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Search returned 44 items for : O

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
Object-oriented testing2014ViewA Comparison of Software Testing Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Traditional Testing Gordon, Roggio
occupational culture2023ViewMeasuring Analytics Maturity and Culture: The LDIS+™ Analytics Impact Framework Fowler, Sambasivam
Offshoring2012ViewOutsourcing Best Practices Mikita, DeHondt
Offshoring2010ViewThe Impact of Transition Costs on Offshore Systems Development DeHondt, Leidig
Offshoring2008ViewAssessing the Role of CSR in Outsourcing Decisions Babin
Online advertising2017ViewMalvertising - A Rising Threat To The Online Ecosystem Dwyer, Kanguri
online applications2011ViewPassword Security Risk versus Effort: An Exploratory Study on User-Perceived Risk and the Intention to Use Online Applications Gebauer, Kline, He
Online Consumer Reviews2022ViewImpact of Review Valence and Perceived Uncertainty on Purchase of Time-Constrained and Discounted Search Goods Muzumdar
online gaming2017ViewCauses of cyberbullying in multi-player online gaming environments: Gamer perceptions Cotler, Fryling, Rivituso
online job postings2024ViewTools for Success: Their Impact on Salaries in the Data Analytics Job Market Hartzel, Ozturk
online mentoring2010ViewWomen's Technology Acceptance of Mentoring on the Internet Gibson, GIBSON
online purchasing2009ViewAnalysis of the Factors that Influence Online Purchasing
Online Social Networking2011ViewSeniors and Social Networking Lewis, Ariyachandra
online strategy2013ViewBuilding a Competitive Edge through Social Media Aimiuwu
Online Video Game2017ViewThe Effects of Discount Pricing Strategy on Sales of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Online Video Game Market Context Choi, Medlin, Hunsinger
Ontology2015ViewBuilding a Better Stockbroker: Managing Big (Financial) Data by Constructing an Ontology-Based Framework Westrick, Du, Wolffe
open source2016ViewA Comparison of Open Source Tools for Data Science Wimmer, Powell
open source2012ViewOpen Source Software in the Vertical Market: an Open Niche? Conlon
Open source software2021ViewOpen Source Software: A Detailed Analysis of Contributions and Quality Peslak, Hunsinger
Open source software2013ViewOpen Source Software Volunteerism vs. Carpenter
Open Wi-Fi2022ViewAnalysis of Security Features and Vulnerabilities in Public/Open Wi-Fi James
Open-Source Big Data Processing Framework2023ViewA Serverless Real-Time Data Streaming Architecture for Synchronous Online Math Competition Liu, Chung
Open-Source Data Streaming Framework2023ViewA Serverless Real-Time Data Streaming Architecture for Synchronous Online Math Competition Liu, Chung
operating expenditures2014ViewA Study of Information Technology Operating and Capital Expenditures and Their Effect on Positive Firm Outcomes Peslak
opinion analysis2017ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies Peslak
opinion mining2017ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies Peslak
opinion passing2019ViewDrone Delivery Services: An Evaluation of Personal Innovativeness, Opinion Passing and Key Information Technology Adoption Factors Chen, Choi, Charoen
order-of-growth2015ViewMeasuring Algorithm Performance With Java: Patterns of Variation McMaster, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
Organizational culture2023ViewMeasuring Analytics Maturity and Culture: The LDIS+™ Analytics Impact Framework Fowler, Sambasivam
Organizational culture2016ViewAssessing Cultural Aspects of Organizations for Knowledge Management Initiatives Fruehauf, Lehman
organizational dynamics2008ViewThe Importance of Business Process Alignment for IT Project Management of Commercial Software with Case Studies Kraft
Organizational Processes2020ViewPrivacy Considerations Throughout the Data Life Cycle Pomykalski
Organizational Security Governance2021ViewInterpreting Organizational Security Governance Objectives for Strategic Security Planning Mishra
Organizational Security Governance2020ViewExamining Organizational Security Governance (OSG) Objectives: How is strategic planning for Security is undertaken at ABC Corporation? Mishra
Organizational success2020ViewDigital Transformation and Geospatial Analytics Abot, Ariyachandra
organizational tribes2016ViewAssessing Cultural Aspects of Organizations for Knowledge Management Initiatives Fruehauf, Lehman
Outsourcing2017ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider's Perspective Petkov, Petkova
Outsourcing2016ViewGovernance of Outsourcing: Building a Better Relationship Babin, mer, Hayden Wimmerȁ嗑 刀攀戀洀愀渀 䨀爀⸀Ⰰ 䌀愀爀氀᐀刀攀戀洀愀渀 䨀爀⸀Ā#Á
Outsourcing2012ViewOutsourcing Best Practices Mikita, DeHondt
Outsourcing2011ViewCreating a Framework for Research on Virtual Organizations Reinicke
Outsourcing2011ViewMake or Buy: A comparative assessment of organizations that develop software internally versus those that purchase software Sena, Sena
Outsourcing2010ViewThe Impact of Transition Costs on Offshore Systems Development DeHondt, Leidig
Outsourcing2008ViewAssessing the Role of CSR in Outsourcing Decisions Babin
outsourcing decision2010ViewOn Design Science, MCDM, and Outsourcing Decision Making Petkov, Petkova