EDSIGCON Proceedings 2022

Clearwater FL, November 2022

Panels and Featured Presentations

Featured Speaker - Paul Leidig

School of Computing, Director
Grand Valley State University

The recent publication of the IS2020 Competency Model for Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems concludes a once-in-a-decade process. Meanwhile, accreditation criteria for such programs need to remain current and relevant. With ABET accreditation, students, administrators, and employers receive confidence that a program meets the standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce. In this presentation, the co-chair of the IS2020 Competency Model, and co-chair of the criteria committee for ABET accreditation of computing programs, presents the connection between the competencies recommended in the model curriculum and the required criteria for accreditation. The continuous process of improving model curricula and contemporary accreditation criteria is demonstrated with the results of a survey of information systems program heads and accreditation program evaluators. The value of the contributions of program evaluators is discussed and the process of becoming a program accreditation expert. (5809)

Thursday at 8:45 a.m.

Featured Speaker - Manish Agrawal

Professor, University of South Florida

Title: Bootstrapping a Cybersecurity undergraduate program

Overview: This talk will introduce the core knowledge expectations from graduates of a cybersecurity program. Experiences from running such programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and the process of applying for NSA CAE-CD designation will be discussed. Recommendations from experience will be shared. Followed by a Q&A Session (5717)

Friday at 8:45 a.m.

Publishing in JISE - Q and A Session

Xihui "Paul" Zhang
University of North Alabama
Lee Freeman
University of Michigan Dearborn Objectives
Come to this panel session to learn about the types of papers published in JISE, the submission process, and how you can get involved with the journal. Most of the session will be allocated for questions from attendees.

Targeted Attendees
All members interested in promotion and tenure, and in supporting colleagues along those paths.

Thursday at 2:10 p.m.

It Matters to All of Us - Improving Quality and Reputation for Our Journals

ISCAP Discussion / Brainstorming Presentation

Paul Witman
California Lutheran University

Xihui "Paul" Zhang
University of North Alabama

Dana Schwieger
Southeast Missouri State University

Scott Hunsinger
Appalachian State University

Jeff Cummings
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincent College

Judith Gebauer
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Our conference organization is responsible for publishing four high-quality journals (listed below). It is in everyone's best interest to improve both actual and recognized quality measures, including listing in journal rankings, acceptance rates, and so on. This will help our members who publish in these journals as they progress in academic rank; it also helps strengthen Conference submission quality (a virtuous cycle). Join this group of editorial leaders to hear from others and share your ideas on steps we can take to move each of the journals forward; we look forward to the discussion and the actions to follow.

Our journal offerings include the premier IS education journal, Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), as well as three content-specific journals. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) generally draws from the EDSIGCON conference papers. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research (JISAR) generally draws from the CONISAR conference papers. Finally, our newest journal, Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal, draws from both EDSIGCON and CONISAR conference papers.

Targeted Attendees
All members interested in promotion and tenure, and in supporting colleagues along those paths.

Friday at 1:50 p.m.

Birds of a Feather Presentation - Find a Research Partner

Amy Connolly
James Madison University

Leigh Mutchler
James Madison University

This networking session will provide an open forum to brainstorm ideas for research papers related to the ISCAP conferences, whether new ideas for next year or current ideas for a journal article. Goals:

Targeted Attendees
Attendees looking for co-authors!

Saturday at 11:10 a.m.

Panel - Model Curriculum Update

Jeff Babb
West Texas A&M University

Les Waguespack
Bentley College

Paul Leidig
Grand Valley State University

Greg Anderson
Brigham Young University

David Yates
Bentley University

The Computer Curricula 2020 and Information Systems Model Curriculum 2020 reports both featured a new tool for expressing curricular design and specification that is competency based. The competency model offers an opportunity to specify curriculum with greater precision and transparency that would be the case with a course description and learning objectives. However, the competency model is not necessarily a replacement for knowledge areas, knowledge units, and learning objectives; rather, the competency model can enhance and clarify existing specifications in manner that creates better specificity. Since the competency model, while not entirely new, is a recommendation of these reports for curriculum specification, this panel presentation offers strategies for the effective adoption and implementation of the CC2020/IS2020 competency model. The panelists offer guidance based on their experiences in developing and shaping the competency model and illustrate the use of the competency model with representative instantiations. Additional Abstract

Targeted Attendees
Faculty involved in curriculum development and assessment