The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2006: §2135
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| Fri, Nov 3, 9:30 - 9:55, Normandy A Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Cronholm, S and U Melin. Project Oriented Student Work: Group Formation and Learning. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2006, v 23 (Dallas): §2135. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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Project Oriented Student Work: Group Formation and Learning

| | Stefan Cronholm [a1] [a2]
Dept of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University [u1] [u2]
Linköping, Sweden [c1] [c2]
Ulf Melin [a1] [a2]
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University [u1] [u2]
Linköping, Sweden [c1] [c2]
This paper evaluates how semi-randomly formed project groups, compared to forming groups at free will, affect students’ learning in a project-oriented setting. The findings are based on empirical data. We have analyzed students’ experiences by taking a course in the subject of Information Systems. The identified experiences are considered to be either a strength or a problem. We can conclude that how we form project groups has an effect on learning. We can also conclude that several of the experiences from semi-randomly formed project groups are of both a positive and negative nature. In the concluding chapter, we give some explanations in order to understand the differences in students’ experiences.
Keywords: group formation, learning, information systems education
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