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Search returned 52 items for : M

Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2021ViewThe Sting of Adoption: The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Actual Usage in a Hazardous Environment Hassler, MacDonald, Cazier, Wilkes
2023ViewA Predictive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Maintenance Method: Using Low-Code and Cloud-Based Data Visualization Kim, Chung, Ju, Maeng
2023ViewOptimizing a Convolutional Neural Network Model in Amazon SageMaker for an Autism Detection Tool, EZ Autism Screener Ata, Chung, Maeng
2023ViewInformation Worth: Investigating the Differences in the Importance and Value of Personally Identifiable Information Kaleta, Mahadevan, Thackston
2010ViewNetwork Growing Pains Clark, Mahar, Moussawi
2009ViewAnticipated Changes to Technologies Janicki, Clark, Mahar, Logan
2010ViewContingency Planning: Disaster Recovery Strategies for Successful Educational Continuity
2012ViewCMobile: A Mobile Photo Capture Application for Construction Imaging Martin, Vetter, Brown, Janicki
2015ViewCyberbullying or normal game play? Impact of age, gender, and experience on cyberbullying in multi-player online gaming environments: Perceptions from one gaming forum rylingā
2023ViewAn Exploration of the Benefits of Certifications and their Relationship to Salaries in IS/IT
2019ViewWhere We are with Enterprise Architecture Halawi, McCarthy, farah
2010ViewBenefits of Knowledge Discovery Process for Biomedical Population Study McClelland
2015ViewMeasuring Algorithm Performance With Java: Patterns of Variation McMaster, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
2020ViewDeveloping a GIS Dashboard Tool to Inform Non-Profit Hospitals of Community Health Needs at the Neighborhood Level Copello, Smith, Mease, Umapathy, Richard, Knight, Albertie, Hamadi, Spaulding, Apatu
2023ViewShort Stay Healthcare Quality in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Occupancy, Nurse Staff Mix, and COVID-19 Winston, Xiong, Medlin, Pelaez
2021ViewCase Study of Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management- Opportunities and Challenges Smith, Xiong, Medlin
2021ViewThe Promise and Perild of Drone Delivery Systems Fowler, Vannoy, Eggers, Medlin
2020ViewConceptualization of Blockchain-based Applications: Technical Background and Social Perspective Xiong, Tang, Medlin
2019ViewDriving Distractions and Multi-tasking: An Investigative Study Choi, Xiong, Medlin
2019ViewSecurity, Privacy, and Legislation Issues related to Commercial Drone Deliveries Vannoy, Medlin
2017ViewThe Effects of Discount Pricing Strategy on Sales of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Online Video Game Market Context Choi, Medlin, Hunsinger
2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
2010ViewIncorporation of Information Technology into Assisted Health Care: An Empirical Study Merrill, White
2013ViewLet’s Look at the Cloud from a Risk Management Perspective Vignos, Kim, Metzer
2020ViewKnowledge Management System Development: Handling Evolution from Explicit to Tacit and Social Mew, Money
2018ViewCloud Computing: Implications for Information Systems Development Service Providers and Practitioners Mew, Money
2015ViewOn Adapting a War-Gaming Discrete Event Simulator with Big Data and Geospatial Modeling Toward a Predictive Model Ecosystem for Interpersonal Violence Mhlanga, Perry, Kirchner
2010ViewTowards an Abstract Model for Academia and Information Technology Sector Collaborative Partnerships: Responding to the “West Texas Coalition for Innovation and Commercialization” Initiative Mhlanga, Vardiman, Reames
2012ViewMaximizing Visibility in Skylines Miah
2012ViewMost Popular Package Design Miah
2012ViewOutsourcing Best Practices Mikita, DeHondt
2021ViewTowards a Leader-Driven Supply Chain Cybersecurity Framework Vanajakumari, Mittal, Stoker, Clark, Miller
2024ViewInsights for the next viral outbreak: An information systems applied research based on lessons from COVID-19 D'Souza, Mishra
2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
2021ViewDoes the Executive Perception of the Value of Information Technology (IT) Influence the IT strategy? A Case Study Pandey, Mishra
2021ViewInterpreting Organizational Security Governance Objectives for Strategic Security Planning Mishra
2020ViewAddressing issues with EMR resulting in workarounds: An exploratory study Mishra, Slonka, Draus, Bromall, Slonka
2020ViewExamining Organizational Security Governance (OSG) Objectives: How is strategic planning for Security is undertaken at ABC Corporation? Mishra
2013ViewAnalysis of Electronic Health Mitchell, Clark
2013ViewInformation Security Blueprint Clark, Benli, Mitchell, Vetter
2021ViewTowards a Leader-Driven Supply Chain Cybersecurity Framework Vanajakumari, Mittal, Stoker, Clark, Miller
2022ViewA Scalable Amazon Review Collection System Woodall, Kline, Vetter, Modaresnezhad
2022ViewCybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Initial Impact on the Defense Industrial Base Strohmier, Stoker, Vanajakumari, Clark, Cummings, Modaresnezhad
2024ViewExamining Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Mohammed, Lind
2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
2021ViewIntegration of Information Systems: Robotic Process Automation Money
2020ViewKnowledge Management System Development: Handling Evolution from Explicit to Tacit and Social Mew, Money
2018ViewCloud Computing: Implications for Information Systems Development Service Providers and Practitioners Mew, Money
2010ViewNetwork Growing Pains Clark, Mahar, Moussawi
2009ViewThe Impact of Technology Diffusion on Employment, Compensation, and Productivity: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector Clark, Moussawi
2019ViewStandardizing Public Utility Data: A Case Study of a Rural Mid-Size Utility Hassler, Cazier, Russell, Mueller, Paprocki
2022ViewImpact of Review Valence and Perceived Uncertainty on Purchase of Time-Constrained and Discounted Search Goods Muzumdar