The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001: §24d
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| Paper (refereed) IT Education: Best Practices
| Recommended Citation: Saulnier, B M. The Campus as Learning Laboratory for Systems Analysis and Design. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001, v 18 (Cincinnati): §24d.
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The Campus as Learning Laboratory for Systems Analysis and Design
 Refereed | | Bruce M. Saulnier [a1] [a2]
Computer Information Systems
Quinnipiac University [u1] [u2]
Hamden, Connecticut, USA [c1] [c2]
This essay makes the case for using the campus as a teaching/learning laboratory for the Systems Analysis & Design course. The nature of the field of Computer Information Systems is discussed, and the role of the Systems Analysis and Design course is introduced. Resources to support the teaching of the course are noted and the limitations of existing resources are discussed. It is suggested that moving beyond the typical resources to provide for an effective student learning experience should be done in a manner consistent with what we know about good practice in undergraduate education vis-à-vis student learning. The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education are introduced as guidelines for developing an effective learning environment. Techniques for using the campus as a teaching laboratory are discussed, and it is demonstrated that the use of such a method is consistent with research on effective student learning. In conclusion, this paper suggests that by using such an approach students are provided the opportunity to do analysis and design and effective student learning occurs.
Keywords: systems analysis and design, pedagogical limitations, effective learning, learning laboratory
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