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Search returned 90 items for : I

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
ICT Labour 2008ViewAssessing the Role of CSR in Outsourcing Decisions Babin
image retrieval2012ViewStudy of User Behavior in Image Retrieval and Implications for Content Versus Concept Based Access Schultz
Import2009ViewA Study of the Information Technology Trade between the United States and the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement Nations Pena, Aguirre, Saenz, Koong, Liu
impression formation2013ViewThe Impact of Intra-Organizational Social Cummings
Individual characteristics2023ViewHow Firms Can Impact IT Project Continuation Intentions: A Human Capital Perspective Totty, Zaza, Greer, Korzaan
Influence2014ViewSimilarity and Ties in Social Networks Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Information Assurance2009ViewAn Examination of Information Security in Mobile Banking Architectures Streff, Haar
Information display2024ViewDecisional Guidance to Promote Motivation in Supply Chain Decision Making Haines, Hodges
Information overload2024ViewUsing Textual Analytics to Process Information Overload of Cyber Security Subreddits Omakwu , Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Information Propagation2012ViewMeasuring Propagation in Online Social Networks: The case of YouTube Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Information security2018ViewInformation Security and Privacy Legislation: Current State and Future Direction Dunlap, Cummings, Janicki
Information security2014ViewInformation Security in Nonprofits: A First Glance at the State of Security in Two Illinois Regions Imboden, Phillips, Seib, Fiorentino
Information security2013ViewInformation Security Blueprint Clark, Benli, Mitchell, Vetter
Information security2012ViewThe New Tech Effect: Analyzing Juror Credibility Davis, Paullet, Kraeer, Grant
Information security2010ViewCan Management Predict Information Security Threats by Utilizing a Data Warehouse? Kim, Steen
information sharing2018ViewInformation Sharing Increases Drug Sample Inventory Management Efficiency in Healthcare Clinics: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment Lang, Chahal
Information System Development Methodologies2011ViewA Methodology Tailoring Model for Practitioner Based Information Systems Development Informed by the Principles of General Systems Theory Burns, Deek
Information systems2017ViewIdentifying the Critical Success Factors for Information Systems to Manage Sponsored Research Activities at Institutions of Higher Education Lehman, Ruzich
Information systems2015ViewA Cloud Computing Methodology Study of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) in the Financial Industry Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph
Information systems2014ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph, Narula
Information systems2013ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Desai, Joseph
Information systems2008ViewComputing Professional Association Membership: An Exploration of Membership Needs and Motivations Ritzhaupt, Umapathy, Jamba
Information Systems Outsourcing2017ViewBuilding Client Vendor Alignment Capability in Strategic Information Systems Outsourcing Ghosh
information systems services2018ViewCloud Computing: Implications for Information Systems Development Service Providers and Practitioners Mew, Money
Information technology2022ViewThe COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Information Technology Employment, Salaries, and Career Opportunities Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci, Hunsinger
Information technology2021ViewA Comparative Study on Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure and Disaster Recovery Methodology Sambasivam, Brown Jr
Information technology2021ViewJob and Career Satisfaction of Software Engineers
Information technology2014ViewA Study of Information Technology Operating and Capital Expenditures and Their Effect on Positive Firm Outcomes Peslak
Information technology2014ViewInformation Security in Nonprofits: A First Glance at the State of Security in Two Illinois Regions Imboden, Phillips, Seib, Fiorentino
Information technology2011ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
Information technology2010ViewAn Exploratory Study of Relationships between Workforce Characteristics Totterdale
Information technology2008ViewComputing Professional Association Membership: An Exploration of Membership Needs and Motivations Ritzhaupt, Umapathy, Jamba
information technology and computing2010ViewTowards an Abstract Model for Academia and Information Technology Sector Collaborative Partnerships: Responding to the “West Texas Coalition for Innovation and Commercialization” Initiative ,
information technology issues2012ViewDoes Size Matter in IT? An exploratory analysis of critical issues facing organizations based on company size Peslak
information technology management2012ViewDoes Size Matter in IT? An exploratory analysis of critical issues facing organizations based on company size Peslak
Information Technology outsourcing2012ViewOutsourcing Best Practices Mikita, DeHondt
Information Technology outsourcing2010ViewOn Design Science, MCDM, and Outsourcing Decision Making Petkov, Petkova
information technology strategy2012ViewDoes Size Matter in IT? An exploratory analysis of critical issues facing organizations based on company size Peslak
infrastructure as a service2012ViewUsing the cloud: Keeping Enterprise Data Private Cronin, Pauli, Ham
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)2014ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph, Narula
Innovation2023ViewE-Commerce Drone Delivery Acceptance: A Study of Gen Z's Switching Intention Kaleta, Xie, Chen
Inside Sales2016ViewDriving Inside Sales Performance with Lead Management Systems: A Conceptual Model Ohiomah, Benyoucef, Andreev
Instant messaging2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Instant Messaging Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Institutional Resources2021ViewEnhancing Learning Analytics: The Rise of Institutional Research Perkins, Ariyachandra
Integration2021ViewIntegration of Information Systems: Robotic Process Automation Money
Integration2011ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
intention to continue2023ViewHow Firms Can Impact IT Project Continuation Intentions: A Human Capital Perspective Totty, Zaza, Greer, Korzaan
intentions2018ViewStudent Intentions and Behaviors Related to Email Security: An Application of the Health Belief Model Schymik, Du
Interaction Style2013ViewComparing Performance of Web Service Interaction Styles: SOAP vs. REST Kumar, Ahuja, Umapathy, Prodanoff
interface design2010ViewSuperfund Site Analysis Using Web 2.0 Technologies Anderson, Jafar, Rogers
Internal Load2022ViewUsing Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team Njunge, Witman, Holmberg, Canacoo
international2021ViewAn International Review and Study on Perceptions of Security, Adoption, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records Aliyu, Wimmer, Powell, Rebman Jr.
Internationalization2022ViewA Comparison of Internationalization and Localization Solutions for Web and Mobile Applications Wang, Chung, Yoon
Internet2016ViewAn Expanded Analysis of Internet Dependencies by Demographic Variables Peslak
Internet of Things2023ViewAre Companies Responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) Data Privacy? A Survey of IoT User Perceptions Paullet, Pinchot, Chawdhry
Internet of Things2021ViewInternet of Things (IoT): An Analysis of the Research Jourdan, Corley, Ryan, Anderson
Internet of Things2021ViewPrivacy Concerns and Data Sharing Habits of Personal Fitness Information Collected via Activity Trackers Pinchot, Cellante
Internet of Things hacking2023ViewQR Code Hacking – Detecting Multiple Vulnerabilities in Android Scanning Software Homan, Breese
Interpersonal Violence2015ViewOn Adapting a War-Gaming Discrete Event Simulator with Big Data and Geospatial Modeling Toward a Predictive Model Ecosystem for Interpersonal Violence Mhlanga, Perry, Kirchner
interruptions2012ViewThe Effects of Interruptions on Remembering Task Information Lenox, Pilarski, Leathers
interviews2020ViewAddressing issues with EMR resulting in workarounds: An exploratory study Mishra, Slonka, Draus, Bromall, Slonka
intra-organizational social networking sites2013ViewThe Impact of Intra-Organizational Social Cummings
Intrinsic motivation2024ViewDecisional Guidance to Promote Motivation in Supply Chain Decision Making Haines, Hodges
IoT2022ViewSecurity Control Techniques: Cybersecurity & Medical Wearable Devices Sambasivam, Deal
IoT2018ViewProtecting IoT from Mirai botnets; IoT device hardening Frank, Nance, Jarocki, Pauli
iPhone Forensics2016ViewLeakage of Geolocation Data by Mobile Ad Networks Snow, Hayes, Dwyer
IS 2002 model curriculum2010ViewNetwork Growing Pains Clark, Mahar, Moussawi
IS 2002 model curriculum2010ViewNetwork Growing Pains Clark, Mahar, Moussawi
IS Strategy2013ViewThe Impact of Regulatory Changes on IS Strategy: An Exploratory Study Reinicke, Ward
IS success2013ViewRocky Relationships: Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management Crumbly, Fryling
IT Audit2020ViewExamining Organizational Security Governance (OSG) Objectives: How is strategic planning for Security is undertaken at ABC Corporation? Mishra
IT Audit2010ViewThe Results of Implementing a Knowledge Management Initiative to Enhance Network Access Controls Kim, Nelson
IT Components2009ViewA Study of the Information Technology Trade between the United States and the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement Nations Pena, Aguirre, Saenz, Koong, Liu
IT Effectiveness2016ViewExploring Relationships between the Strategic Importance of IT and the Effectiveness of IT Security and Mobile Device Management Stanko, Sena, Sena
IT enabler2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
IT facilitator2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
IT governance2021ViewDoes the Executive Perception of the Value of Information Technology (IT) Influence the IT strategy? A Case Study Pandey, Mishra
IT industry2024ViewUsing Topic Modeling to Identify Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in the IT Industry Kosar, Lee
IT jobs2022ViewThe COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Information Technology Employment, Salaries, and Career Opportunities Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci, Hunsinger
IT offshoring risks2017ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider's Perspective Petkov, Petkova
IT project management2023ViewHow Firms Can Impact IT Project Continuation Intentions: A Human Capital Perspective Totty, Zaza, Greer, Korzaan
IT Projects2018ViewAn Exploratory Analysis of Gender Differences in IT Project Commitment, Continuation, and Escalation Korzaan, Harris, Brooks
IT role2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
IT skills2019ViewChanges in the Information Technology Field: A Survey of Current Technologies and Future Importance Cummings, Janicki
IT strategy2021ViewDoes the Executive Perception of the Value of Information Technology (IT) Influence the IT strategy? A Case Study Pandey, Mishra
IT strategy2016ViewExploring Relationships between the Strategic Importance of IT and the Effectiveness of IT Security and Mobile Device Management Stanko, Sena, Sena
IT support2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
IT Technologies2019ViewChanges in the Information Technology Field: A Survey of Current Technologies and Future Importance Cummings, Janicki
IT Technologies2014ViewShifting Technological Landscape: IT Departments and Anticipated Technological Changes Cummings, Janicki, Kline
IT/IS Skills2014ViewShifting Technological Landscape: IT Departments and Anticipated Technological Changes Cummings, Janicki, Kline