The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2009: §3554
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| Sat, Nov 7, 3:00 - 3:25, Crystal 5 Paper (refereed)
| Recommended Citation: Steenkamp, A L and A Basal. Building an Integrated Student Information System in a K-12 School System. In The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2009, v 26 (Washington DC): §3554. ISSN: 1542-7382. (A later version appears in Information Systems Education Journal 8(24). ISSN: 1545-679X.)
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Building an Integrated Student Information System in a K-12 School System

| | Annette Lerine Steenkamp [a1] [a2]
College of Management
Lawrence Technological University [u1] [u2]
Southfield, Michigan, USA [c1] [c2]
Abdelraheem Basal [a1] [a2]
College of Management
Lawrence Technological University [u1] [u2]
Southfield, Michigan, USA [c1] [c2]
The task of managing an IT system in a school environment poses unique challenges. For example, one of the greatest challenges facing individual schools is the lack of integration between various information systems. The present situation in many schools is that there are many disconnected systems managing many different tasks. Systems with differing levels of functionality run independently of one another, causing multiple problems for the school’s overall IT system. Many difficulties arise from inconsistently registered data, duplicate manual data entry, the extra time needed to manage multiple user accounts for one user, and non-productive time spent on technical support. In addition to these problems, the task of maintaining each individual system is time consuming. The challenges described above have prompted this research study. This study required an examination of the system architecture of several typical K-12 School systems, and a comprehensive understanding of the business and instructional needs of K-12 education.
Keywords: Learning Management System, Student Information System, Content Management System, Web 2.0, MVC Framework, SaaS, Cloud Computing
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