The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001: §14c
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| Paper (refereed) Information Systems Curriculum
| Recommended Citation: Hollocks, B W. The Value of Research Projects in Undergraduate Information Systems Degrees. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001, v 18 (Cincinnati): §14c.
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The Value of Research Projects in Undergraduate Information Systems Degrees
The final year research project is often seen as a significant element in the "honors worthiness" of undergraduate degrees and a key indicator of individual student performance. However, from the institution viewpoint, such a project is relatively costly in terms of academic resources and hence, with student numbers increasing, may come into question. The paper discusses the value of the research project to student learning (with the Information Systems domain particularly in view), based on reflection by supervisors and students engaged in IS degrees at Bournemouth University Business School. Some distinctive outcomes are identified and it is noted that the inclusion of final-year research projects is supported by both students and academic staff.
Keywords: curriculum design, student managed learning, learning and teaching, information systems
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