
Nov 1-4, 2023

ISCAP Conference

Computing Education +
Information Systems Applied Research

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Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals
Education Special Interest Group

Call for Participation

2023 ISCAP Conference

Computing Education + Information Systems Applied Research


Nov 1-4, 2023
Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Welcome from the Conference Chair

We are delighted to invite you to submit your original pedagogical and applied information systems research and teaching papers to the 2023 ISCAP Conference on Computing Education and Information Systems Applied Research. The Conference solicits traditional scholarly papers, teaching materials with associated teaching notes, as well as abstracts, workshops, and panel discussions.

There is some deliberate overlap in the Focus Areas, so that authors can choose the one that best fits their professional goals. Teaching Exercises and Cases may address any one or more of the four Focus Areas. An extensive list of topic areas may be found here.

The ISCAP Conference (along with its predecessors, EDSIGCON and CONISAR) prides itself on being a collegial, developmental venue. We welcome papers from newer faculty, as well as qualified student authors and presenters. All research papers, teaching cases and exercises, and instructor notes go through a double-blind peer review process to ensure quality content at the Conference and in future Journal submissions.

And of course, as a volunteer-run Conference, we offer a range of volunteer opportunities – please come and meet the group, and find your research and publication home here!

Yours sincerely,

Paul D. Witman, Ph.D.

Conference Chair
On behalf of the 2023 Conference Team
and all members of ISCAP

Focus Areas

The Conference is organized around four main Focus Areas:

IS Education

Information Systems Model Curriculum, Innovation in Pedagogy, Online Learning, and other topics

IS Applied Research

IS Practice/Research, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Technology Changes/Trends, IT Strategy, and other topics


Cybersecurity Education as well as Cybersecurity Research topics

Data Analytics

Analytics Education as well as Analytics Research

Submission Types

We offer five submission types for maximum flexibility for authors and organizers:

Research Papers

New research in any of the focus areas, based on appropriate methodology and literature review, as with any scholarly publication.

Teaching Cases

Teaching exercises and teaching case studies, in any Information Systems or technology topic area, with instructor notes.


Works in progress describing early stages of research, up to 500 words.


Panel of experts to discuss and answer questions about a particular topic of interest.


Interactive sessions designed to engage the educator audience with new tools and methods for teaching and research.

Dates & Deadlines

 Conference Schedule Nov. 1-4  PDF Program


Paper system open for submissions

June 20

Deadline for award consideration for papers and cases. Early bird registration deadline. Deadline for panel & workshop proposals (for priority consideration).

July 31

Deadline for journal consideration for papers and cases. All papers submitted by this deadline are invited for submission to our journals.

August 31

Deadline for inclusion in proceedings for papers and abstracts. Final deadline for panel & workshop proposals (if program space available).

October 1

Register for conference and hotel.

Journal Publication

Opportunities to fast track to journal publication

ISCAP is the proud publisher of four respected, double-blind peer-reviewed Information Systems journals:

List of Topics & Keywords

This list illustrates the area and keywords of common past submissions. It is by no means a complete list of topics and is given to help you identify if your specific submission is a good match for the conference.

  • pedagogy: teaching cases, testing, performance monitoring, eBooks, simulations, ...
  • curricula: model guidelines, learning objectives, assessment, major, minor, dual degree, ...
  • data analytics: education in big data, data science, machine learning, predictive analytics, ...
  • cyber security: education in mobile security, cybercrime, information privacy, policy issues,...
  • teaching/learning environments: MOOCs, flipped, distance, synchronous, asynchronous, ...
  • student recruitment: marketing, enrollment management, retention, ...
  • academic quality: outcome assessment, accreditation, academic integrity, ...
  • cross-disciplinary computing pedagogy: computing minors in business, science, engineering, medicine, arts, ...
  • cloud computing: education in virtualization, enterprise cloud system, management, SaaS, ...
  • degree programs: secondary, associate, UG, BS, BA, masters, Ph.D., ...
  • graduate placement: industry relations, advisory groups, internships, apprenticeships, ...
  • computing hardware: eduction in sustainability, nanotechnology, architecture, organization, networking, clouds, mobile, ...
  • problem solving frameworks: education in modeling, relational, object, aspect, numerical, analogical, SWOT, ...
  • project organization and methodologies: education in life cycles, team structure, RAD, Agile, Lean, XP, ...
  • society: E-government, social media, privacy, cybercrime, cyber-medicine, ...
  • faculty development: Ph.D. research, mentoring, scholarship, publication, professional service, ...


Hotel Albuquerque

Reserve Room Now - No Additional Rooms Available as of Oct 3

Update on hotel availability as of October 4:

Our host hotel: Hotel Albuquerque has closed reservations since we are within 30 days of our conference. They do have a few rooms on Tuesday/Wednesday nights at their current web rate of $184 + $20 resort fee per night.

To provide rooms for those still looking for a room: we have negotiated with a hotel immediately next to the conference hotel a rate of $199+($17.50 resort fee) for the Hotel Chaco which next to ours, this is below their current rate of $240 +35 resort fee / night.

Book your stay at the Hotel Chaco by calling 855.997.8208 and tell them you are with the ISCAP group (Group Code 2311INFO) to get the special rate. They have rooms from Tuesday to Saturday nights at a rate of $199/night for our members. Again this hotel is a three minute walk from the conference hotel. This permits you to particpate in all conference events and not have to Uber or Lyft from a distant hotel (which in the end would cost your more). Here is the web link for Wed to Saturday : ISCAP Group Code: 2311Info
If you desire to stay Tuesday night, call the hotel to get the group rate.

800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
866 505-7829

Scroll for info about Albuquerque

per night, including resort fee from Oct 31 - Nov 5


minute drive from Albuquerque International Airport


mile walk to historic Old Town Plaza

Renovated in 2022 and conveniently located in the heart of Old Town. The Hotel Albuquerque is steps away from Sawmill Market, a 25,000 square-foot food hall with various local vendors featuring an array of culinary experiences.

Our conference room rate is $149 + $10 resort fee (for a total of $159/per night). Rates are good until our block is sold out or on or before October 2, 2023. Rates will be honored 3 days before and 3 days after our conference (pending availability). You will be charged for one days stay with your reservation, but all reservations may be cancelled up to 48 hours in advance.

Reservations can be made using this link or by calling the hotel directly at 505 843-6300 and using the code ISCAP.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

One of the oldest cities in the US, boasting a unique multicultural history and heritage. Native American and Hispanic & Latino cultural influences are a part of everyday life. Authentic Southwest restaurants, shops and world-class visual and performing arts. Dramatic confluence of past and present set against a backdrop of the stunning Sandia Mountains and an endless blue sky.

Things to do

Visit world-class museums or stroll along Central Avenue (Route 66). 310 days of sunshine—perfect for outdoor activities, biking and hiking. The weather and scenery have made Albuquerque the hot air ballooning capital of the world.

Sandia Mountains

Just east of Albuquerque, millions of people journey into the Sandia Mountains each year. More than half these visitors ride the Sandia Peak Tram.

More info  
Sandia Peak Tramway

Experience Albuquerque from above, when you soar across the sky in the longest aerial tramway in North America reaching the 10,378-foot crest of the Sandia Mountains.

More info  
Hot Air Ballooning

New Mexico is known for year-round hot air ballooning and we've partnered up with the oldest and most experienced professional balloon ride company, Rainbow Ryders, to take your vacation to the next level.

More info  
Historic Old Town

Explore the heart of Albuquerque, Historic Old Town founded here in 1706 and the center of Albuquerque's cultural district, with numerous museums, shops, galleries, and restaurants.

More info  
Albuquerque Museum of Art

The Albuquerque Museum focuses on the American Southwest, and its history and photo archive collections primarily relate to Albuquerque's life and culture.

More info  
Outdoor Recreation

Albuquerque has some of the best outdoor recreation in the country, perfect for hiking, mountain biking, cycling, running, and more. Experience trails in the Sandia Mountains or the Manzano Mountains.

More info  
Museum of Natural History

The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science is just a short walk from Hotel Albuquerque. The museum is home to a wide array of interactive and educational displays, visiting collections, a planetarium, Dynomax, an IMAX theater, and permanent exhibits.

More info  
Sawmill Market

Adjacent to the Hotel Albuquerque, the Sawmill Market is a 25,000 square-foot food hall with numerous local food vendors showcasing a multitude of culinary traditions. It not only features restaurants and bars but also offers entertainment venues, art galleries, and more.

More info  

Conference Team

Paul Witman

Conference Chair & ISEDJ Editor

Tom Janicki

Conference Planner & Journal Publisher

David Woods

Papers Co-Chair, IS Education

Kevin Mentzer

Papers Co-Chair, IS Education

Daniel Rush

Papers Co-chair, IS Applied Research

Dana Schwieger

Papers Co-chair, IS Applied Research

Ira Goldstein

Teaching Cases Co-Chair

Michelle Louch

Teaching Cases Co-Chair

David Yates

Papers Chair, Cybersecurity

James Pomykalski

Papers Chair, Analytics

Vaneet Kaur

Abstracts Co-Chair

Victor Berardi

Abstracts Co-Chair

Mark Frydenberg

Corporate Workshops Chair

Melinda Korzaan

Member Fellowship Co-Coordinator

RJ Podeschi

Member Fellowship Co-Coordinator

Leigh Mutchler

Proceedings Editor

Paul Zhang

JISE Editor

Scott Hunsinger

JISAR Editor

Anthony Serapiglia

CPPJ Co-Editor

Jeff Cummings

CPPJ Co-Editor & ISCAP-EDSIG President

Amy Connolly

Communication Coordinator

Eric Breimer

Web Master


Sponsors & Exhibitors Information

Sponsor Form

This form includes all the information and instructions on how to become a sponsor and/or exhibitor.

2022 Sponsors


Nov 1-4, 2023

ISCAP Conference

Early Bird
$400 before June 15

Register Here

Item Cost


$495 after Oct 1


$125 Ph.D. or other students

EDSIG Fellow

$395 after Oct 1

EDSIG Fellow Retired

Regardless of date

Ph.D. or other students

Regardless of date

Additional Paper

Without co-author(s) registering

Guest Package

Regardless of date
  • May 1 - June 30 – full refund of all fees*
  • July 1 - October 1 – 75%
  • Oct 2 - October 15 – 50%
  • No refunds after October 15

* Registration fee and any additional fees (second paper, guest package).

You may switch between the in-person conference and the virtual conference (or vice versa) until October 20 (as long as space permits), with the appropriate difference between the two registration modes ($100) either being due or refunded. All cancellations or changes must be in writing and sent to publisher@isedj.org.

Virtual Registration

ISCAP-EDSIG recognizes that participants may have limited ability to travel due to institutional restrictions or underlying health concerns. This year’s conference will have a limited virtual option for accepted papers. Authors will have the ability to present their work live, engage with peers who are at the conference site, and view/engage with other paper presentations from one breakout room (approximately 35 presentations). Accepted papers for the virtual option are eligible for awards, journal publications, and conference proceedings per the published deadline dates for the in-person conference.

During registration, authors will indicate whether they intend to attend the conference in-person or virtually. Virtual registrations must be requested by October 20. We will do our best to accommodate changes if space permits. Previous registrations can be changed from virtual to in-person or vice-versa. Those who change from virtual to in-person will be charged an additional $100. Those who change from in-person to virtual be refunded $100. Refer to the cancellation policy for specifics regarding refund procedures.

The number of virtual attendees will be limited and is at the discretion of the conference committee. The total number of virtual attendees will be determined by the virtual registration deadline, October 1.

Virtual presentations will occur between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time. A session chair will be present to coordinate virtual conferencing software and facilitate the in-person audience question and answer portion.
