The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2004: §3163
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| Sat, Nov 6, 8:30 - 8:55, Morgan Room Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Sambasivam, S E and C Davies. SMARTVIEW - An Intelligent Expert System Tool using JAVA and JESS Framework. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2004, v 21 (Newport): §3163. ISSN: 1542-7382. (A later version appears in Information Systems Education Journal 3(31). ISSN: 1545-679X.)
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SMARTVIEW - An Intelligent Expert System Tool using JAVA and JESS Framework
Valuable sales information in this day and age is a resource that at best is hidden from view, obscured by the volume and unobtainable by the pressures of schedules. This paper deals with the issues of the management processes required to effectively understand and utilise valuable facts as they should be used. SmartView enables users to understand on a priority basis the actions required. The filtering and prioritisation framework comes in the form of expert support modules, embedded into the system that continuously monitors operational data and events from around the business. Response reasoning aids in the process of decision support. The danger here is the system will miss important facts, misconstrued information or over emphasise the importance of lower valued situations. Continuous development ensures the knowledge held by the system evolves with the business. The ever-changing environment must be supported by a flexible design that enables responsive corrective action to unplanned events. Aspects of information sharing and collaborative support for customer solutions, product features and case studies enable sales staff the opportunity to benefit from historical data. SmartView itself is JAVA based application that enables direct access to active important facts or historical information supported by the latest database technology. The EXPERT SYSTEM is based on the functionality supplied by the JESS framework, the Rete-algorithm rule-based JAVA EXPERT SYSTEM. The capabilities of JESS integrate perfectly into the JAVA application and contribute many excellent aspects that provide the basis of the main operational solution.
Keywords: expert system, JESS, database, JAVA, Rete algorithm, LAN, client-server
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