The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2002: §351a
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| Work in Progress Information Systems Curriculum
| Recommended Citation: Hou, M T. Experience on Web-based Laboratories for Two Computer Science Courses in a Historically Black College and University. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2002, v 19 (San Antonio): §351a. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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Experience on Web-based Laboratories for Two Computer Science Courses in a Historically Black College and University
 Handout | | May T. Hou [a1] [a2]
Computer Science Department
Norfolk State University [u1] [u2]
Norfolk, Virginia, USA [c1] [c2]
The laboratory classes are particularly important to the students who need hands-on experience to learn the computer concepts, theories and programming techniques. To fulfill such a need, the Computer Science Department at my institution, a historical black university, has been involved in developing web-based, self-paced, laboratory materials. This paper will report the experience gained so far on such development for two totally different computer science subjects, CSC270 Discrete Mathematics and CSC464 Operating Systems. Samples of laboratory assignments will be given in the paper to demonstrate the implementation approach. Collection of student evaluations will also be summarized in the paper to assess the effectiveness of the laboratory development. The paper will be concluded with suggestions for future improvement.
Keywords: HBCU, laboratory, web-based, discrete mathematics, hands-on experience, minorities
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