The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2007: §1542
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| Thu, Nov 1, 1:00 - 1:25, Haselton 1 Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Sagheb-Tehrani, M. Computer Information Systems Department: A Proposition Curriculum for CIS. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2007, v 24 (Pittsburgh): §1542. ISSN: 1542-7382.
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Computer Information Systems Department: A Proposition Curriculum for CIS

| | Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani [a1] [a2]
BIT, College of Business
Minot State University [u1] [u2]
Minot, North Dakota, USA [c1] [c2]
The study of computer-related topics changes almost as rapidly as the technology it addresses. Various computer-based information systems exist in almost every contemporary organization. Like many subjects, the curriculum of computer information systems (CIS) development poses a certain dilemma. Which topic should come first? How are these systems developed? Each of these and many others issues is important to an understanding of the curriculum of CIS development. One good way to measure a CIS education is by comparing various curriculums of higher education institutions. In this paper a comparison will be shown between many universities’ CIS curricula and a new curriculum will be devised based upon the review of some selected universities. In this paper, I have endeavored to put forward a proposed model of CIS curriculum. This is an initial step into the design of relevant CIS department in various universities.
Keywords: information systems, information technology, curriculum
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