The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2009: §1555
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| Thu, Nov 5, 2:30 - 2:55, Crystal 5 Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Varden, S A. A Case Study in Building Communities of Common Interest: How One Website Changed Jazz History. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2009, v 26 (Washington DC): §1555. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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A Case Study in Building Communities of Common Interest: How One Website Changed Jazz History

| | Stuart A. Varden [a1] [a2]
Information Technology Department
Pace University [u1] [u2]
White Plains, New York, USA [c1] [c2]
This paper presents a case study of a website project developed by a professor and students in a Web development class that has been in operation for nearly 13 years. It has provided a focal point around which a community of common interest has developed. The paper reviews this history of the website since its introduction and the critical success factors that have led to its success in meeting its original goals. The website provides students with a concrete example of how a Web presence can have an impact that goes well beyond what was originally planned.
Keywords: online communities, website case study, critical success factors, jazz
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