ISCAP Proceedings - 2024

Baltimore, MD - November 2024

ISCAP Proceedings: Workshop Presentation

RedHat: Automate everything with Ansible Automation Platform

Sam Diament
Red Hat

Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) is the industry-leading enterprise automation platform designed to work across all infrastructures and environments. Built on the open source Ansible project, AAP offers fast, flexible, and agentless automation and integration with over 60 third party vendors. AAP brings together several components across the entire automation lifecycle, including tools that enable faster creation of automation jobs, the operations control centers, and the automation mesh for global scalability. Ansible Automation Platform breaks down silos by bringing automation directly to each line of business, empowering teams to gain efficiencies and work collaboratively with other teams. This workshop consists of a short presentation and a hands-on workshop, where users will get a chance to write their own automation playbooks. Key areas covered include:
-Writing automation playbooks and running automation jobs
-The value of automation and why you should never repeat the same task twice.
-Holistic automation for the enterprise across environments and lines of business

Learning Goals and Objectives By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
-Explain what IT automation is and why it is valuable for enterprises
-Describe the components of Ansible Automation Platform
-Write a simple Ansible automation playbook

Relevant Courses, this workshop is relevant to instructors teaching the following courses (or similar):
-Computing Concepts
-Linux / Operating Systems
-IT Security / Cybersecurity
-Cloud Computing

Prerequisites The demo environment provided in the workshop will allow users to access Ansible Automation Platform in a virtual environment. Please bring your laptop so you can participate fully.

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