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KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
packet sniffer2010ViewA New Look at Security Education: YouTube as YouTool Werner, Frank
page replacement2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
Pair programming2014ViewEvaluating Effectiveness of Pair Programming as a Teaching Tool in Programming Courses Faja
paired comparison2010ViewA Generalized Thurstonian Paired Comparison Multicriteria Heuristic Model for Peer Evaluation of Individual Performance on IS Team Projects Scher
pandemic2023ViewMid-Pandemic Impact on Mobile Learning Motivation Factors Bhatnagar, Horcher
pandemic2022ViewHow the COVID-19 Shutdown Impacted Student Grades at the Collegiate Level Chawdhry, Paullet, Baugh, Nakama
pandemic2021ViewDistributed Project Teams and Software Development An Introduction to the use of Git and GitHub for ASP.NET MVC Development Luce
pareto principle2019ViewData Cleansing: An Omission from Data Analytics Coursework Snyder
part-time2010ViewStrategies for Increasing IT Enrollment: Recruiting, Retaining and Encouraging the Transfer of Women and Underrepresented Groups to Four-Year Colleges Tupper, Leitherer, Sorkin, Gore
Participation2021ViewClass Participation and Student Performance: A Follow-up Study Bekkering, Ward
Participation2009ViewAssessment of Student Outcomes in Management Information Systems Online Course Participation Omar, Kalulu, Bhutta
Participative learning2010ViewA Modular Approach to Delivering Braun, Crable, Sena
password cracker2010ViewA New Look at Security Education: YouTube as YouTool Werner, Frank
passwords2011ViewAre Password Management Applications Viable? An Analysis of User Training and Reactions Ciampa
passwords2011ViewAre Password Management Applications Viable? An Analysis of User Training and Reactions Ciampa
Patch Management2013ViewSecurity Engineering Lessons Learned for Migrating Independent LANs to an Enterprise Environment Marchant, Bonneau
Pathfinder2009ViewEffectiveness of Teaching Ethics: Kreie, Alt, Cronan, Leonard
pay-per-click advertising2014ViewThe Google Online Marketing Challenge: Miko
Payment Systems2015ViewCrypto Currencies: Core Information Technology and Information System Fundamentals Enabling Currency Without Borders Serapiglia, Serapiglia, McIntyre
PBL2023ViewA Proposed Methodology to Teach Robotic Process Automation Analysis, Design and Development by Combining Project Based Learning and Lean Six Sigma Money, Mew
Pedagogical Aid2022ViewAn Approach for Ushering Logistic Regression Early in Introductory Analytics Courses Kunene, Toskin
Pedagogical experience2020ViewA Pedagogic Experience in Designing a Healthcare Analytics Course: Lessons Learned Parks
Pedagogical Research2019ViewConnecting the Dots: Strategies to Recruit Computer Information Systems Students Leon, Xiong
Pedagogical tool2017ViewIntegrating Concept Mapping into Information Systems Education for Meaningful Learning and Assessment Wei, Yue
Pedagogy2024ViewDeveloping a Data Analytics Practicum Course Bhatnagar, Pry, Causer, Lucci, Zilic
Pedagogy2024ViewEmbracing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Self-Directed Learning: A Cybersecurity Classroom Study Marquardson
Pedagogy2024ViewExamining Factors Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy for Computer Information Systems Students Abdunabi, Nyambe, Hbaci
Pedagogy2024ViewStudent-Driven Programming Instruction: A Follow-Up Study Dawar
Pedagogy2024ViewWWC: Leveraging Extreme Events in Teaching George, Aasi
Pedagogy2023ViewImplementing a First-Year Experience Course for IT Majors Woods
Pedagogy2022ViewA Bot Assisted Instructional Framework for Teaching Introductory Programming Course(s) Dawar
Pedagogy2022ViewImplementing Service Learning in an IT Strategy Course Woods
Pedagogy2022ViewIntegrating AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification into a Systems Administration Course Podeschi, DeBo
Pedagogy2022ViewUse of Artificial Intelligence to Grade Student Discussion Boards: An Exploratory Study Rutner, Scott
Pedagogy2021ViewMoving to Business Analytics: Re-Designing a Traditional Systems Analysis and Design Course Pomykalski
Pedagogy2021ViewPandemic Shift: Impact of COVID-19 on IS/Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Certification Exam Classes: Remote Testing and Lessons Learned Rebman Jr., White, Booker, Wimmer, Powell
Pedagogy2021ViewTowards Improving Student Expectations in Introductory Programming Course with Incrementally Scaffolded Approach Dawar
Pedagogy2020ViewAn Assignment a Day Scaffolded Learning Approach for Teaching Introductory Computer Programming Dawar, Murphy
Pedagogy2020ViewEvolution of an IS Capstone Class Luce
Pedagogy2020ViewLessons Learned from Launching and Advising a Student-run Technology Consulting Venture Podeschi
Pedagogy2020ViewUsing Goal Setting Assignments to Promote a Growth Mindset in IT Students Woods
Pedagogy2019ViewCertifying Business Students in Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Excel Core Exam: Lessons Learned Bakir, Dana, Abdullat
Pedagogy2019ViewIntegrating Big Data Analytics into an Undergraduate Information Systems Program using Hadoop Podeschi, DeBo
Pedagogy2019ViewSimulation for Network Education: Transferring Networking Skills Between Simulated to Physical Environments Marquardson, Gomillion
Pedagogy2019ViewWhat! No GUI? Goldstein
Pedagogy2018ViewGroup Assignments as a Measure to Promote Performance in Virtual Teams Angelo, McCarthy
Pedagogy2018ViewThe Impact of Teaching Approaches and Ordering on IT Project Management: Active Learning vs. Lecturing Sibona, Pourreza
Pedagogy2017ViewAgile Learning: Sprinting Through the Semester Lang
Pedagogy2017ViewDiscovering Privacy--or the Lack Thereof Pomykalski
Pedagogy2017ViewInvestigating Student Resistance and Student Perceptions of Course Quality and Instructor Performance in a Flipped Information Systems Classroom Baker, Hill
Pedagogy2016ViewDeveloping Capable Undergraduate Students: A focus on Problem Based Learning and Assessment Blundell, Berardi
Pedagogy2016ViewIntroducing IT Strategy in an Introductory Course Woods
Pedagogy2016ViewTeaching Information Systems Courses in China: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons for US Educators Fryling, Rivituso
Pedagogy2016ViewUsing a Multimedia Final Project in an IT Ethics Course Howard, Woods
Pedagogy2015ViewAn IT Strategy Course: Why and How Woods, Howard
Pedagogy2015ViewEnhancing the Classroom Experience: Instructor Use of Tablets Cummings, Hill
Pedagogy2015ViewLive, Model, Learn: Experiencing Information Systems Requirements through Simulation Hartzel, Pike
Pedagogy2013ViewA Pedagogical Approach Toward Teaching An Jesse
Pedagogy2012ViewDoes the Instructor’s Experience as a Practitioner Affect the Purpose and Content of the Undergraduate Systems Analysis and Design Course? Burns
Pedagogy2012ViewMultiple Submissions and their Impact on the ‘Path of Learning’ Gebauer, Janicki, Clark
Pedagogy2012ViewStrategies for Ensuring Computer Literacy Among Undergraduate Business Students: A Marketing Survey of AACSB-Accredited Schools Hungerford, Baxter, LeMay, Helms
Pedagogy2011ViewComputer Ethics: A Slow Fade from Black and White to Shades of Gray Kraft
Pedagogy2011ViewDefining the Content of the Undergraduate Burns
Pedagogy2011ViewImpact of pre-grading / resubmission Janicki, Gebauer, Clark
Pedagogy2011ViewThe Greening of the Information Systems Curriculum Sendall, Lester, Peslak, Saulnier
Pedagogy2011ViewWhat Predicts Student Success in Harris, Harris, Lambert
Pedagogy2010ViewEducating Information Systems Students on Business Process Management (BPM) through Digital Gaming Metaphors of Virtual Reality Lawler, Joseph
Pedagogy2010ViewIncreasing active learning Reinicke, Janicki
Pedagogy2010ViewInterdisciplinary introductory Course in Bioinfomatics Kortsarts, Morris, Utell
Pedagogy2010ViewSuccessful Engagement of Undergraduate Information Technology Management Students in a Complusory Course in Ethical Issues in IT in a Large Class Environment Grant
Pedagogy2009ViewEncouraging Students to Learn on the Fly in CIS Courses Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter
Pedagogy2009ViewLess is more when developing PowerPoint Animations Mahar, Clark, Janicki
Pedagogy2008ViewIntroductory Course Improves Retention, Especially for Women Mathis
Peer evaluation2010ViewA Generalized Thurstonian Paired Comparison Multicriteria Heuristic Model for Peer Evaluation of Individual Performance on IS Team Projects Scher
peer interaction2013ViewCollaborative learning in online courses: Exploring students' perceptions Faja
Peer learning2016ViewAn Observational Study of Peer Learning for High School Students at a Cybersecurity Camp Pittman, Pike
peer mentoring2020ViewStudent Perceptions of Challenges and Role of Mentorship in Cybersecurity Careers: Addressing the Gender Gap Pinchot, Cellante, Mishra, Paullet
peer tutoring2010ViewPeer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons Learned Gerhardt, Olan
peer-learning2017ViewComparing Student Interaction in Asynchronous Online Discussions and in Face-to-Face Settings: Javadi, Gebauer, Novotny
Peer-to-Peer Networking2015ViewCrypto Currencies: Core Information Technology and Information System Fundamentals Enabling Currency Without Borders Serapiglia, Serapiglia, McIntyre
Perceived Value2017ViewPursuing a Vendor-Endorsed ERP Award for Better Job Prospect: Students' Perceptions Kung, Kung
Performance2021ViewEffects of emergency online learning during COVID-19 pandemic on student performance and connectedness Boardman, Vargas, Burshteyn, Cotler
Perl2010ViewProgramming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned Colton, Curtis
perseverance2018ViewGrit and the Information Systems Student: A Discipline-Specific Examination of Perseverance and Passion for Long Term Goals Brooks, Seipel
persona2023ViewOnliners versus On-grounders in Computer and Information Systems Courses in Higher Education: A Two-Step Cluster Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
personal interest2024ViewExamining Essential Factors on Student Performance and Satisfaction in Learning Business Analytics Dang, Williams, Anderson, Zhang
Personal Productivity2016ViewAdvancing Student Productivity: An Introduction to Evernote Korzaan, Lawrence
Personal Response System (PRS)2011ViewSystems in the Foundations of Information Sys-tems Course to Retain Students and to Support the IS 2010 Model Curricula Slauson, Carpenter, Snyder
personality traits2017ViewFacebook Enhanced College Courses and the Impact of Personality on Sense of Classroom Community Barczyk, Duncan
Pervasive Computing2008ViewAn Expanded Study of Integrating Issues of Location-Based Privacy with Mobile Computing Into General Curriculum of Universities Molluzzo, Lawler
phenomenology2017ViewStudent Veterans’ Shared Experience Using Social Media in Higher Education: A Pilot Study with a Hybrid Phenomenological Data Analysis Method Marsilio
Phishing2010ViewAnalysis of an Anti-Phishing Lab Activity Werner, Courte
Phishing Project2015ViewWhy Phishing Works: Project Ding, Pollacia, Yang
Phishing Research2015ViewWhy Phishing Works: Project Ding, Pollacia, Yang
PHP2011ViewImplementing a Dynamic Database-Driven Course Using LAMP Laverty, Wood, Turchek
physical systems design2010ViewInformation Systems Education: What’s missing? Rosenthal
Physical Web2019ViewBuilding the Physical Web: A Campus Tour Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons OConnell, Frydenberg
Plagiarism2016ViewSingle Sourcing, Boilerplates, and Re-Purposing: Plagiarism and Technical Writing Louch
Plagiarism2015ViewHow Students Use Technology to Cheat and What Faculty Can Do About It Bain
Planning2021ViewPromoting Positive Student Outcomes: The Use of Reflection and Planning Activities with a Growth-Mindset Focus and SMART Goals Poe, Brooks, Korzaan, Hulshult, Woods
platform-as-service (PaaS)2013ViewCloud Computing in Support of Applied Learning: Conn, Reichgelt
platform-as-service (PaaS)2011ViewCloud Computing in the Curricula of Schools of Computer Science and Information Systems Lawler
platforms2011ViewEstablishing and applying criteria for evaluating the ease of use of dynamic platforms for teaching web application development Dehinbo
Plugin2021ViewPlugin-based Tool for Secure Mobile Application Development Shahriar, Zhang, Valero, Sneha, Riad, Islam, Ahamed
Points-based System2021ViewDevelopment of a Flexible Point-based Promotion and Tenure Document in the Age of Societal Uncertainty Schwieger, Dickson, Johnston, McMillan, Stovall
port scanner2010ViewA New Look at Security Education: YouTube as YouTool Werner, Frank
Portfolio assessment2010ViewThe Integrated Technology Assessment: A Portfolio-Based Capstone Experience Shih, LeClair, Varden
postsecondary education2012ViewDesigning an Introductory CIS Course to Attract Soe, Guthrie, Yakura, Hwang
Power BI2020ViewA Taste of Microsoft Data Analytics in Introductory MIS Curriculum to Encourage Analytics Skills and Knowledge Ariyachandra
practice-based instruction2023ViewEnhancing Learning in Business Education Utilizing Project Management Practice and Skills Fullick-Jagiela, Kelly, Paros, Awudu, Riello
practices2024ViewChallenges and Practices of Knowledge Sharing in E-learning: A Systematic Literature Review Zhao, Tu, Adkins
practicum2024ViewDeveloping a Data Analytics Practicum Course Bhatnagar, Pry, Causer, Lucci, Zilic
pre-post-survey2013ViewA Longitudinal Study Assessing Carpenter, McGinnis, Slauson, Snyder
Pre-requisites2016ViewA Tale of Two Curricula: The Case for Reynolds, Ferguson, Leidig
Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy2024ViewExamining Factors Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy for Computer Information Systems Students Abdunabi, Nyambe, Hbaci
predicting retention risk2010ViewMyth busting: Using Data Mining to Refute Link between Transfer Students and Retention Risk McAleer, Szakas
Predictive Analytics2022ViewAn Approach for Ushering Logistic Regression Early in Introductory Analytics Courses Kunene, Toskin
Predictive Analytics2019ViewAlpha Insurance: A Predictive Analytics Case to Analyze Automobile Insurance Fraud using SAS Enterprise Miner McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Halawi
Predictors of Success2011ViewWhat Predicts Student Success in Harris, Harris, Lambert
preferred programming language2010ViewA Study of the Programming Languages Used in Information Systems and Computer Science Curricula Russell, Russell, Tastle, Pollacia
Prerequisites2023ViewEnforcement of Prerequisites in Computer Science Bekkering, Harrington
Prerequisites2012ViewVisual Basic Programming Impact on White
primary education2011ViewA Community-Based Research Approach to Develop an Educational Web Portal Preiser-Houy, Navarrete
Prior Programming Experience2017ViewProgramming in the IS Curriculum: Are Requirements Changing for the Right Reason? Reynolds, Adams, Ferguson, Leidig
Privacy2020ViewStudent attitudes, awareness, and perceptions of personal privacy and cybersecurity in the use of social media: An initial study Bhatnagar, Pry
Privacy2017ViewTaking the High Road: Privacy in the Age of Drones Hamilton, Harrington, Lawrence, Perot, Studer
Privacy2016ViewProtecting Privacy in Big Data: A Layered Approach for Curriculum Integration Schwieger, Ladwig
Privacy2015ViewA Proposed Concentration Curriculum Design for Big Data Analytics for Information Systems Students Lawler, Molluzzo
Privacy2014ViewA Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions of Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
Privacy2013ViewA Comprehensive Survey on Cyberbullying Perceptions at a Major Metropolitan University – Faculty Perspectives Molluzzo, Lawler, Manneh
Privacy2012ViewA Study of the Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
Privacy2012ViewAn Expanded Study of Net Generation Perceptions on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) Molluzzo, Lawler, Doshi
Privacy2010ViewAn Exploration of the Legal and Regulatory Environment of Privacy and Security through Active Research, Guided Study, Blog Creation, and Discussion. Peslak
Privacy Issues2017ViewDiscovering Privacy--or the Lack Thereof Pomykalski
Privacy Law2020ViewEthical Coding: Privacy, Ethics & Law in Computing Ladwig, Schwieger
probability model2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
problem2012ViewProblem Solving Frameworks for Mathematics and Software Development McMaster, Sambasivam, Blake
problem based learning2016ViewDeveloping Capable Undergraduate Students: A focus on Problem Based Learning and Assessment Blundell, Berardi
problem based learning2010ViewEnterprise Integration: An Experiential Learning Model Cameron, Purao
Problem solving2017ViewIdentifying The Real Technology Skills Gap: A Qualitative Look Across Disciplines Schirf, Serapiglia
Problem solving2015ViewSteganography and Cryptography Inspired Enhancement of Introductory Programming Courses Kortsarts, Kempner
Problem solving2015ViewThe Impact of Programming Experience on Successfully Learning Systems Analysis and Design Wong
Problem-based learning2017ViewRole-Playing and Problem-Based Learning: Pike, Spangler, Williams, Kollar
problem-solving2021ViewAn Investigation On Student Perceptions of Self-Regulated Learning In An Introductory Computer Programming Course. Menon
Process2023ViewA Proposed Methodology to Teach Robotic Process Automation Analysis, Design and Development by Combining Project Based Learning and Lean Six Sigma Money, Mew
Process2009ViewAssessment of Student Outcomes in Management Information Systems Online Course Participation Omar, Kalulu, Bhutta
Process improvement2019ViewWhen Technology Meets Tax Lautt, Asumadu, Abdul, Korzaan
Process improvement2013ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development Towards Improved Capability in Tertiary Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
Process Modeling2020ViewStyles by Ashley: A System Design and Development Case Schwieger
Process Modeling2019ViewSystem Design and Development of a Tween Esteem Event Management System Case Schwieger
Process Modeling2018ViewSystem Development and Data Modeling for Stevens’ Wholesale Health Supplies Schwieger, Lui
process-focused project2019ViewProcess-Focused Approach to a Systems Analysis & Design Group Project Mukherjee, Bleakney
Procrastination2022ViewA Bot Assisted Instructional Framework for Teaching Introductory Programming Course(s) Dawar
Procrastination2021ViewEffects of Teaching and Practice of Time Management Skills on Academic Performance in Computer Information Systems Courses Humpherys, Lazrig
Procrastination2021ViewTowards Improving Student Expectations in Introductory Programming Course with Incrementally Scaffolded Approach Dawar
Procrastination2020ViewAn Assignment a Day Scaffolded Learning Approach for Teaching Introductory Computer Programming Dawar, Murphy
Professional Code of Ethics2011ViewComputer Ethics: A Slow Fade from Black and White to Shades of Gray Kraft
professional doctorate2009ViewCultural Influence on Social Isolation in Doctoral Programs and Doctoral Attrition – A Case Study Ali, Kohun
professional master's degree2013ViewBuilding an Effective Kline, Vetter, Barnhill
Professional Science Master's2020ViewAre Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Programs Beneficial for Graduates? An Evaluation of PSM Programs Rivenbark, Cummings, Kline, Patterson
Professional skills2015ViewWhere do Student Outcomes Begin? Developing Personal and Life Skills as a Strategy for Student Success in the First Computing Course and Beyond Humpherys, Babb, Abdullat
Professionalism2024ViewOn Becoming: Why Disposition Distinguishes Information Systems Education from Training. A Commentary on Model Curricula Babb, Yates, Waguespack
Professionalism2022ViewBeyond Competency: The Imperative to Foster Professionalism in Computing Graduates Waguespack, Babb, Yates
Professionalism2019ViewTeaching Professionalism and Ethics in Information Technology by Deliberative Dialogue Lester, Dalat Ward
program administration2013ViewBuilding an Effective Kline, Vetter, Barnhill
Program assessment2012ViewIs Student Performance On The Information Sys-tems Analyst Certification Exam Affected By Form Of Delivery Of Information Systems Coursework? Haga, Moreno, Segall
Program assessment2011ViewA Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs Al-Mubaid, Abeysekera, Kim, Perkins-Hall, Yue
Program assessment2011ViewAdditional Support for the Information Systems Analyst Exam as a Valid Program Assessment Tool Carpenter, Snyder, Slauson, Bridge
Program assessment2011ViewAn Improved Database System for Program Assessment Haga, Morris, Morrell
Program Constituents2014ViewA Paradigm for Student Learning Outcome Assessment in Information Systems Education: Continuous Improvement or Chasing Rainbows? Saulnier
program design2013ViewBuilding an Effective Kline, Vetter, Barnhill
Program Educational Objectives (PEO's)2014ViewA Paradigm for Student Learning Outcome Assessment in Information Systems Education: Continuous Improvement or Chasing Rainbows? Saulnier
Program Educational Objectives (PEO's)2013ViewInformation Technology for Good (IT4G): Saulnier
program management methodology2011ViewCloud Computing in the Curricula of Schools of Computer Science and Information Systems Lawler
Program outcomes2022ViewRedesigning Assessment in the Computer Science Program at a Regional University Bekkering, Harrington
Program outcomes2013ViewTen Year Assessment of Learning Outcomes of a Computer Information Systems (CIS) Program Abraham
program planning2013ViewBuilding an Effective Kline, Vetter, Barnhill
Programmers2014ViewReflections on Teaching App Inventor for Non-Beginner Programmers: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Soares
Programming2020ViewLiberating Legacy System Data with Rails, Intelligent Use of Conflict Data with Automated Class Scheduling Tools Wolthuis, Slade
Programming2020ViewUsing a Concept Map to Represent the Composition of Knowledge in an Introductory Programming Course Menon, Kovalchick
Programming2019ViewHour of Code: A Study of Gender Differences in Computing Du, Wimmer
Programming2019ViewSoftware Concepts Emphasized In Introductory Programming Textbooks McMaster, Rague, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
Programming2017ViewDing Dong, You've Got Mail! A Lab Activity for Teaching the Internet of Things Frydenberg
Programming2016ViewEvaluating Students’ Perception of Group Work for Mobile Application Development Learning, Productivity, Enjoyment and Confidence in Quality Powell, Wimmer
Programming2016ViewGame Development as a Pathway Frydenberg
Programming2015ViewEvaluating the Effectiveness of Self-Created Student Screencasts as a Tool to Increase Student Learning Outcomes in a Hands-On Computer Programming Course Powell, Wimmer
Programming2015ViewIT0: Discrete Math and Programming Logic Topics as a Hybrid Alternative to CS0 Martin
Programming2015ViewThe Impact of Programming Experience on Successfully Learning Systems Analysis and Design Wong
Programming2014ViewA Study of Information Systems Programs Accredited by ABET Feinstein, Longenecker, Shresthat
Programming2014ViewConfronting the Issues of Programming Babb, Longenecker, Baugh, Feinstein
Programming2013ViewAn Exploratory Study of the use of Video as an Sharp, Schultz
Programming2012ViewThe Learning and Productivity Benefits to Student Programmers from Real-World Development Environments Debuse, Lawley
Programming2011ViewA Relational Algebra Query Language McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
Programming2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
Programming2010ViewPeer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons Learned Gerhardt, Olan
Programming2010ViewProgramming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned Colton, Curtis
Programming bias2024ViewAn Eye Toward the Softer Side of CC2020 Computing Curricula: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Artificial Intelligence Issues Ladwig, Schwieger
programming concepts2017ViewJava vs. Python Coverage of Introductory Programming Concepts: A Textbook Analysis McMaster, Sambasivam, Rague, Wolthuis
Programming Course2014ViewEvaluating Effectiveness of Pair Programming as a Teaching Tool in Programming Courses Faja
Programming Courses2019ViewEasy as Py: A First Course in Python with a Taste of Data Analytics Frydenberg, Xu
Programming Courses2015ViewIncluding a Programming Course in General Education: Are We Doing Enough? Ferguson, Leidig, Reynolds
programming failure2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
Programming for high schools2009ViewIssues and Challenges for Selecting a Programming Language in a Technology Update Course Ali, Mensch
Programming for teachers and educators2009ViewIssues and Challenges for Selecting a Programming Language in a Technology Update Course Ali, Mensch
Programming Fundamentals2015ViewWhere do Student Outcomes Begin? Developing Personal and Life Skills as a Strategy for Student Success in the First Computing Course and Beyond Humpherys, Babb, Abdullat
Programming languages2019ViewEasy as Py: A First Course in Python with a Taste of Data Analytics Frydenberg, Xu
Programming languages2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
Programming languages2012ViewWhatever Happened to Richard Reid’s List of First Programming Languages? Siegfried, Greco, Miceli, Siegfried
Programming languages2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
Programming languages2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
Programming languages2011ViewEstablishing and applying criteria for evaluating the ease of use of dynamic platforms for teaching web application development Dehinbo
Programming languages2010ViewA Study of the Programming Languages Used in Information Systems and Computer Science Curricula Russell, Russell, Tastle, Pollacia
programming success2011ViewBeyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming Hoskey, Maurino
Programs2023ViewExamining the Number of Concepts Students Apply in the Exam Solutions of an Introductory Programming Course Menon
Project2015ViewA Systems Analysis and Design Case for a Business Modeling Learning Experience for a Capstone Advanced CIS/IS Systems Development Class Russell, Russell
Project2013ViewA Database Design and Development Case: Harris, Harris, Eplion
Project Based Learning2021ViewTransition to Amazon AWS from a Traditional Cluster-Based Information Technology Classroom Gondi, Hua, Bajracharya
Project Based Learning2016ViewDeveloping Project Based Learning, Integrated Courses from Two Different Colleges at an Institution of Higher Education: An Overview of the Processes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned Rice, Lester
Project management2019ViewWhen Technology Meets Tax Lautt, Asumadu, Abdul, Korzaan
Project management2018ViewACS: Bringing Business Intelligence and Analytics to a Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming Company Christian, Akujobi, Saha, Korzaan
Project management2018ViewInternational Service Learning in IS Programs: The Next Phase – An Implementation Experience Jones, Ceccucci
Project management2016ViewAgile Preparation Within a Traditional Project Management Course Landry, McDaniel
Project management2016ViewToo Much of a Good Thing: User Leadership at TPAC Connelly, Dalton, Murphy, Rosales, Sudlow, Havelka
Project management2015ViewA Project Management Approach to Applying Best Practices to Online CS/MIS Experiential Learning Projects Schwieger, Surendran
Project management2009ViewThe Pedagogy of Utilizing Lengthy and Multifaceted Projects in Capstone Experiences Hashemi, Kellersberger
Project Success2015ViewTeaching Business Intelligence through Case Studies Pomykalski
project-based2023ViewA Proposed Methodology to Teach Robotic Process Automation Analysis, Design and Development by Combining Project Based Learning and Lean Six Sigma Money, Mew
project-based courses2021ViewStudent Group Satisfaction Perceptions using Agile in a Project-Based Course Hulshult
Project-based learning2023ViewUser Experience Design in the Information Systems Curriculum –Lessons Learned and Best Practices Bozan, Stoner, Maden
Project-based learning2020ViewCollaborative Course Design of Entrepreneurship Projects in a College of Computer Science and Information Systems Lawler, Joseph
Project-based learning2013ViewA Database Design and Development Case: Harris, Harris, Eplion
Project-based learning2013ViewA Pedagogical Approach Toward Teaching An Jesse
Project-based learning2010ViewIntegrating Soft Skill Competencies Through Project-based Learning Across the Information Systems Curriculum Woodward, Sendall, Ceccucci
project-oriented courses2012ViewAdapting to Change in a Masters-Level Tappert, Stix
projects and assignments2022ViewAddressing the COVID-19 Sudden Switch to Remote and Online Teaching with a Framework Popovich, Pangborn
Prototype2013ViewA Pedagogical Approach Toward Teaching An Jesse
proximity analysis2011ViewVisualizing Opportunities: GIS Skills for Retail Marketing Wu, Rathswohl
public service2015ViewEngaging College Students in Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities through a Disability Film Media Project Lawler, Iturralde, Joseph, Goldstein
Python2019ViewEasy as Py: A First Course in Python with a Taste of Data Analytics Frydenberg, Xu
Python2019ViewSoftware Concepts Emphasized In Introductory Programming Textbooks McMaster, Rague, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
Python2017ViewDing Dong, You've Got Mail! A Lab Activity for Teaching the Internet of Things Frydenberg
Python2017ViewJava vs. Python Coverage of Introductory Programming Concepts: A Textbook Analysis McMaster, Sambasivam, Rague, Wolthuis
Python2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
Python programming2021ViewPython Programming in an IS Curriculum: Perceived Relevance and Outcomes Xu, Frydenberg
Python programming2019ViewUsing Codecademy Interactive Lessons as an Instructional Supplement in a Python Programming Course Sharp
Python, Biopython2010ViewInterdisciplinary introductory Course in Bioinfomatics Kortsarts, Morris, Utell