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Search returned 9 items for : E

InstitutionYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
East Carolina University2020ViewAn Empirical Study of Post-Production Software Code Quality When Employing the Agile Rapid Delivery Methodology
Eastern Connecticut State University2017ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider's Perspective Petkov, Petkova
Eastern Connecticut State University2012ViewSocial Networking Systems and Campus Life Sgambato, Petkov, Wolf
Eastern Connecticut State University2010ViewOn Design Science, MCDM, and Outsourcing Decision Making Petkov, Petkova
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University2021ViewEnterprise Architecture Transformation Process from a Federal Government Perspective Canada, Halawi
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University2019ViewWhere We are with Enterprise Architecture Halawi, McCarthy, farah
Emory University2017ViewFinding the “Radicalness” in Radical Innovation Adoption Sharma, Thomas, Konsynski
Epic Systems2015ViewBuilding a Better Stockbroker: Managing Big (Financial) Data by Constructing an Ontology-Based Framework Westrick, Du, Wolffe
Euromed Management Kedge2013ViewDo experiments using immersive and interactive 3D structures improve memorization? Lombardo, Angelini