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ISCAP Proceedings - Search Options
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Word(s) in Title
-Please Select-
-1 OR 2+164-164-1=0+0+0+1
-1 OR 2+471-471-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1 OR 2+522-522-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1 OR 2+673-673-1=0+0+0+1
-1 OR 2+726-726-1=0+0+0+1
-1 OR 2+802-802-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1 OR 2+864-864-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1 OR 2+904-904-1=0+0+0+1
-1" OR 2+317-317-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1" OR 2+487-487-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1" OR 2+656-656-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1" OR 2+730-730-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1' OR 2+149-149-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1' OR 2+260-260-1=0+0+0+1 or 'V0sRA5wn'='
-1' OR 2+496-496-1=0+0+0+1 or 'RreOES1u'='
-1' OR 2+58-58-1=0+0+0+1 or '8syKLpmt'='
-1' OR 2+580-580-1=0+0+0+1 or 'gntlpFQU'='
-1' OR 2+61-61-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1' OR 2+704-704-1=0+0+0+1 --
-1' OR 2+748-748-1=0+0+0+1 --
1 ????%2527%2522
1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
8DuasIjA')) OR 905=(SELECT 905 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
9TvhI2iG' OR 617=(SELECT 617 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
A'Sharqiyah University
Aalto University
Aarhus University
Abilene Christian University
Abo Akademi University
Abu Dhabi University
Adelphi University
Agder University College
Agile Edge
Agile Healthcare Software Inc
Air Force Institute of Technology
Ajayi Crowther University
Akron Unversity
Al Yamamah University
Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University
Alabama State University
Alexander Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki
AltSource, Inc
American InterContinental University
American Public University System
American University
American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina
American University in the Emirates
American University of Afghanistan
American University of Armenia
American University of Beirut
An-Najah National University
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Angelo State University
Appalachian State University
Arcadia University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Arkansas Tech University
AS52641j' OR 474=(SELECT 474 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Ashland University
AsnLlvf2') OR 969=(SELECT 969 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
ATG, a Cognizant Company
Athabasca University
AtLink Communications
Auburn University
Auburn University - Montgomery
Auckland University of Technology
Augsburg College
Augusta University
Augustana College, Rock Island
Australian Catholic University
Australian Catholic University Canberra
Australian National University
Australian Technical and Management College
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
Azusa Pacific University
B3jWMEqa') OR 508=(SELECT 508 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
B8YKXZVM')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Babcock College
Babson College
Bahrain Polytechnic
Baker College
Baker HS
Ball State University
Bank of America
Baruch College (CUNY)
Baylor University
bD9QoH3j')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Becks Intelligence Group
Becks Intelligence Group, LLC
Bellevue College
Bellevue University
Belmont University
Bemidji State University
Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel
Bentley University
Berry College
Bethune-Cookman University
Big Data Institute
BIS Department
Bishop State Community College
Black Hills State University
Bloomsburg University
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Bocconi University
Boise State University
Booz-Allen & Hamilton
Botswana University
Bowie State University
Bowling Green State University
Bradley University
Bridgewater State University
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University-Hawaii
Brockport College
Brunel University
Brunel University London
Bryant College
Bryant University
Bucknell University
Buffalo State College
Bureau 507
Business Academy Aarhus
Butler University
California Lutheran University
California Polytechnic State University
California State Polytechnic University
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University
California State University - Chico
California State University - Dominguez Hills
California State University - Long Beach
California State University - San Marcos
California State University at Hayward
California State University Dominguez Hills
California State University Fresno
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University, Dominguez Hills
California State University, East Bay
California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Northridge
California State University, San Bernardino
California University of Pennsylvania
Calumet College of St. Joseph
Campbell University
Campbellsville University
Canterbury University
Capella University
Capitol Technology University
Caribbean American Enterprise Connection, LLC
Carleton University
Carlow University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
Carroll College
Case Western Reserve University
Cathleen Barton Consulting
CDM - Federal Programs Corporation
cEfTcdW5'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Cengage Learning
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University
Central Missouri State University
Central Queensland University
Central Washington University
Chaminade University
Champlain College
Chatham University
Chiang Mai University
Choayang University of Technology
Chowan University
Christchurch College of Education
Christopher Newport University
City University of Hong Kong
City University of New York
City University of Seattle
Claremont Graduate University
Clarion University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
CmVw0HBH'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Coastline College
Colby College
College Board
College of Business Education
College of Charleston
College of Education
College of New Jersey
College of Notre Dame of Maryland
Collin County Community College
Collins College of Business
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado State University
Colorado Technical University
Columbia University
Columbus state University
Commonwealth University of PA - Bloomsburg
Community College of Allegheny County
Community College of Baltimore County
Computer Science Teachers Association
Concordia University
Concordia University Texas
Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center
Consolidated Contractors International Company
Continuum Leadership Strategies
Copenhagen Business School
Cornerstone Consulting
Cornerstone University
Creighton University
Curtin Business School
Curtin State
Curtin University
Dakota State University
Dalhousie University
Dalton State College
DAMA International Foundation
David Applied Technical College
Davisbase Consulting
DCE, Gurgaon
De Montfort University
Deakin University
Delaware Valley College
Delgado Community College
Dell EMC
Deloitte Touche
Delta State University
Departamento de Computacion y Sistemas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Unive
Department of Computer and Information Systems
Department of Defense
Department of State
DePaul University
Dept of Health Information Management
Dixie State University
Dominican College New York
Dominican University
Dona Ana Community College
Dong-A University
DPh1DnTU'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Drake University
Drexel University
Duke University
DUoZV5e2'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
DuPont Corporation, retired
Duquesne University
Durban University of Technology
DWA Healthcare Communications Group
E0vJBz3D') OR 406=(SELECT 406 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
East Carolina University
East Tennessee State University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern New Mexico University
Ecole Centrale de Paris
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Edgewood College
Edith Cowan University
eH5FctQs'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
EIVgeZP8')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Elizabeth City State University
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emeritus, School of Management
Emory University
Emporia State University
Engineering Software Solutions
eNjxZRwL'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Epic Systems
ESSEC Business School
Euromed Management Kedge
European University Cyprus
Excelsior College
EXNpOYaE'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Fachhochshule Salzburg
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Universidad Nacional del Centro
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
FangWei Company
Farmingdale State University
Faulkner University
Fayetteville Community College
Fayetteville State University
fBEkgWTS') OR 354=(SELECT 354 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
FeCl2PeD'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Federation University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
FHLBank PIttsburgh
Fitchburg State College
Flashtech consultz
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Blue
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Memorial University
Florida State University
Fordham University
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
FoxHedge Ltd
Framingham University
Franciscan University
Franklin University
Frostburg University
Fudan University
FYI.Net, Incorporated
G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology
Gannon University
GCEEIhcp')) OR 265=(SELECT 265 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
gcGlG4yG')) OR 769=(SELECT 769 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Gdansk University
GE Aircraft Engine Systems Organization
GE Digital Technology
Geisinger Health System
George Washington University
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Military College
Georgia Northwestern Technical College
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Gerorge Mason University
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration
Gibson Research and Consulting
GkoltHyJ'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society
Global Educational Excellent
Goejzsru')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Gonzaga University
Goose Island Beer Company
Gordon College
Göteborg University
Government Engineering College, Modasa, Gujarat
Governors State University
Grand Valley State University
Grant MacEwan University
Grant Thornton
Green Mango Associates, LLC
Griffith University
GRNq3UqC' OR 847=(SELECT 847 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Ground Swell Media
GsQ1gyJ6'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
h2ziybpX')) OR 630=(SELECT 630 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Hankamer School of Business
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Hartwick College
HEC Montréal
Heilongjiang University
Heinz College, CMU
HES Amsterdam School of Business
High Point University
Hill Air Force Base
Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa
hkoMDIuv')) OR 160=(SELECT 160 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Hochschule Heilbronn
Hodges University
Hofstra University
Holon Institute of Technology
Holy Family University
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
Hong Kong Institute of Education
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Univ of Sci & Tech
Howard Payne University
Howard University
HQQQjyFq')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Hudson Valley Community College
icvPjvzd')) OR 359=(SELECT 359 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Idaho State University
IE Business School
Illinois College of Optometry
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University
Imam University
Imperial College of Science
Incer, LLC
Independent Consultant
Independent Scholar
Indian Institute of Management - Ranchi, India
Indiana State University
Indiana University
Indiana University Kokomo
Indiana University Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University South Bend
Indiana University Southeast
Indiana University-Indianapolis
Information Systems
InfoSystems, Inc.
InfoTSG, Inc.
Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals
Institute of Academic Technology
Interisle Consulting Group
International Computer Science Institute
Iowa State University
iQ4 Corpporation
Irish Universities Association
IT Service Management Institute
Ithaca College
ITSJustRenee, LLC
ITT Technical institute
J. E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Jacksonville University
James Cook University, Brisbane Australia
James Madison University
jkHLsKvB'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
John A. Logan College
John Carroll University
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Johns Hopkins University
Jones & Bartlett Learning
Jordanian University
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Juniata College
JXlYsDsQ') OR 624=(SELECT 624 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Jypirbsn'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Kamehameha Schools
Kansas State University
Kean University
Keimyung University
Keio University
Kenco Management Services, LLC
Kennesaw State University
Kent State University
Kent State University at Stark
Kentucky State University
Kettering University
Kg4yEOzQ') OR 73=(SELECT 73 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
King Abdulaziz University
King Fahd Military Medical Complex
King Faisal University
King Saud University
King's College
Korea Institute of Science and Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
kTLLEjaX') OR 852=(SELECT 852 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
kUB1632o')) OR 596=(SELECT 596 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Kunming University of Science and Technology
Kunsan National University
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
l0beDoCA' OR 174=(SELECT 174 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
L5MkBBB1')) OR 529=(SELECT 529 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
La Salle University
La Trobe University
Labyrinth Learning
Lahore University of Management Science
Lake Erie College
Lake Forest College
Lasell College
LaTrobe University
Lawrence Technological University
Lehigh University
Lenoir-Rhyne College
Liberty University
Lifted Solutions Limited
Linköping University
Linnaeus University
Lipscomb University
Liquid Web, Inc.
Lock Haven University
Lockheed Marin Corporation
Logicle Analytics
London School of Economics and Political Science
Long Island University
Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus
Long Island University, CW Post
Longwood University
Louisana State University Shreveport
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola College
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
LPDj9U4T') OR 128=(SELECT 128 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
LshDCVlW'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Lulea University of Technology
LUT University
Luther College
Lynchburg College
Macon State College
Malaspina University-College
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manhattan College
Marist College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Marymount University
Maryville University
Marywood University
Masaryk University
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massey University
Maverick Software
Mayo Clinic
Maysville Community & Technical College
MBI Corporation
McGraw Hill Higher Education
McMaster University
McNeese State University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Mendix, Inc.
Mercer University
Mercy Health
Merrimack College
Mesa State College
Messiah College
Metropolitan State University Minnesota
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University
Miami University - Oxford
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Microsoft Corporation
Middle Georgia State University
Middle Tennessee State University
Millikin University
Minnesota State University
Minot State University
Mississippi State University
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Missouri Western State University
Modis, Inc.
Mokpo National University
Monash University
Montana Tech University
Montclair State University
Monterey Technologies, Inc.
Moravian College
Morehead State University
Morgan State University
Mount Olive College
Mount Royal College
Mount Saint Vincent University
Mount St. Mary’s University
Muhlenberg College
Multimedia University Malaysia
Murdoch University
Murray State University
Namibia University of Science and technology
Nanjing University
Nanyang Technological University
Naresuan U
Nasarawa State University
National Bank of New Zealand
National Center for Women & Information Technology
National Chengchi University
National Chung Cheng University
National Dong Hwa University
National Institute of Development Administration
National Kaohsiung Normal University
National Science Foundation
National Security Research Institute
National University of Ireland Galway
National University of Malaysia
National University of Singapore
Naval Postgraduate School
Nazareth College
NC A&T State University
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Network Development Group
Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico State University
nF63eLeG')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
Nobody Studios
None Listed
Nord University Business School
Norfolk State University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University
North Central Michigan University
North Dakota State University
North Georgia College and State University
North Idaho College
North Metro Technical College
Northcentral University
Northeast Louisiana University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
Northrim Bank
Northrop Grumman
Northumbria University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwestern State University
Northwood University
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Norwich University
Nova Southeastern University
NSABP Foundation, Inc
nwtg4WEn') OR 788=(SELECT 788 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Oakland University
Oakton Community College
Oberlin College
Ogden Government Services
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio University
oi6JTj7T' OR 231=(SELECT 231 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
oLfLsQxC')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
OlggvJVI') OR 788=(SELECT 788 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
OLioBfzj' OR 721=(SELECT 721 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Olivet Nazarene University
Open University Malaysia
Oregon State University
Osman & Co
osmania university
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
oTyQUX66'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Our Lady of the Lake University
Overton Brooks Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Pace University
Pacific University
Pae University
Paine College
Palm Beach Atlantic
Palo Alto Networks
Paris Technology
Pasco-Hernando State College
Pearson Education
Penn State Brandywine
Penn State Great Valley
Penn State Greater Allegheny
Penn State Schuylkill
Penn State University
Penn State University - DuBois
Penn State University - New Kensington
Penn State University - Worthington Scranton
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University - Abington College
Pennsylvania State University - Malvern
Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg
Pennsylvania Western University - California
Pentecost University College
Peoples United Bank
Pepperdine University
Piedmont Community College
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Police Scotland
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Polytechnic / NYU
Portland State University
Portucalense University
Portuguese Open University
Prairie View A&M University
Prince of Songkla University
Prospect Press VT
Protestant University in Congo
Purdue University
Purdue University - Calumet
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Purdue University Northwest
PvuR9I5I' OR 553=(SELECT 553 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
py5tQinY'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Qassim University
Qatar College of Technology
Qatar University
QkvYfo60'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Queen Mary University of London
Queensland Government Department of Agriculture
Queensland University of Technology
Quinnipiac University
r64eJd2G')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
R9FN3aVw')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Radford University
Radiation Oncology of Mississippi
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Rasmussen College
rCHPKKCb'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Real Chemistry
Red Hat
Regent University
Regis University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Reynolds Community College
Rhode Island College
Rhodes University
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Rider University
Ringful, LLC.
RMIT University
RMIT University - Melbourne
RMIT University Vietnam
Robert Morris University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain Multimedia
Roger Williams University
Rowan University
Royal Roads University
Ryerson University
ryukyus university
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Francis University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary’s University
Saint Michael's College
Saint Peter's College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Saint Xavier University
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Sam Houston State University
San Antonio College
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Sanford-Brown Institute
Sanmai Technologies PBC
SAP America
Savannah State University
School of Biological Sciences
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University, Mel
School of Information Technology
School of Management
School of Nursing, Minnesota State University, Mankato
School of Teaching & Learning
SDF Corp
Seattle University
Seoul National University
Seton Hill University
Shamoon College of Engineering
Shantilal Shah Engineering College,BHavnagar, Indi
Shawnee State University
Shenandoah University
Shippensburg University
SHSU Online
SIAC / Towson University
Siena College
Siena Heights University
Simon Fraser University
Singapore Management University
sk7xoyEl')) OR 65=(SELECT 65 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
SkillProof Inc.
Slalom Consulting
Slippery Rock University
Smith College
Sotera Defense Solutions
South Bank University
South Park High School
Southeast Missouri State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southern Arkansas University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Polytechnic State University
Southern University at New Orleans
Southern University Baton Rouge
Southern Utah University
Southwest Missouri State University
Southwest Texas State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State Univ
Springfield Technical Community College
St Johns University
St Vincent College
St. Angelo State University
St. Cloud State University
St. Francis University
St. Francis Xavier University
St. John's University
St. Louis University
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
St. Vincent College
Standard Bank LTD
Stanford University
State Farm
State of Ohio
State University College
State University of New York - Buffalo
State University of New York at Cobleskill
State University of New York at Fredonia
State University of West Georgia
Stellenbosch University
Stephenson Technologies Corp/LSU
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stockholm University
Stockton University
Stonehill College
Strategic Design Scenarios
Strathmore University
SubSector Solutions
Suffolk University
Sultan Qaboos University
Sunderland University
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Farmingdale
SUNY Farmingdale State College
SUNY Westchester
Susquehanna University
Swinburne University of Technology
Sykes College of Business
SYmEC7KJ')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Syracuse University
T. A. Pai Management Institute
T5ryEt7H'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Taif University
Tallinn University of Technology
Tamking University
Tampere University
Tampere University of Technology
Tarleton State University
Tarrant County Junior College
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Technische Universität Dresden
Teesside University
Teikyo Post University
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
Temple University
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Tech University
Teradata Corporation
Texas A&M - Central Texas
Texas A&M San Antonio
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University - Commerce
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Texas A&M University - Texarkana
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology
Thammasat University
The Academic College of Emek Yezreel
The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yafo
The American University
The Boeing Company
The Citadel
The Citadel Military College of South Carolina
The College of New Jersey
The Military College of South Carolina
The MITRE Corporation
The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
The SAJES Group, Inc.
The University of Hong Kong
The university of Mississippi
The University of New South Wales
The University of North Texas
The University of Tampa
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
The University of Texas
The University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Thompson Rueters
Tilburg University
Toulouse Business School
Towson University
Tra Vinh University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trident University
Trinity College
Trinity University
Troy High School
Troy University
Tswhane University of Technology
TU Braunschweig
TU Dortmund University
Tulane University
Turku School of Economics
Tuskegee University
U Texas
U.S. Airforce Academy
U.S. Department of State (DoS)
U4gN7opz')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
UAE University
UcxiMNrD') OR 449=(SELECT 449 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
UD8E4yTk')) OR 149=(SELECT 149 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Umeå University
Umm Al-Qura University
UNIRIO-Federal University of th State of Rio de Janeiro
United States Air Force
United States Air Force Academy
United States Coast Guard Academy
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Universitaria de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI
Universitas 21 Global
Universität Hamburg
Universitat Ramón Llull
Universitatea National de Stiinte si Tehnologie Politehnica Bucuresti
Université d'Abomey Calavi
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Universiti Utara Malaysia
University at Albany, SUNY
University at Buffalo
University College Cork
University Munich Germany
University of Pittsburgh Greensburg
University of Agriculture
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Alabama - Birmingham
University of Alabama - Huntsville
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Alaska - Anchorage
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Albany
University of Alberta
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Aruba
University of Auckland
University of Augsburg
University of Ausburg
University of Baltimore
University of Brighton
University of California - Riverside
University of California Los Angeles
University of California, Berkeley
University of Canberra
University of Canterbury
University of Cape Town
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Chicago
University of Cincinnati
University of Cologne
University of Colorado
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver
University of Connecticut
University of Cumberlands
University of Dallas
University of Dammam
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dodoma
University of Dubai
University of Dubuque
University of Eastern Finland
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
University of Florida
University of Galway
University of Gdansk
University of Georgia
University of Ghana
University of Glamorgan
University of Glasgow
University of Groningen
University of Guam
University of Haifa
University of Hamburg
University of Hawai'i
University of Hawaii West O'ahu
University of Hawaii, Maui College
University of Helsinki
University of Hildesheim
University of Hong Kong
University of Houston
University of Houston - Clear Lake
University of Houston - Downtown
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Houston Downtown
University of Idaho
University of Illinois - Chicago
University of Illinois - Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois Springfield
University of Ilorin
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
University of Iowa
University of Jordan
University of Jyväskylä
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Koblenz-Landau
University of Lethbridge
University of Lisbon
University of Liverpool
University of Louisiana - Lafayette
University of Louisiana - Monroe
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Louisville
University of MA - Dartmouth
University of Macau
University of Maine
University of Maine at Augusta
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
University of Maribor
University of Mary
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Maryland University College
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Melbourne
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Michigan - Flint
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota - Duluth
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri – St. Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montana
University of Montevallo
University of Münster
University of Namibia
University of Nebraska
University of Nebraska - Kearney
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New Brunswick
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of New Orleans
University of New South Wales
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina Charlotte
University of North Carolina Greensboro
University of North Carolina Wilmington
University of North Florida
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Omaha
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Oslo
University of Otago
University of Ottawa
University of Oulu
University of Paisley
University of Patras
University of Phoenix
University of Piraeus
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh Johnstown
University of Portland
University of Potsdam
University of Pretoria
University of Primorska
University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras
University of Queensland
University of Reading
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island
University of Richmond
University of Salford
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Sharjah
University of Sheffield
University of South Africa
University of South Alabama
University of South Australia
University of South Carolina
University of South Carolina Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
University of Southern California
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Mississippi
University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast
University of St. Thomas
University of St. Thomas, Houston
University of Sydney
University of Tampa
University of Technology, Sydney
University of Teesside
University of Tennessee Martin
University of Tennessee/Chattanooga
University of Texas - Dallas
University of Texas - Pan American
University of Texas - San Antonio
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Brownsville
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas Pan American
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
University of Texas, Dallas
University of the Cumberlands
University of the Cumberlands
University of the East
University of the Philippines - Cebu
University of the Sunshine Coast
University of the Virgin Islands
University of the West of England
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
University of Toledo
University of Toronto
University of Tulsa
University of Turku
University of Utah
University of Vaasa
University of Vermont
University of Vienna
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of West Florida
University of West Georgia
University of Western Ontario
University of Windsor
University of Winnipeg
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
University of Wisconsin - Platteville
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin Cedar Falls
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Witwatersrand
University of Wollongong
University of Würzburg
University Politehnica of Timisoara
University Portucalense
University Technology Malaysia
Univesity of Teesside
Uny Leya
US Army Research Laboratory
US Military Academy
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica University
UuAl8zdc')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
Victoria University
Victoria University of Wellington
Victoria University, Melbourne Australia
vikram hosp,bangalore india
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia State University
Virginia Tech
Visible Systems
Viterbo University
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
vvXFSZv9'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
w2WUN60D' OR 484=(SELECT 484 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Wake Forest University
Wake Technical Community College
Walker College of Business
Walsh University
Warsaw School of Economics
Washburn University
Washington and Lee University
Washington Corporation
Washington State University
Wayne Community College
Wayne State University
wBfkNqHF'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Weber State University
West Chester University
West Liberty State College
West Liberty University
West Texas A&M University
West Texas State University
West Virginia University
Western California University
Western Carolina University
Western Health
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
Western New England University
Western Washington University
Westminster College
Westsern Carolina University
WFeIENkt')) OR 988=(SELECT 988 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Wichita State University
Widener University
Willamette University
William and Mary
Wilma University
Winona State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin International University College - Ghana
Wku5iVOW') OR 664=(SELECT 664 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Wright State University
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Xavier University of Ohio
XI37rPZG' OR 716=(SELECT 716 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
xYHnVN1b') OR 517=(SELECT 517 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Yeshiva University
Yootech Associates LLC
York University
Youngstown State University
YxlOLx6D'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
z9myTl2P')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Zayed University
zeJJKmHK')) OR 620=(SELECT 620 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Zekiah Technologies, Inc.
ZipJeHFN'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
zuiu35JJ'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
zWcNavRT'); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --