Two co-located, peer-reviewed conferences focusing on

Computing Education +
Information Systems Applied Research

ISCAP-EDSIG, a member organization of educators and academic professionals, invites scholarly work including research papers, case studies, abstracts and workshop/panel proposals on improving Information Systems & Computing education and research. Registrants can attend both conferences.


EDSIG Conference on Computing Education

Accepting scholarly work in (but not limited to) pedagogy, model curriculum, learning environments, assessment, education innovation, principles & best practices, etc.

Call for Participationexpand_more description EDSIGCON Proceedings

settings CONISAR

Conference on Information System Applied Research

Accepting research in (but not limited to) cybersecurity, data privacy, big data management, cloud and virtualization, IS strategy, legal & ethical issues, etc.

Call for Participationexpand_more description CONISAR Proceedings

Key Focus Areas


Pedagogy & Curriculum

Research toward IS/IT/CIS/CS educators; including teaching cases for use in the classroom


Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice

Focused on teaching, teaching cases and implementing cybersecurity courses and real-world applications.


Applied Research

Research detailing the implementation of IS strategies in industry and society.


Data Analytics

Research focused on teaching, including teaching cases, and implementing data analytics courses and strategies.

When & Where


Wed., Nov. 2 —
Sat., Nov. 5, 2022

Deadlines expand_more Detailed Schedule schedule


Clearwater Beach, Florida

At the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, steps from Clearwater's renown beach and nature trails.

Location Info expand_more

Why attend


Journal Publication Pathway

Journal Publication Pathway; All papers submitted prior to the July deadline are eligible for publication in ISEDJ, JISAR and CPPJ. Award-winning papers are guaranteed acceptance and all papers submitted for journal consideration are subject to a revise and resubmit cycle to strengthen journal quality. The EDSIGCON best paper is given consideration for publication in JISE.


Research Collaboration

EDSIG is a community of educators that support each other to improve teaching and research, and to help connect attendees to collaborate on future projects. We are leaders in IS and Computing model curriculum.


Distinguished Keynote Speakers

Past keynote speakers include Turing Award winner Fred Brooks and HCI pioneer Ben Shneiderman.

Organizational Sponsors


Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals | Education Special Interest Group

Conference Chair

Anthony Serapiglia

Saint Vincent College


Registration Info

payment Registration


$395 before June 15

$475 after October 3

Virtual Registration


$400 after October 3

Ph.D. Students $125

EDSIG Fellow


$395 after October 3


EDSIG Fellow Retired


Regardless of date

Ph.D. or Masters Student


Regardless of date

Additional Paper


Without co-author(s) registering

Guest Package


Regardless of date

Cancellation Policies

Cancellations between May 1 and June 30 – full refund;

Cancellations between July 1 and October 1 – 75% of the registration fee + all additional fees (second paper, guest package) will be refunded.

Cancellations between Oct 2 and October 15 – 50% of the registration fee + all additional fees will be refunded. No refunds after October 15.

You may switch between the in-person conference and the virtual conference (or vice versa) until October 20 (as long as space permits), with the appropriate difference between the two registration modes ($70) either being due or refunded. All cancellations or changes must be in writing and sent to


Virtual Registration

ISCAP-EDSIG recognizes that participants may have limited ability to travel due to institutional restrictions or underlying health concerns. This year’s conference will have a limited virtual option for accepted papers. Authors will have the ability to present their work live, engage with peers who are at the conference site, and view/engage with other paper presentations from one breakout track (approximately 35 presentations). Accepted papers for the virtual option are eligible for awards, journal publications, and conference proceedings per the published deadline dates for the in-person conference.

During registration, authors will indicate whether they intend to attend the conference in-person or virtually. Virtual registrations must be requested by October 20. We will do our best to accommodate changes if space permits. Previous registrations can be changed from virtual to in-person or vice-versa. Those who change from virtual to in-person will be charged an additional $70. Those who change from in-person to virtual be refunded $70. Refer to the cancellation policy for specifics regarding refund procedures.

The number of virtual attendees will be limited and is at the discretion of the conference committee. The total number of virtual attendees will be determined by the virtual registration deadline, October 1.

Virtual presentations will occur between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time. A session chair will be present to coordinate virtual conferencing software and facilitate the in-person audience question and answer portion.


Clearwater Clearwater Beach, Florida


Clearwater & Tampa Area

Clearwater Beach offers a wide variety of attractions including beautiful white sand beaches voted #1 in America according to Trip Advisor's 2018 Traveler's Choice Awards. Clearwater's downtown district, overlooking the harbor & marina, provides a stunning backdrop for shopping and outstanding dining options with a view. Tampa International Airport and Downtown Tampa are just 22 miles away.

Sand Key Resort

Family-friendly waterfront hotel on Florida's Gulf Coast. Steps to the beach and Sand Key Park's nature trails. Easy access via Jolly Trolly to Clearwater Beach attractions including Pier 60 and Clearwater's Aquarium



Sand Key Resort

1160 Gulf Blvd, Clearwater Beach, FL 33767
(727) 595-1611

$165 per night

Special rate available Nov. 1 - 6.

To book additional days at $165/night before or after, first reserve using the link above and then email the hotel at and please include your confirmation code for any existing room nights you booked online.

Book before Oct 10th
pending block availability

We ask that you stay at the conference hotel. We must meet a room minimum to avoid penalties.

Hotel & Clearwater Photos

Conference Schedule Overview

Deadlines expand_more Detailed Schedule schedule

The times below are tentative. The formal program will be posted in late September.


Wednesday, November 2nd

  • 9:00am ISCAP Board Meeting
  • 12:00pm Registration opens
  • 1:00pm Sessions begin
  • 6:00pm Reception: Welcome first time attendees

Thursday, November 3rd

  • 8:00am Breakfast Outside (weather permitting)
  • 8:30am Registration opens
  • 9:00am Sessions begin
  • 11:30am New member session
  • 12:00pm Lunch: EDSIG Fellow & Retired JISE Editor recognition
  • 1:30pm Sessions begin
  • 4:30pm EDSIG Members Meeting
  • Dinner on your own with recommendations and meetups

Friday, November 4th

  • 8:00am Breakfast
  • 9:00am Featured Speaker followed by panel discussion
  • 9:00am Sessions begin
  • 12:00pm Lunch: Distinguished Educator recognition
  • 1:30pm Sessions begin
  • 2:30pm Sessions end / open time to explore island
  • 6:00pm Social Event on the beach

Saturday, November 5th

  • 8:00am Breakfast
  • 9:00am Learning Workshops
  • 9:00am Sessions begin
  • 11:00am Research & Abstract Paper-a-thon Find collaborators
  • 12:00pm Best Papers Awards Lunch


Conference Schedule Overview expand_less

  • file_download   April: Submission system open
  • grade   June 15: Deadline for award consideration for papers and cases
  • settings   June 15: Deadline for panel & workshop proposals (full consideration)
  • menu_book   July 15 July 30: Deadline for journal consideration for papers and cases. Top 25% of papers submitted before this deadline are invited for submission to our journals. (ISEDJ | JISAR)
  • check   August 15 August 29: Deadline for inclusion in proceedings for papers and abstracts. Deadline for panel & workshop proposals if program space available

* Resubmission is required since papers should be improved based on feedback from conference presentation.

Call for Participation


The EDSIG Conference on Computing Education

Invites scholarly work and research exploring Many Topics especially the following areas:

Full List of Topics expand_more

Special call for papers in

Cyber Defense Education

Contributions from researchers, practitioners, policy makers and educators on all theoretical and practical aspects of information security, assurance and privacy. Papers describing application of new technologies, tools, techniques, and lessons learned are encouraged. Work developing and promoting higher education in cyber defense and efforts to produce professionals with cyber defense expertise are particularly encouraged.

trending_up Education in Data Analytics

Innovation, developments, and new courses & programs focused on preparing students for careers in the fields of data analytics in business, social science and scientific research.

school Information Systems Model Curriculum

Reviewing, proposing, evaluating and reporting implementations or experiences managing curricula that support undergraduate and graduate degree programs or concentrations in information systems including interdisciplinary programs.

accessibility_new Innovation in Pedagogy

Theory and practice focused on the design, development, and delivery of information to our students including methods to determine content selection, how best to deliver the content, and how best to assess learning.



Scholarly papers of 5000 words, excluding appendices and references.

Details expand_more


Case studies of 5000 words, excluding appendices.

Details expand_more


Works in progress of 500 words.

Details expand_more


Interactive workshops of 50, 75, or 90 minutes.

Details expand_more


Panel discussions of 25, 50, or 75 minutes

Details expand_more
Papers Chair, EDSIGCON

Dave Woods

Miami University
Asst. Papers Chair, EDSIGCON

Kevin Mentzer

Nichols College


List of Topics, Areas & Key Words

  • pedagogy: teaching cases, testing, performance monitoring, eBooks, simulations, ...
  • curricula: model guidelines, learning objectives, assessment, major, minor, dual degree, ...
  • data analytics: education in big data, data science, machine learning, predictive analytics, ...
  • cyber security: education in mobile security, cybercrime, information privacy, policy issues,...
  • teaching/learning environments: MOOCs, flipped, distance, synchronous, asynchronous, ...
  • student recruitment: marketing, enrollment management, retention, ...
  • academic quality: outcome assessment, accreditation, academic integrity, ...
  • cross-disciplinary computing pedagogy: computing minors in business, science, engineering, medicine, arts, ...
  • cloud computing: education in virtualization, enterprise cloud system, management, SaaS, ...
  • degree programs: secondary, associate, UG, BS, BA, masters, Ph.D., ...
  • graduate placement: industry relations, advisory groups, internships, apprenticeships, ...
  • computing hardware: eduction in sustainability, nanotechnology, architecture, organization, networking, clouds, mobile, ...
  • problem solving frameworks: education in modeling, relational, object, aspect, numerical, analogical, SWOT, ...
  • project organization and methodologies: education in life cycles, team structure, RAD, Agile, Lean, XP, ...
  • society: E-government, social media, privacy, cybercrime, cyber-medicine, ...
  • faculty development: Ph.D. research, mentoring, scholarship, publication, professional service, ...


Call for Teaching Cases


The objective of the teaching case track is to provide a venue for the presentation and publication of short, high quality teaching cases for use in the classroom. We encourage traditional scenario-based cases that become a starting point for discussions and research. We also encourage submissions for lab exercises, or other technology-based experiences, that become the foundation for further experiments, discussions, and research.

Cases Chair

Ira Goldstein

Siena College
Asst. Cases Chair

Michelle Louch

Carlow University

Submission Details

calendar_today   Deadlines expand_less

description   Student Template

description   Instructor Template

move_to_inbox   Submission System

Be sure to select Case - Teaching.

The following information should be prepared and submitted through our unified submission system.

  1. The papers submission site will request the following information:
    • Title
    • Authors/Institution
    • Case Abstract
  2. Prepare one ZIP folder/file to upload to the web site. This should contain:
    • One Word document for the case as it is to be given directly to students
    • One Word document to be viewed only by the instructor
    • Any other materials pertaining to the case, for example, PowerPoint presentations, additional handouts, data workouts, database files, video files, audio files and image files.

Teaching Cases - Guidelines & Requirements

Document Style & Formatting

  1. Paper format: Please follow the guidelines as detailed in the template provided for submissions to the general category
  2. Please include as much data and direction as possible in the student case paper, and in the instructor guide as well. This may include data sets, or links to software downloads.
  3. Multimedia materials are strongly encouraged – photographs (in public domain), videos and audio files should be included when appropriate. This is one of the ways in which we hope to distinguish cases presented through EDSIG/ISEDJ.
  4. When possible - portray real people, organizations and situations. Certainly, you may base the case on data gathered during case-based research. However information must be disguised to avoid identifying the subjects of the study or violating agreements.
  5. Avoid words that indicate your own value judgments in the case. However such words spoken or written by people depicted in the case are appropriate. Cases should be "open ended" to allow for discussion on all sides of an issue.
  6. Case scenarios should be written in the past tense.
  7. Please limit the text of the students’ material to 5,000 words or fewer. If more material is necessary to provide additional supporting detail (e.g., specific lab instructions), please include than in an Appendix.
  8. Please remove any identifying information in the properties section of the document.
  9. File format: Word (.docx) documents

Instructor's Materials

The objective is to encourage the use of cases by enabling colleagues to quickly assess the usefulness of a case and then use it with minimum preparation.

  1. "Hook" statement that generates interest in the case. Think of this like a phrase or short sentence that you might see on a poster advertising a motion picture.
  2. Case abstract. In a few sentences, what is the business or organizational situation and what are the business problem(s) to which the case applies?
  3. List of pre- or co-requisite key terms, concepts, skills/techniques. This will help instructors help students in concept formation by identifying specific terms and concepts that students must be able to define in order to achieve the analysis goals of the case.
  4. Suggested questions for prompting discussion along with possible responses.
  5. Pre- and post-case questions designed specifically to support assessment of learning.
  6. Teaching tips based on piloting of the case including remarks regarding material that seems especially difficult for students to grasp.
  7. Masters of slides and handouts, if applicable.
  8. Data workouts, if applicable.
  9. Be sure to include statements on: the audience this material is targeted to, both in level of student and course type; how many times this case has been used in a classroom; estimated time of preparation for the professor; and estimated time for completion by students

Note from the Co-chairs

In the past several years we continue to grow the Teaching Cases division of the EDSIG Conference and ISEDJ significantly, in quality, variety, and numbers. We would like to extend to you an invitation to help us continue to grow this area of our organization by sharing your work with your peers and colleagues.

In reflecting on the ideas behind the EDSIG, CONISAR conferences and our journals ISEDJ, JISAR, and JISE – missions that include providing IS educators with the latest research in educational techniques, processes and technology – we are continuing our project of collecting approaches and experiences that have been proven to work in the classroom, have them peer-reviewed, and available to beginning professors as well as those seasoned educators looking for new and fresh exercises for their courses. We are building a repository of materials created by us and for us that can be utilized in our classrooms and courses with confidence and ease of adoption.

With that mandate in mind, we accept submitted papers in two specific areas to the Teaching Case division. The first is the more traditional "Case Study" format where you provide a situational environment that students will then use as a platform to perform further research, compose position papers, dissect decision making, or offer up alternative solutions to the problems presented within. The second area is an expanded opportunity to present practical labs, experiments, hands on exercises, or other lesson frameworks that can easily be adapted by other professors and utilized in their course environments. Unlike pedagogical papers submitted through the regular research paper track, these teaching cases should be focused on the classroom experience. Just as with the traditional case study, these teaching cases should also include extensive notes to explain the experience and application of the skills and concepts highlighted in the exercise/lab.

We need your submissions to make this work!

Submissions will be considered for a "Best Case" award at the conference, and will also be considered for publication for a special "Teaching Cases" edition of the ISEDJ.

The deadlines are as follows: June 15 for consideration for the "Best Case" award, July 15 for ISEDJ consideration and August 15 for conference proceedings inclusion.

We look forward to seeing you in Clearwater Beach, Florida on Nov. 4-7. Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions!

Call for Participation


Conference on Information Systems Applied Research

Invites scholarly work and research including the following:

Special call for papers in

Data Analytics

Research and scholarly papers, including case studies, experiential analysis and best practices in the areas of data wrangling, cleaning & visualization; predictive analysis; data science workflows; improving data quality; data strategy & governance; using large scale data sets; data lifecycle within companies; data management & exploitation strategy; opportunities & risks with data value creation; utilising data to drive efficiency; managing data science teams.

list List of Topics

  • Machine Learning & Big Data Analytics
  • Business Intelligence
  • Applied Research & Methodologies in Information Systems
  • Data Science & Business Analytics
  • Information Systems Management
  • Cloud Computing & IT Infrastructure
  • Database Management & Data Warehousing
  • Digital & Multimedia Technologies
  • Ethical, Legal & Privacy Issues
  • IT Management and Strategy
  • Security/Networks/Telecommunications
  • Systems Development & Software Engineering.


Scholarly papers of 5000 words, excluding appendices and references.

Details expand_more


Works in progress of 500 words.

Details expand_more


Interactive workshops of 50, 75, or 90 minutes.

Details expand_more


Panel discussions of 25, 50, or 75 minutes

Details expand_more
Papers Chair, CONISAR

Jeff Cummings

University of North Carolina Wilmington


Call for Abstracts & Works in Progress

Topics & Key Areas

EDSIGCON expand_less CONISAR expand_less


We wish to encourage the development of new research through the presentation of Abstracts and Works in Progress (WIP). These events are a great venue in which to receive initial feedback on a concept as well as to solicit potential co-authors.

  • Submitted Abstracts/WIPs will be considered for presentation at EDSIGCON/CONISAR and will appear in the conference proceedings.
  • Abstracts/WIPs will not be considered for journal publication.
  • Ten minutes of presentation time and 5 minutes of discussion will be allocated for each Abstract/WIP.

Submission Details

calendar_today   Deadlines expand_less

move_to_inbox   Submission System

Be sure to select Abstract.

The following information should be prepared and submitted through our submission system.

  1. Title
  2. Authors: Name, Affiliation and Email Address
  3. Subject Area / Track
  4. Abstract: Maximum of 500 words and optional short bibliography. Bibliography does not count toward the 500 words and may be formatted in any standard format. One optional figure or diagram can be included.
Abstracts Co-chair

Victor Berardi

Kent State University
Abstracts Co-chair

Vaneet Kaur

Kent State University

Conference Team

Conference Chairs, Planning Committee, Journal & Proceedings Contacts
Conference Chair

Anthony Serapiglia

Saint Vincent College
Meeting Planner & Journal Publisher

Tom Janicki

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Communications Chair

Amy Connolly

James Madison University
Papers Chair, EDSIGCON

Dave Woods

Miami University
Papers Chair, CONISAR

Jeff Cummings

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Cases Chair

Ira Goldstein

Siena College
Asst. Cases Chair

Michelle Louch

Carlow University
Proceedings Chair

Leigh Mutchler

James Madison University
Workshops Chair

Mark Frydenberg

Bentley University
Asst. Papers Chair, EDSIGCON

Kevin Mentzer

Nichols College
Abstracts Co-chair

Victor Berardi

Kent State University
Abstracts Co-chair

Vaneet Kaur

Kent State University
Vendors Chair

Greg Blundell

Kent State University
ISEDJ Editor

Paul Witman

California Lutheran University
JISAR Editor

Scott Hunsinger

Appalachian State University
EDSIG Past President & Curricular Matters Chair

Jeff Babb

West Texas A&M University
EDSIG President

Eric Breimer

Siena College


2022 Sponsors

Journal Publication Pathway

Journal Publication Pathway; All papers submitted prior to the July deadline are eligible for publication in ISEDJ, JISAR and CPPJ. Award-winning papers are guaranteed acceptance and all papers submitted for journal consideration are subject to a revise and resubmit cycle to strengthen journal quality. The best paper from the EDSIG Conference is given consideration for publication in JISE.