They Become Interested in Information Systems Majors Snyder, Slauson
2014ViewMajoring in Information Systems: Reasons Why Students Select (or not) Information Systems as a Major Snyder, Slauson
2013ViewA Longitudinal Study Assessing Carpenter, McGinnis, Slauson, Snyder
2012ViewBeyond the Bake Sale: Snyder, Carpenter, Slauson, Skinner, Nash
2011ViewAdditional Support for the Information Systems Analyst Exam as a Valid Program Assessment Tool Carpenter, Snyder, Slauson, Bridge
2011ViewSystems in the Foundations of Information Sys-tems Course to Retain Students and to Support the IS 2010 Model Curricula Slauson, Carpenter, Snyder
2009ViewAn Action Plan to Increase IS Enrollment Based on Recent Survey Evidence Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2009ViewEncouraging Students to Learn on the Fly in CIS Courses Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter
2008ViewCopyright Ethics: Relating to Students at Different Levels of Moral Development Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter – A Social Networking Site and Social Contract Theory Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2003ViewAdvancing Local Degree Programs Using the IS Model Curriculum McGinnis, Slauson
2008ViewFive Years of Success: Some Outcomes of the Carnegie Mellon Information Assurance Capacity Building Program Sledge, Manson, Berta, Tsamitis
2024ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2022ViewA Topical Examination of the Introduction to Information Systems Course Slonka, Bhatnagar
2022ViewExposing the IT Skills Gap: Surveying Employers’ Requirements in Four Key Domains Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2024ViewEmpathy-Driven Student Transformations: Bridging the Gap in Software Development for Inclusive User Experiences Cotler, Burshteyn, Kiss, Hale, Walker, Slyer
2016ViewThemed Learning with Music and Technology Smarkusky, Toman
2014ViewInterdisciplinary Project Experiences: Collaboration between Majors and Non-Majors Smarkusky, Toman
2013ViewAn Interdisciplinary Learning Experience: The Creation of a Robot Dance Smarkusky, Toman
2017ViewTourism through Travel Club: A Database Project Pratt, Smatt, Wynn, Jr.
2015ViewA Database Management Case Project: The Cocoa Shop Pratt, Smatt
2024ViewA Small Accounting Firm Must Meet the Challenge Posed by Artificial Intelligence Smith
2013ViewCyberbullying Presence, Extent, and Forms in a Smith, Yoon
2013ViewLessons Learned: The Evolution of an Undergraduate Research Program Smith, Laker, Tesch
2010ViewA Recommendation for A Professional Focus Area in Data Management Longenecker, Henderson, Smith , Smith, Yarbrough
2010ViewA Recommendation for A Professional Focus Area in Data Management Longenecker, Henderson, Smith , Smith, Yarbrough
2010ViewWebsite Accessibility Smith, Lind
2006ViewDAMA Foundation Model Curriculum Framework for Post Secondary Programs in Data Resource Management Henderson, Cupoli, Hoffer, Smith
2021ViewPlugin-based Tool for Secure Mobile Application Development Shahriar, Zhang, Valero, Sneha, Riad, Islam, Ahamed
2019ViewData Cleansing: An Omission from Data Analytics Coursework Snyder
2016ViewDifferences in Males and Females in When and Why They Become Interested in Information Systems Majors Snyder, Slauson
2014ViewMajoring in Information Systems: Reasons Why Students Select (or not) Information Systems as a Major Snyder, Slauson
2013ViewA Longitudinal Study Assessing Carpenter, McGinnis, Slauson, Snyder
2012ViewBeyond the Bake Sale: Snyder, Carpenter, Slauson, Skinner, Nash
2011ViewAdditional Support for the Information Systems Analyst Exam as a Valid Program Assessment Tool Carpenter, Snyder, Slauson, Bridge
2011ViewSystems in the Foundations of Information Sys-tems Course to Retain Students and to Support the IS 2010 Model Curricula Slauson, Carpenter, Snyder
2009ViewAn Action Plan to Increase IS Enrollment Based on Recent Survey Evidence Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2009ViewEncouraging Students to Learn on the Fly in CIS Courses Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter
2008ViewCopyright Ethics: Relating to Students at Different Levels of Moral Development Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter – A Social Networking Site and Social Contract Theory Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2016ViewOrganizing an App Inventor Summer Camp for Middle School Girls: What the Experts Don’t Tell You Martin, Soares
2015ViewTeaching Non-Beginner Programmers with App Inventor: Survey Results and Implications Soares, Martin
2014ViewIT educational experience and workforce development for Information Systems and Technology students Legier, Soares
2014ViewReflections on Teaching App Inventor for Non-Beginner Programmers: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Soares
2012ViewDesigning an Introductory CIS Course to Attract Soe, Guthrie, Yakura, Hwang
2010ViewAn Analysis of Career Tracks in the Design of IS Curricula in the U.S. Hwang, Soe
2007ViewCareer Track Design in IS Curriculum: A Case Study Soe, Hwang
2003ViewIS 2002.10 - Project Management and Practice: Making It Work Soe
2006ViewIncorporating ERP into MIS Curriculum: Some Insights Surendran, Somarajan, Holsing
2004ViewBridging the Technological Gap between Academia and Industry:Towards a Successful e-Commerce Graduate Program Song, Trajkovski, Hong
2019ViewInterim Awardee Outcomes after Four Years of a STEM Scholarship Program Sorkin, Braman, Yancy
2018ViewLong-term Follow-up of STEM Scholarship Students to Degree Attainment Sorkin
2010ViewStrategies for Increasing IT Enrollment: Recruiting, Retaining and Encouraging the Transfer of Women and Underrepresented Groups to Four-Year Colleges Tupper, Leitherer, Sorkin, Gore
2010ViewTracking Women and Minorities as They Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Sorkin, Gore, Mento, Stanton
2008ViewEncouraging Women and Minorities to Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Mento, Sorkin, Prettyman
2024ViewThe Perceptions of Undergraduate Students Associated with a Career in Technology – An Analysis by Academic Year Sousa
2023ViewPerceptions of IT students’ utilization of embedded online tutors Spangler, Shah, Lockwood
2017ViewRole-Playing and Problem-Based Learning: Pike, Spangler, Williams, Kollar
2003ViewA Case-Based Approach to Integrating an Information Technology Curriculum Hartzel, Spangler, Gal-Or, Jones
2013ViewA Collaborative Capstone to Develop a Mobile Hospital Clinic Application Through a Student Team Competition Wong, Pepe, Stahl, Englander
2010ViewTracking Women and Minorities as They Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Sorkin, Gore, Mento, Stanton
2004ViewAn Information System Security Course for the Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Steele, Stojkovic, Zaveri
2013ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development Towards Improved Capability in Tertiary Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
2010ViewBuilding an Integrated Student Information System in a K-12 School System Basal, Steenkamp
2010ViewThe Doctoral Program of Management in Information Technology at Six Steenkamp
2009ViewA Case Study: Developing an Architectural Description for the Technology-Communications Engineering Viewpoint Steenkamp, Sabri Alomari, Mousa Basal , Kakish
2009ViewAn Approach to Teaching IT Life Cycle Processes Steenkamp, Van
2009ViewBridging the Digital Divide in Undergraduate Business Information Systems Education Kraft, Kakish, Steenkamp
2008ViewAn Architectural and Process Model Approach to Information Security Management Nnolim, Steenkamp
2007ViewModeling Information and Business Systems Architectures – a Team Project Steenkamp, Schiller, Allour, Lyons, Nnolim
2004ViewDesign and Implementation of a Doctoral Program of Management in Information Technology Steenkamp, DeGennaro
2012ViewThe Challenges of introducing a Generic Graduate Skills Unit into a Business Degree in Malaysia Stein, Licciardi
2009ViewDelivering SAP Information Systems Courses 9116 Kilometers from Home Stein
2006ViewImplementing Industry Certification in an IS Curriculum: An Australian Experience Jovanovic, Nikakis, Bentley, Stein
2010ViewBest Practices: A Cure for the New Prep Headache? Burns, Steinbach
2006ViewIs This Course Right For You? Using Self-Tests For Students’ Placement Dettori, Steinbach, Kalin
2009ViewTeaching Relational Database Concepts to Computer Literacy Students: The Spreadsheet Metaphor Steinberg
2008ViewHow Effective is Student-Centric Edutainment in Large Introductory IS Survey Courses? Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
2006ViewThe Role of Assessment in Accreditation: A Case Study for a MIS Department Stemler, Chamblin
2014ViewThe Power of an MIS Degree: Inspiring students by connecting innovators Lawrence, Clouse, Firth, Evans, Stephens
2009ViewTeaching Software Engineering Including Integration with Other Disciplines Stillman, Peslak
2009ViewThe Complexities of Effectively Teaching Client-Server System Development Stillman, Peslak
2007ViewModern Data Structures: Experiences with a Flexible Approach to a Data Structures Course Stillman, Peslak
2012ViewAdapting to Change in a Masters-Level Tappert, Stix
2004ViewAn Investigation of the Methodologies of Business Process Reengineering Stoica, Chawat, Shin
2004ViewAn Information System Security Course for the Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Steele, Stojkovic, Zaveri
2021ViewBuilding a Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program: Early-Stage Success and Some Lessons Learned Stoker, Clark, Vanajakumari, Wetherill
2020ViewLooking Ahead to CAE-CD Program Changes Clark, Stoker, Vetter
2023ViewUser Experience Design in the Information Systems Curriculum –Lessons Learned and Best Practices Bozan, Stoner, Maden
2014ViewThe Influence of Typeface on Students’ Perceptions of Online Instructors Louch, Stork
2021ViewDevelopment of a Flexible Point-based Promotion and Tenure Document in the Age of Societal Uncertainty Schwieger, Dickson, Johnston, McMillan, Stovall
2005View Mapping the National Security Agency's Information Assurane Certification 4012 to the IS Curriculum: The Air Force Example Elder, Strouble, Bouvin
2020ViewDigital Badges and E-Portfolios in Cybersecurity Education Pike, West, Zentner, Brown, Stubblefield
2017ViewTaking the High Road: Privacy in the Age of Drones Hamilton, Harrington, Lawrence, Perot, Studer
2006ViewTeaching Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML Stumpf, Teague
2008ViewThe place of Cyberlaw in MSIS curricula Subramanian, White
2004ViewThree Hot Emerging Technologies: What They Are, and What They Mean for IS Education Subramanian, White
2016ViewToo Much of a Good Thing: User Leadership at TPAC Connelly, Dalton, Murphy, Rosales, Sudlow, Havelka
2021ViewCan you Predict the Money Laundering Cases? McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Sugumar
2022ViewInteracting with Bloomberg Terminal from an Information Technology Perspective Frydenberg, Sultan, VanderClock
2014ViewTool Choice for E-Learning: Task-Technology Fit through Media Synchronicity Sun, Wang
2013ViewStudent Characteristics and E-textbook Experiences: The Direct and Moderating Effects of Technology Savvy and Gender Sun, Flores
2004ViewIT Roles and IT People - an IT Manager's Perspective Sun
2015ViewA Project Management Approach to Applying Best Practices to Online CS/MIS Experiential Learning Projects Schwieger, Surendran
2013ViewInformation Technology Management: Course Re-design Using an Assessment Driven Approach Schwieger, Surendran
2012ViewCIS Program Redesign Driven By IS2010 Model: Surendran, Amer, Schwieger
2011ViewIncorporating Capstone Courses in Programs Based on the IS2010 Model Curriculum Schwieger, Surendran
2010ViewA Value Chain Approach for Attracting, Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2010ViewEnhancing the Value of the Capstone Experience Course Surendran, Schwieger
2009ViewAn Analysis and Design Case Suitable for Procedural and Object Oriented Approaches Surendran, Naugler
2009ViewDeveloping the Information Literacy of University Students: Integrating Research into Curricula Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2008ViewExtending the Value of MIS Programs Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2007ViewA Perspective on the Use of Modeling Diagrams in CS/IS Curricula Naugler, Surendran
2007ViewBridging the Academic / Industrial Chasm for the Millennial Generation Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2006ViewAgile Computing Curricula Duben, Naugler, Surendran
2006ViewCoping with Offshore Outsourcing and Enhancing Student Retention Surendran
2006ViewIncorporating ERP into MIS Curriculum: Some Insights Surendran, Somarajan, Holsing
2004ViewSimplicity First: Use of Tools in Undergraduate Computer Science and Information Systems Teaching Naugler, Surendran
2006ViewHIPPA Certification and Training Guidelines for Healthcare Organizations: An IS 2002 Model Curriculum Implementation Sweatt, Longenecker
2013ViewWiki Mass Authoring for Experiential Learning: A Case Study Pardue, Landry, Sweeney
2006ViewA Case Study in Optimizing Computer Laboratory Resources: The High-Speed Backup and Restoration (HiSBaR) System for Computer Lab Workstations Sweeney
2003ViewAn Examination of Creativity in the Information Systems Curriculum Model and a Proposal for Revision Sweeney
2015ViewInternet Addiction Risk in the Academic Environment Ellis, McAleer, Szakas
2010ViewAccounting for Systems Analysts in the 21st Century Giordano, McAleer, Szakas
2010ViewMyth busting: Using Data Mining to Refute Link between Transfer Students and Retention Risk McAleer, Szakas
2009ViewForces for Change in the New IS 20xx Curriculum McAleer, Szakas
2008ViewCutting to the Core: McAleer, Szakas
2006ViewDon't Forget the Manager: Management of IT Professionals by IT Professionals for IT Professionals McAleer, Szakas
2006ViewMoving Past Gantt and PERT - Reinforcing Metrics as a Management Tool for CIS Students McAleer, Szakas