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Search by Institutions

Search returned 34 items for : P

InstitutionYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
Pace University2018ViewA Dynamic and Static Analysis of the Uber Mobile Application from a Privacy Perspective Hayes, Snow, Altuwayjiri
Pace University2017ViewMalvertising - A Rising Threat To The Online Ecosystem Dwyer, Kanguri
Pace University2016ViewLeakage of Geolocation Data by Mobile Ad Networks Snow, Hayes, Dwyer
Pace University2015ViewA Cloud Computing Methodology Study of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) in the Financial Industry Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph
Pace University2014ViewA Feasibility Study of Platform-as-a-Service Using Cloud Computing for a Global Service Organization Gai, Steenkamp
Pace University2014ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph, Narula
Pace University2013ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Desai, Joseph
Pace University2011ViewThe Potential Reality of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a Cloud Computing Strategy Lawler
Pace University2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
Penn State University 2024ViewInvestigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
Penn State University 2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
Penn State University 2023ViewQR Code Hacking – Detecting Multiple Vulnerabilities in Android Scanning Software Homan, Breese
Penn State University 2023ViewThe Effect of Mental Illness on Compensation for IT Developers Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
Penn State University 2022ViewThe COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Information Technology Employment, Salaries, and Career Opportunities Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci, Hunsinger
Penn State University 2021ViewJob and Career Satisfaction of Software Engineers Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Penn State University 2021ViewOpen Source Software: A Detailed Analysis of Contributions and Quality Peslak, Hunsinger
Penn State University 2020ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
Penn State University 2018ViewFacebook Fanatics: A Linguistic and Sentiment Analysis of the Most “Fanned” Facebook Pages Peslak
Penn State University 2018ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
Penn State University 2017ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies
Penn State University 2016ViewAn Expanded Analysis of Internet Dependencies by Demographic Variables Peslak
Penn State University 2014ViewA Study of Information Technology Operating and Capital Expenditures and Their Effect on Positive Firm Outcomes , Peslak
Penn State University 2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action
Penn State University 2012ViewDoes Size Matter in IT? An exploratory analysis of critical issues facing organizations based on company size Peslak
Penn State University 2011ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
Penn State University 2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Instant Messaging Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Penn State University 2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Pennsylvania Western University - California2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
Pennsylvania Western University - California2023ViewAre Companies Responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) Data Privacy? A Survey of IoT User Perceptions Paullet, Pinchot, Chawdhry
Pennsylvania Western University - California2020ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
Pennsylvania Western University - California2018ViewWhat’s “Appening” to our Privacy? A Students Perspective on Downloading Mobile Apps Paullet, Chawdhry, Douglas, Compomizzi
Point Park University2012ViewThe New Tech Effect: Analyzing Juror Credibility Davis, Paullet, Kraeer, Grant
Police Scotland2015ViewIdentifying User Behavior from Residual Data in Cloud-based Synchronized Apps Grispos, Glisson, Pardue, Dickson
Purdue University Northwest2009ViewResearch Design for a Natural Disaster Management Communication System: Local Indiana Government Agency Model Nicolai, Puntillo, Bilow