The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2004: §2144
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| Fri, Nov 5, 9:00 - 9:25, Commodore Perry Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Wang, S and H Wang. Shift the Subject of System Analysis and Design from Construction to Acquisition. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2004, v 21 (Newport): §2144. ISSN: 1542-7382. (A later version appears in Information Systems Education Journal 3(11). ISSN: 1545-679X.)
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Shift the Subject of System Analysis and Design from Construction to Acquisition

| | Shouhong Wang [a1] [a2]
Department of Marketing/Business Information Systems
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth [u1] [u2]
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA [c1] [c2]
Hai Wang [a1] [a2]
Department of Finance and Management Science
Saint Mary's University [u1] [u2]
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada [c1] [c2]
Commercialized business application software packages and ERP systems have been widely used to implement business information systems. The major tasks of business information system analysts and designers have been shifted from system construction to system acquisition. This paper proposes the subject of information systems acquisition for the information SAD course. It suggests that the theme of information SAD for business students shall be system acquisition analysis and decision making. It also examines the issues of incorporating system acquisition into the SAD textbook and teaching system acquisition.
Keywords: systems analysis and design, system construction, system acquisition, analytical hierarchy process
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