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Welcome to the only information systems-specific conference in the Western Hemisphere...and perhaps the world! As educators we are challenged with a continuingly need to update skills, learn new methods of problem solving, master new paradigms in our spare time, continually learn the ever-present software updates that are without end, and to pass on that complex knowledge and skill with almost the snap of a finger. We have dedicated ourselves to a discipline that has us reformulating academic courses as a matter of course, and incurring the wrath of curriculum committees that ask us when our discipline will become stable - like foreign language, history, or mathematics. It seems that we are continually re-inventing ourselves, our courses, and our entire curricula. With each minute of time we apply to our discipline, that is one more minute we steal from our families and personal life. We are, indeed, living in interesting times.
The purpose of the Association of Information Technology Professionals, Special Interest Group on Education, or EDSIG as we have become known, is to bring together educators who share in this demanding profession to discuss curricula, discover new methods of teaching that others have developed, learn new (and old) problem solving methods, be introduced to new software programs, and become a part of a nationwide support system of educators. As a member of EDSIG you have an opportunity to become as active in this organization as you desire, perhaps eventually becoming a member of the Board of Directors. The Bylaws of this organization have been designed to specifically limit the number of years any single individual can be on the Board, for we believe that in order for one to bring one's talents to bear in furthering one's discipline through a national organization, an opportunity must exist by which all have an opportunity to lead. If you seek to become active in molding the future of IS education, then please consider making your desire known to any member of the Board of Directors.
Lastly, we are privileged to be here in Philadelphia participating in this wonderful conference. I stand with the Board of Directors of EDSIG in congratulating Dr. Stuart Varden and his team for producing a truly memorable conference. Stuart, well done! You are a remarkable man and we are most fortunate to have you as our conference chair.
William J. Tastle, PhD
President, AITP-EDSIG
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