The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2006: §5113
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| Absentee Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Sambasivam, S E and P Levi. Summary and Review of the Suitability of Microsoft Access 2003 as a Software Prototyping Tool for a Small IT Department. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2006, v 23 (Dallas): §5113. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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Summary and Review of the Suitability of Microsoft Access 2003 as a Software Prototyping Tool for a Small IT Department
A typical small IT department normally has many challenges placed upon it that need to be faced in order to be able to give a professional and effective service to the users (or customers) of the IT department. Common activities of a typical small IT department often include recording and planning work for the IT team, providing help desk support to users, and recording software changes as part of a change control process. This paper summarises the results of a project that evaluated a small sample of potential commercial software solutions before designing and building an evolutionary software prototype created with Microsoft Access 2003 as the recommended solution to satisfy the requirements agreed with the project sponsor to improve work planning, help desk support, and the recording of software changes in a small UK IT department. Before building the software prototype it was necessary to research topics related to building a software prototype with Microsoft Access 2003, it was also necessary to research any UK legal considerations that might apply to the environment in which the software prototype was implemented. The evolutionary software prototype was successful at satisfying all the requirements that were agreed with the project sponsor. This paper also reviews the suitability of Microsoft Access 2003 as a software prototyping tool based on the experience gained during the project through building a Microsoft Access 2003 software prototype to meet the requirements agreed with the project sponsor. The results of this review are expected to be of interest to other software developers who are considering using Microsoft Access 2003 as a tool to develop a software prototype.
Keywords: IT department work planning, IT help desk support, recording software changes, software prototype, Microsoft Access 2003, Access 2003 software prototype, help desk, human computer interaction, software engineering, UK IT legal considerations
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