The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2002: §343b
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| Presentation Industry-College Partnerships
| Recommended Citation: Frandsen, M L and L K Rhodes. Local Industry - Student Team Collaboration on IT Projects: Experiences with a Multi-Semester Experiential Learning Course Sequence. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2002, v 19 (San Antonio): §343b. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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Local Industry - Student Team Collaboration on IT Projects: Experiences with a Multi-Semester Experiential Learning Course Sequence
 Handout | | Michael L. Frandsen [a1] [a2]
Accounting, Business and Economics and Information Technology Departments
Juniata College [u1] [u2]
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA [c1] [c2]
Loren K. Rhodes [a1] [a2]
Information Technology and Computer Science Departments
Juniata College [u1] [u2]
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA [c1] [c2]
Our liberal arts college has recently instituted a new undergraduate Information Technology program that includes a three-semester experiential course sequence called Innovations for Industry as a capstone experience. These courses provide students with a multitude of experiences commonly found in the workplace: collaborating in team settings, implementing unfamiliar technologies, dealing with changing user requirements, working across functions and levels of an organization, managing projects, and presenting information about the projects to a number of audiences. A complement to traditional internships, Innovations for Industry provides a more controlled experiential environment for the students. The course sequence has formally now run for four semesters. This paper describes the course and our experiences.
Keywords: experiential course sequences, innovations for industry, capstone experiences, collaborating in team settings, implementing unfamiliar technologies, changing user requirements, managing projects, presenting information
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