About the CONISAR Proceedings

ISSN#: 2167-1508

The CONISAR Proceedings were published each year between 2008 and 2022 by Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP) and represent the papers and works in progress presented at CONISAR Conference. Papers presented after 2022 are published as part of the ISCAP Proceedings ISCAP Proceedings. Copyright for individual papers is retained by the authors of those papers. Papers submitted prior to the July deadline were eligible for consideration and potential publication for publication in the Journal of Information Systems Applied Research (JISAR), which is Cabell’s listed with 36% acceptance rate; or the new Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal (CPPJ) .

Review Process

Papers were reviewed blindly by at least three independent reviewers and judged on their contribution to the field of applied information systems research. Papers were either accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected. The authors of accepted papers were required to address reviewer comments in the final version, and authors of conditionally accepted papers provided comments on their revisions to the conference papers chairs for secondary review and evaluation. If deemed necessary by the papers committee, resubmitted papers underwent a third review. Accepted papers that were not deemed ready for full presentation were accepted as works in progress and published either as abstracts only or as short, abbreviated papers. Refereed (accepted) papers are denoted as "Category: Refereed Paper" or "Category: Refereed Work in Progress." All authors were permitted to make final revisions to their papers after presenting but before the proceedings went to press.

Organizational Sponsors

Education Special Interest Group