EDSIGCON Proceedings 2022

EDSIGCON Proceedings 2022

Clearwater FL, November 2022

2022 EDSIG Proceedings: Abstract Presentation

Use, Misuse, and Abuse of Deepfakes

Biju Bajracharya
East Tennessee State University

Mohammad Khan
East Tennessee State University

Deepfake is a form of image manipulations techniques that alters the images into realistic images or videos generally by superimposing or blending human figures with another person’s body. These techniques are widely used by the mainstream media, movies, or news broadcasts to showcase their creative digital art to grab the attention of many audiences or viewers with business profit motives. With an abundance of freely available, powerful, or low-cost imaging tools, apps, or websites, deep fakes can be easily generated with little or no skills. While these techniques are revolutionizing the entertainment business, movie industries, advertisement industries, news outlets, and many others, this transformation can also be problematic if used for misrepresenting someone, misleading news, or illegally modifying someone’s images without their explicit consent. Such illicit uses of this technique can have fatal consequences that can cause widespread scandals, controversies, fake news, political crisis, etc. There are many deepfake detection methods that can be used to confirm the image/video legitimacy and authenticity to avoid misleading information or to take legal actions if improperly used. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, which can be implemented in suitable scenarios. This presentation will discuss generating deepfake techniques, and deepfake detection methods, appropriate and inappropriate uses of deepfakes, their abuses, and their consequences.

Friday at 9:35 am