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Search returned 148 items for : S

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
SaaS2017ViewThe Effects of Discount Pricing Strategy on Sales of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Online Video Game Market Context Choi, Medlin, Hunsinger
SaaS2013ViewLet’s Look at the Cloud from a Risk Management Perspective Vignos, Kim, Metzer
Safe Driving2019ViewDriving Distractions and Multi-tasking: An Investigative Study Choi, Xiong, Medlin
SageMaker 2024ViewNetwork Intrusion Detection system with Machine learning Intrusion Detection System with Machine Learning As a Service Kangethe , Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Salaries2023ViewAn Exploration of the Benefits of Certifications and their Relationship to Salaries in IS/IT Matthews, Cummings, Janicki
salary2024ViewTools for Success: Their Impact on Salaries in the Data Analytics Job Market Hartzel, Ozturk
Sales Performance2016ViewDriving Inside Sales Performance with Lead Management Systems: A Conceptual Model Ohiomah, Benyoucef, Andreev
Sample2017ViewCrowdsourcing Surveys: Alternative Approaches to Survey Collection Cummings, Sibona
SAS2019ViewA Machine Learning Approach to Optimizing Diabetes Healthcare Management Using SAS Analytic Suite Ajani, Habek
scale development2014ViewDeveloping a Semantic Differential Scale for Measuring Users’ Attitudes toward Sensor based Decision Support Technologies for the Environment. Ajani, Hunsinger
SCM2013ViewRocky Relationships: Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management Crumbly, Fryling
SDM2010ViewSystem Development Methodology Usage in Industry: A Review and Analysis Griffin, Brandyberry
search engines2017ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies Peslak
secure coding2016ViewMoving Beyond Coding: Why Secure Coding Should be Implemented Grover, Cummings, Janicki
Security2022ViewAnalysis of Security Features and Vulnerabilities in Public/Open Wi-Fi James
Security2022ViewCombating Private Blockchain Fraud: A Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence Model Aimiuwu
Security2022ViewSecurity Control Techniques: Cybersecurity & Medical Wearable Devices Sambasivam, Deal
Security2021ViewAn International Review and Study on Perceptions of Security, Adoption, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records Aliyu, Wimmer, Powell, Rebman Jr.
Security2021ViewThe Promise and Perild of Drone Delivery Systems Fowler, Vannoy, Eggers, Medlin
Security2019ViewSecurity, Privacy, and Legislation Issues related to Commercial Drone Deliveries Vannoy, Medlin
Security2018ViewInformation Security and Privacy Legislation: Current State and Future Direction Dunlap, Cummings, Janicki
Security2017ViewThe Effects of Perceived Functionality and Usability on Privacy and Security Concerns about Adopting Cloud Applications Nakayama, Chen, Taylor
Security2015ViewCyber Security Best Practices: What to do? Kleinberg, Reinicke, Cummings
Security2011ViewPassword Security Risk versus Effort: An Exploratory Study on User-Perceived Risk and the Intention to Use Online Applications Gebauer, Kline, He
Security2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
Security Awareness2023ViewQR Code Hacking – Detecting Multiple Vulnerabilities in Android Scanning Software Homan, Breese
Security Breaches2010ViewCan Management Predict Information Security Threats by Utilizing a Data Warehouse? Kim, Steen
Security Effectiveness2016ViewExploring Relationships between the Strategic Importance of IT and the Effectiveness of IT Security and Mobile Device Management Stanko, Sena, Sena
Security management2016ViewExploring Relationships between the Strategic Importance of IT and the Effectiveness of IT Security and Mobile Device Management Stanko, Sena, Sena
Security management2010ViewCan Management Predict Information Security Threats by Utilizing a Data Warehouse? Kim, Steen
Security Threats2014ViewRisk Assessment & Management in Merchant Capture Systems: A Threat Analysis Perspective Streff, Shrestha, Delzer
SEM2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Instant Messaging Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
semantic differential scale2014ViewDeveloping a Semantic Differential Scale for Measuring Users’ Attitudes toward Sensor based Decision Support Technologies for the Environment. Ajani, Stork
semantic library web2020ViewAn Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Library Faculty and Patrons on Library Resources mer, Hayden Wimmerȁ嗑 刀攀戀洀愀渀 䨀爀⸀Ⰰ 䌀愀爀氀᐀刀攀戀洀愀渀 䨀爀⸀Ā#Á
Semantic Search2024ViewAn Action Research Approach to Building an Enterprise-Specific Chatbot (ESCB) Wood, Stoker
Seniors2011ViewSeniors and Social Networking Lewis, Ariyachandra
Sentiment analysis2024ViewUsing Textual Analytics to Process Information Overload of Cyber Security Subreddits Omakwu , Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Sentiment analysis2024ViewUsing Topic Modeling to Identify Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in the IT Industry Kosar, Lee
Sentiment analysis2021ViewExploring Sentiment Towards Contact Tracing Crable, Sena
Sentiment analysis2020ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
Sentiment analysis2018ViewFacebook Fanatics: A Linguistic and Sentiment Analysis of the Most “Fanned” Facebook Pages Peslak
Serverless2023ViewA Serverless Real-Time Data Streaming Architecture for Synchronous Online Math Competition Liu, Chung
Service-Dominant Logic2012ViewCo-Creating Value in Systems Development: A Shift towards Service-Dominant Logic Babb, Keith
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)2011ViewThe Potential Reality of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a Cloud Computing Strategy Lawler
service-oriented computing (SOC)2011ViewThe Potential Reality of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a Cloud Computing Strategy Lawler
service-oriented enterprise (SOE)2011ViewThe Potential Reality of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a Cloud Computing Strategy Lawler
setiment analysis2017ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies Peslak
Sharepoint2010ViewAn Exploratory Study of Relationships between Workforce Characteristics Totterdale
Short Stay Quality Measures2023ViewShort Stay Healthcare Quality in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Occupancy, Nurse Staff Mix, and COVID-19 Winston, Xiong, Medlin, Pelaez
signature tree2012ViewMaximizing Visibility in Skylines Miah
Similarity2014ViewSimilarity and Ties in Social Networks Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Skilled Nursing Facilities2023ViewShort Stay Healthcare Quality in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Occupancy, Nurse Staff Mix, and COVID-19 Winston, Xiong, Medlin, Pelaez
skylines2012ViewMaximizing Visibility in Skylines Miah
Small Business Development Corporation2010ViewTowards an Abstract Model for Academia and Information Technology Sector Collaborative Partnerships: Responding to the “West Texas Coalition for Innovation and Commercialization” Initiative Mhlanga, Vardiman, Reames
Smart contract2020ViewConceptualization of Blockchain-based Applications: Technical Background and Social Perspective Xiong, Tang, Medlin
smart sourcing2012ViewOutsourcing Best Practices Mikita, DeHondt
Smartphone2021ViewA Prototype for Distributed Computing Platform using Smartphones Wagner, Cao
smartphones2024ViewMobile Technology Has Changed Our Culture Paullet, Pinchot
smartphones2012ViewMobile Telephone Usage, Attitude, and Behavior During Group Meetings. Bajko
SMS2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
snap length2019ViewThe use of Snap Length in Lossy Network Traffic Compression for Network Intrusion Detection Applications Smith, Hammell II
Snort2019ViewThe use of Snap Length in Lossy Network Traffic Compression for Network Intrusion Detection Applications Smith, Hammell II
SOAP2013ViewComparing Performance of Web Service Interaction Styles: SOAP vs. REST Kumar, Ahuja, Umapathy, Prodanoff
Soccer2022ViewUsing Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team Njunge, Witman, Holmberg, Canacoo
Social capital2013ViewThe Impact of Intra-Organizational Social Cummings
Social capital2012ViewSocial Networking Systems and Campus Life Sgambato, Petkov, Wolf
Social Commerce2011ViewA Model for Understanding Social Commerce Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Social Contract Theory2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
Social Link Types2012ViewMeasuring Propagation in Online Social Networks: The case of YouTube Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Social media2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
Social media2014ViewCan Social Media aid Software Development? Reinicke, Cummings
Social media2014ViewDecision-Making via Visual Analysis using the Natural Language Toolkit and R Jafar, Babb, Dana
Social media2013ViewBuilding a Competitive Edge through Social Media Aimiuwu
Social media2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Social Network Analysis2014ViewSimilarity and Ties in Social Networks Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Social networking2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
Social networking2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Social networking2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
Social networking2010ViewAn Exploratory Study of Relationships between Workforce Characteristics Totterdale
Social Networking (SNS)2010ViewA Study of the Perceptions of Students on Privacy and Security on Social Networking Sites (SNS) on the Internet Lawler, Molluzzo
Social Networking Site2014ViewCan Social Media aid Software Development? Reinicke, Cummings
Social networking sites2017ViewCrowdsourcing Surveys: Alternative Approaches to Survey Collection Cummings, Sibona
Social networking sites2012ViewSocial Networking Systems and Campus Life Sgambato, Petkov, Wolf
Social Networking Use2011ViewSeniors and Social Networking Lewis, Ariyachandra
Social networks2012ViewMeasuring Propagation in Online Social Networks: The case of YouTube Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Social Ties2014ViewSimilarity and Ties in Social Networks Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Social Web2011ViewA Model for Understanding Social Commerce Afrasiabi Rad, Benyoucef
Software as a Service (SaaS)2012ViewUsing the cloud: Keeping Enterprise Data Private Cronin, Pauli, Ham
Software development2016ViewMoving Beyond Coding: Why Secure Coding Should be Implemented Grover, Cummings, Janicki
Software development2015ViewThe Silent Treatment in IT Projects: Gender Differences in Inclinations to Communicate Project Status Information Korzaan, Brooks
Software development2010ViewThe Impact of Transition Costs on Offshore Systems Development DeHondt, Leidig
Software engineering2020ViewAn Empirical Study of Post-Production Software Code Quality When Employing the Agile Rapid Delivery Methodology Poe, Seeman
Software engineers2021ViewJob and Career Satisfaction of Software Engineers Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Software project schedule estimation2013ViewEarly Stage Probabilistic Software Project Schedule Estimation Kwon, Hammell II
Software testing2014ViewTaxonomy of Common Software Testing Terminology: Framework for Key Software Engineering Testing Concepts Roggio, Gordon, Comer
software-as-a-service2013ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Desai, Joseph
sorting2015ViewMeasuring Algorithm Performance With Java: Patterns of Variation McMaster, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
special education2023ViewVirtual Reality in Special Education: An Application Review Li, Li, Zhang
sports analytics2022ViewUsing Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team Njunge, Witman, Holmberg, Canacoo
Spyware2010ViewSpyware: What Influences College Students to Use Anti-Spyware Tools? Ward, Hunsinger
SQL Injection2023ViewA Comparative Analysis of Web Application Vulnerability Tools Garcia, Abraham, Kepic, Cankaya
static testing2014ViewTaxonomy of Common Software Testing Terminology: Framework for Key Software Engineering Testing Concepts Roggio, Gordon, Comer
statistical analysis2012ViewApplying Business Intelligence Concepts to Medicaid Claim Fraud Detection Copeland, Edberg, Wendel
strategic2021ViewInterpreting Organizational Security Governance Objectives for Strategic Security Planning Mishra
strategic IT2023ViewInfluence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study Pandey, Mishra
Strategic planning2020ViewExamining Organizational Security Governance (OSG) Objectives: How is strategic planning for Security is undertaken at ABC Corporation? Mishra
strategic use of IT2011ViewMake or Buy: A comparative assessment of organizations that develop software internally versus those that purchase software Sena, Sena
strategy2020ViewPrivacy Considerations Throughout the Data Life Cycle Pomykalski
strategy2015ViewA Cloud Computing Methodology Study of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) in the Financial Industry Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph
strategy2014ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Joseph, Narula
strategy2013ViewA Study of Cloud Computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in Financial Firms Lawler, Howell-Barber, Desai, Joseph
strategy2013ViewBuilding a Competitive Edge through Social Media Aimiuwu
structural2021ViewInterpreting Organizational Security Governance Objectives for Strategic Security Planning Mishra
structural equation modeling2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
structural equation modeling2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Instant Messaging Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Student engagement2023ViewMeasuring Learners’ Cognitive Load When Engaged with an Algorithm Visualization Tool Fathi, Teresco, Regan
Student learning2023ViewMeasuring Learners’ Cognitive Load When Engaged with an Algorithm Visualization Tool Fathi, Teresco, Regan
Student Learning Outcomes2021ViewEnhancing Learning Analytics: The Rise of Institutional Research Perkins, Ariyachandra
subset of attributes2012ViewMaximizing Visibility in Skylines Miah
success2011ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
success factors2017ViewBuilding Client Vendor Alignment Capability in Strategic Information Systems Outsourcing Ghosh
supply chain2021ViewTowards a Leader-Driven Supply Chain Cybersecurity Framework Vanajakumari, Mittal, Stoker, Clark, Miller
Supply chain management2021ViewCase Study of Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management- Opportunities and Challenges Smith, Xiong, Medlin
Supply chain management2021ViewThe Promise and Perild of Drone Delivery Systems Fowler, Vannoy, Eggers, Medlin
Supply chain management2013ViewRocky Relationships: Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management Crumbly, Fryling
supply chain performance2024ViewDecisional Guidance to Promote Motivation in Supply Chain Decision Making Haines, Hodges
Support Vector Machines2023ViewIdentification of Stressed Wolf Populations Based on Hormone Levels Using Support Vector Machines (SVM) Stewart, Davis
Survey2022ViewDeterminants of Health Professionals’ Intention to Adopt Electronic Health Record Systems Du, Sturgill
Survey2018ViewStudent Intentions and Behaviors Related to Email Security: An Application of the Health Belief Model Schymik, Du
Survey2010ViewFactors that Persuade and Deter Membership in Professional Computing Associations Umapathy, Jamba, Ritzhaupt
Surveys2017ViewCrowdsourcing Surveys: Alternative Approaches to Survey Collection Cummings, Sibona
Sustainability2022ViewHarvesting Intrinsically Verifiable Trust: Building a Honey Traceability System for Sustainable Development Runzel, Hassler, Hadley, Ratcliffe, Wilkes, Cazier
Sustainability2020ViewTrash to Treasure: Predicting Landfill Gas Flow to Optimize Electricity Generation Hassler, Emery, Hoyle, Cazier
Sustainability2019ViewStandardizing Public Utility Data: A Case Study of a Rural Mid-Size Utility Hassler, Cazier, Russell, Mueller, Paprocki
Sustainability2008ViewAssessing the Role of CSR in Outsourcing Decisions Babin
switching behavior2023ViewE-Commerce Drone Delivery Acceptance: A Study of Gen Z's Switching Intention Kaleta, Xie, Chen
Synchronous Online Math Competition2023ViewA Serverless Real-Time Data Streaming Architecture for Synchronous Online Math Competition Liu, Chung
System Development2020ViewKnowledge Management System Development: Handling Evolution from Explicit to Tacit and Social Mew, Money
System Development Methodology2010ViewSystem Development Methodology Usage in Industry: A Review and Analysis Griffin, Brandyberry
System Dynamics2015ViewERP Customization vs. Business Process Reengineering: Technical and Functional Perceptions Fryling
System integration2017ViewIdentifying the Critical Success Factors for Information Systems to Manage Sponsored Research Activities at Institutions of Higher Education Lehman, Ruzich
Systems analysis2018ViewCloud Computing: Implications for Information Systems Development Service Providers and Practitioners Mew, Money
Systems analysis & design2014ViewCan Social Media aid Software Development? Reinicke, Cummings
Systems development2018ViewCloud Computing: Implications for Information Systems Development Service Providers and Practitioners Mew, Money
Systems development2014ViewCan Social Media aid Software Development? Reinicke, Cummings
Systems development methods2012ViewCo-Creating Value in Systems Development: A Shift towards Service-Dominant Logic Babb, Keith
systems integration2011ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
Systems thinking2017ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider's Perspective Petkov, Petkova