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Search returned 58 items for : T

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
TAM2021ViewThe Sting of Adoption: The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Actual Usage in a Hazardous Environment Hassler, MacDonald, Cazier, Wilkes
TAM2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Task-Technology Fit Theory2019ViewAligning the Factors of Skill, Technology and Task to Influence the Continued Use of Mobile Payment Users in China Chen, Choi, Xiong, Tang
Taxonomy2011ViewA Process for Assessing Voting System Risk Using Threat Trees Yasinisac, Pardue
Tcpdump2019ViewThe use of Snap Length in Lossy Network Traffic Compression for Network Intrusion Detection Applications Smith, Hammell II
Technology2023ViewImpact of Emergent Technologies on US Workforce: Exploratory Analysis Toskin
Technology acceptance2010ViewWomen's Technology Acceptance of Mentoring on the Internet Gibson, GIBSON
Technology Acceptance Model2021ViewThe Sting of Adoption: The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Actual Usage in a Hazardous Environment Hassler, MacDonald, Cazier, Wilkes
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2018ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2016ViewExploratory Study of Effects of eLearning System Acceptance on Learning Outcomes Ghosh
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2011ViewFactors Influencing People to Use Linux Hunsinger, Fransen
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2009ViewAnalysis of the Factors that Influence Online Purchasing Amoroso, Hunsinger
Technology adoption2021ViewCase Study of Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management- Opportunities and Challenges Smith, Xiong, Medlin
Technology Awareness2010ViewSpyware: What Influences College Students to Use Anti-Spyware Tools? Ward, Hunsinger
technology diffusion2009ViewThe Impact of Technology Diffusion on Employment, Compensation, and Productivity: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector Clark, Moussawi
Technology Threat Avoidance Theory2024ViewU.S. Healthcare System’s Electronic Health Records Security Threat Avoidance Woldeyohannis, Lind
Technology-mediated Learning2016ViewExploratory Study of Effects of eLearning System Acceptance on Learning Outcomes Ghosh
technology-skill complementarity2009ViewThe Impact of Technology Diffusion on Employment, Compensation, and Productivity: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector Clark, Moussawi
telecommunication regulation2013ViewGlobal Diffusion of Virtual Social Networks: A Pyramid Model of Cultural, Developmental and Regulatory Foundations Wang, Sun
term frequency2024ViewUsing Textual Analytics to Process Information Overload of Cyber Security Subreddits Omakwu , Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Terminal Ballistics2014ViewPredicting the Terminal Ballistics of Kinetic Energy Projectiles Using Artificial Neural Networks Auten, Hammell II
testing levels2014ViewA Comparison of Software Testing Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Traditional Testing Gordon, Roggio
Texas Emerging Technology Fund2010ViewTowards an Abstract Model for Academia and Information Technology Sector Collaborative Partnerships: Responding to the “West Texas Coalition for Innovation and Commercialization” Initiative Mhlanga, Vardiman, Reames
Text Analytics2024ViewUsing Textual Analytics to Process Information Overload of Cyber Security Subreddits Omakwu , Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Text Analytics2020ViewLiterary Analysis Tool: Text Analytics for Creative Writers Grimsman, Kline, Vetter, Guinn
Text Messaging2018ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
Text Messaging2012ViewTalk to Text: Changing Communication Patterns Pinchot, Douglas, Paullet, Rota
Text Messaging2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Text Prediction2023ViewText Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence: An Analysis of Two Text Prediction Systems Wimmer, Du, Heri
texting2012ViewTalk to Text: Changing Communication Patterns Pinchot, Douglas, Paullet, Rota
thematic analysis2020ViewAddressing issues with EMR resulting in workarounds: An exploratory study Mishra, Slonka, Draus, Bromall, Slonka
Theory of planned behavior2018ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
Theory of planned behavior2013ViewWhat Influences Students to Use Dropbox? Hunsinger, Corley
Theory of planned behavior2012ViewGoogle Chrome and the Paradigm Shifts in the Browser Market Among Users Corley, Hunsinger
Theory of planned behavior2011ViewFactors Influencing People to Use Linux Hunsinger, Fransen
Theory of planned behavior2010ViewSpyware: What Influences College Students to Use Anti-Spyware Tools? Ward, Hunsinger
Theory of reasoned action2018ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
Theory of reasoned action2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
Theory of reasoned action2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
threat trees2011ViewA Process for Assessing Voting System Risk Using Threat Trees Yasinisac, Pardue
TikTok2024ViewSocial Media Users Only Have Two Clusters: A United States Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Menon
time based tradeoff2012ViewUsing the cloud: Keeping Enterprise Data Private Cronin, Pauli, Ham
Timeline2010ViewSystem Development Methodology Usage in Industry: A Review and Analysis Griffin, Brandyberry
Tobin's Q2014ViewPerformance and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Information Technology Industry Cowan, Parzinger, Welch, Welch
TOE Framework2018ViewExploratory Study of Organizational Adoption of Cloud based Big Data Analytics
Total Cost of Ownership2015ViewERP Customization vs. Business Process Reengineering: Technical and Functional Perceptions Fryling
TRA2012ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Theory of Reasoned Action Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
TRA2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Behavioral Intention and Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
traditional backup2021ViewA Comparative Study on Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure and Disaster Recovery Methodology Sambasivam
traditional testing2014ViewA Comparison of Software Testing Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Traditional Testing Gordon, Roggio
Traffic Analysis2019ViewAdversarial Machine Learning for Cyber Security De Lucia, Cotton
transition cost2010ViewThe Impact of Transition Costs on Offshore Systems Development DeHondt, Leidig
Trust2022ViewDeterminants of Health Professionals’ Intention to Adopt Electronic Health Record Systems Du, Sturgill
Trust2022ViewHarvesting Intrinsically Verifiable Trust: Building a Honey Traceability System for Sustainable Development Runzel, Hassler, Hadley, Ratcliffe, Wilkes, Cazier
Trust2009ViewAnalysis of the Factors that Influence Online Purchasing Amoroso, Hunsinger
Twitter2021ViewExploring Sentiment Towards Contact Tracing Crable, Sena
Twitter Data2017ViewAn Interactive Toolbox for Twitter Content Analytics Jafar, Waldman