The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2000: §208
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| Paper (refereed) Internet Course and Curriculum Development
| Recommended Citation: Tastle, W J and U R Dumdum. E-enabling Systems Analysis and Design: A Case for Extending the IS Curriculum. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2000, v 17 (Philadelphia): §208.
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E-enabling Systems Analysis and Design: A Case for Extending the IS Curriculum
This paper argues that as information technology and organizational forms rapidly evolve, so must the domain of competencies of systems analysts and designers also evolve. The new economy, e-commerce and the concurrent rise of disruptive technologies are characterized and then a specific example is then provided using business webs as a new context in which systems analysts must effectively operate. To e-enable systems analysis and design, it is argued that the IS curriculum (both IS'97 and ISCC'99) be extended to include two additional competencies analysts and designers must possess to be able to innovatively and strategically contribute in this new Internet-based context: value proposition analysis and design and web-based business modeling.
Keywords: systems analysis and design, b-webs, e-commerce, disruptive technology
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