EDSIGCON Proceeding 2016

Las Vegas, Nevada

Panels - 2016 EDSIGCon Proceedings

Panels/Discussions Presentations

Panels Chair - Eric Breimer
Siena College

(ordered by presentation time)

Applied Learning through On-campus, Industry Partner Internships

Michael Wells
Minnesota State University

Sarah Klammer Kruse
Minnesota State University, Mankato

Chuck Sherwood
Maverick Software

Brandon Glaze
Thompson Rueters

Monday - 11/7/2016 in Sierra 8 at 11:05 am

Applied learning can be one of the most effective methods of enhancing the knowledge students learned in the classroom. Minnesota State Mankato has a ten year history of engaging students through direct application of their information systems skills through on-campus applied learning projects. Panelists will share the perspectives of faculty, industry partners, and students. Topics covered will include recruitment of industry partners, contract negotiations, and incentives for students, industry partners, faculty, and the university to participate. Attendees will learn how students can earn enough money to pay for a significant portion of their tuition, how faculty can build a rich research environment with a dedicated industry partner, how the university can support the use of on-campus space through indirect cost recovery, and how industry partners have access to highly talented students to augment staffing and recruit in a cost effective way. The benefits and pitfalls of these applied learning projects will be discussed from each perspective – faculty, industry partner, and student. Come and find out what applied learning can do for you, for your students, and your industry partners. Take away ideas to get projects like this off the ground.

Teaching Database Management with Automated Grading Technology

Gove Allen
Brigham Young University

Nicolas Ball
Utah Valley University

Trissa Cox
Howard Payne University

David Weber
Northern Arizona Unversity

Monday - 11/7/2016 in Sierra 8 at 2:50 pm

A foundational course for computer information systems is relational database management. The core of this course comprises three main learning objectives: Understand the Relational Model; be able to create a well-formed set of tables and insert data; and be able to query existing data from a relational database management system. In any learning environment, the ability for students to receive high-quality, timely feedback is an important factor in the learning process. The way that students learn this topic well is by having some formal instruction on how to work with relational technology and then to practice the theory while receiving feedback on their performance. To the extent that feedback cycles can be shortened, students can get more practice and learn from their own mistakes. The problem with traditional approaches to teaching relational database management is that grading students’ work in table creation, data manipulation and query formulation is a labor intensive, time consuming activity, resulting in students having only limited practice with long delays before seeing how well they performed. Recently, technology has been made available to database instructors to allow the instant assessment of student work for both the creation of tables and views as well as the formulation of ad hoc queries. Panel participants have used this technology in their teaching and will share their experience using the technology in the classroom as well as how it has facilitated student learning and reduced time spent in grading activities. Certain caveats of using this new technology will be discussed.