The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001: §24a
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| Panel Discussion IT Education
| Recommended Citation: McManamon, L, B Miller, and R Carlsen. Innovative Ways to Teach Software Skills. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2001, v 18 (Cincinnati): §24a.
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Innovative Ways to Teach Software Skills
Panelists will each discuss a variety of creative ways to teach software skills. The audience will then be asked to share their experiences and comments about software skills learning. Topics include: delivering skills courses to groups in a large state university setting, student teaching involvement with peer tutors, teaching assistants, and MBA Associate Instructors. The Associate Instructor training and the lab files that are tools for learning will also be discussed. Teaching techniques based on personalized project grouping and support teams based on individualized self-determined selection procedures will be explained. Online session strategies, including front-loaded, face-to-face sessions, and post learning curve virtual sessions will be examined. Delivering skills courses to students in a private university setting is the focus of this discussion. Successes and failures for the following learning activities will be highlighted: using students as teachers for Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Office, using independent study with computer-based training or text only and using computer testing for Microsoft Office software.
Keywords: software skills learning, skills courses, peer tutors, support teams, online session strategies, using students as teachers
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