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Search returned 28 items for : Y

Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2024ViewExamining Impacts on Digital Discrimination, Digital Inequity and Digital Injustice in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study Parks, Paros, Yakubu
2012ViewDesigning an Introductory CIS Course to Attract Soe, Guthrie, Yakura, Hwang
2005ViewTechnology Adoption in E-Commerce Education: A Case Study Yan, Fang
2019ViewInterim Awardee Outcomes after Four Years of a STEM Scholarship Program Sorkin, Braman, Yancy
2015ViewWhy Phishing Works: Project Ding, Pollacia, Yang
2009ViewA FPGA Paint Brush Application Edwards, Courtney, YANG
2020ViewCreating Business Analytics Dashboard Designs using Visualization Methodologies: Case Methods for Innovative Analytics Pedagogy Yap
2018ViewThe Challenges of Teaching Business Analytics: Finding Real Big Data for Business Students Yap, Drye
2005ViewA System for Teaching MIS and MBA Students to Deploy a Scalable Database-driven Web Architecture for B2C E-Commerce Yap, Loebbecke
2010ViewA Recommendation for A Professional Focus Area in Data Management Longenecker, Henderson, Smith , Smith, Yarbrough
2024ViewOn Becoming: Why Disposition Distinguishes Information Systems Education from Training. A Commentary on Model Curricula Babb, Yates, Waguespack
2024ViewTeaching the Metaverse: Applying TPACK to a Multidisciplinary First Year Seminar Course Design Frydenberg, Yates, Noonan
2022ViewBeyond Competency: The Imperative to Foster Professionalism in Computing Graduates Waguespack, Babb, Yates
2019ViewDotting i’s and Crossing T’s: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course Yates, Frydenberg, Waguespack, McDermott, OConnell, Chen, Babb
2018ViewSprint, then Fly: Teaching Agile Methodologies with Paper Airplanes Frydenberg, Yates, Kukesh
2018ViewTriangulating Coding Bootcamps in IS Education: Bootleg Education or Disruptive Innovation? Waguespack, Babb, Yates
2017ViewA Mindful Approach to Teaching Emotional Intelligence to Undergraduate Students Online and in Person Cotler, DiTursi, Goldstein, Yates, Del Belso
2016ViewFull Flip, Half Flip and No Flip: Breimer, Fryling, Yoder
2012ViewMarket Basket Analysis for Non-Programmers Yoder, Vandenberg, Breimer
2011ViewTowards an Innovative Web-based Lab Delivery System for a Management Information Systems Course Breimer, Cotler, Yoder
2010ViewCo-"Lab"oration: A New Paradigm for Building a Management Information Systems Course Cotler, Breimer, Yoder
2013ViewCyberbullying Presence, Extent, and Forms in a Smith, Yoon
2010ViewDeveloping Oral and Written Communication Skills in Undergraduate Computer Science and Information Systems Curriculum Kortsarts, Fischbach, Rufinus, Utell, Yoon
2007ViewRedesigning an Information System Security Curriculum Through the Application of Traditional Pedagogy and Modern Business Trends Woodward, Young
2006ViewTips for improving writing in IS/IT courses Owen, Young
2019ViewStoring and Querying Blockchain using SQL Databases Yue, Chandrasekar, Gullapalli
2017ViewIntegrating Concept Mapping into Information Systems Education for Meaningful Learning and Assessment Wei, Yue
2011ViewA Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs Al-Mubaid, Abeysekera, Kim, Perkins-Hall, Yue