The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2000: §640
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| Work in Progress Current Issues and Trends
| Recommended Citation: Fisher, H L and W A Bollinger. Re-examining an Existing Information Systems Management (ISM) Degree Program for Adult Learners. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2000, v 17 (Philadelphia): §640.
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Re-examining an Existing Information Systems Management (ISM) Degree Program for Adult Learners
Derek Leebeart has written, "Everything is being melted in the furnace of the new." We interpret this to mean that the increasingly rapid pace of development of new information and telecommunications technologies and their incorporation into everyday life is bringing about a very strong paradigm shift in the way people work, live, play, learn and interact with one another This, in turn, requires new ideas about education, teaching and learning. In this light we plan to re-examine the ISM curriculum currently being offered at the College of Professional Studies (CPS) at the University of San Francisco (USF) to ensure that it is: 1. Consistent with the needs and learning practices of working professionals. 2. Consistent with the definition of information systems management as a highly specialized, complex, rapidly changing discipline that encompasses computer and telecommunications technology plus the people, processes resources, facilities, and underlying mechanisms necessary to improve organizational performance and competitiveness. 3. Congruent with the latest generally accepted guidelines and recommendations for Information Systems course content. 4. Providing appropriate technological and 'soft skills' tools, training and education. 5. Including a proper respect for ethical and social issues arising from the use and development of information technology. 6. Incorporating opportunities for community service and support into the program. This presentation reports on the history of this program, its current status, recent curriculum changes, and our immediate and 2 - 3 year plans to review it in accordance with the criteria listed above.
Keywords: information systems management; definition; curriculum; evaluation; working adults
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