ISCAP Proceedings - 2023

Albuquerque NM, November 2023

2023 ISCAP Proceedings: Abstract Presentation

Sustainable Development and Societal Impact: Child Poverty and Policy

Joseph Woodside
Stetson University

Fred Augustine
Stetson University

With the importance of sustainable development and societal impact as part of approved accreditation standards and principles, this manuscript describes a teaching case with data visualization skillsets for examining child poverty rates and policies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The experiential learning activity is developed in the context of an undergraduate upper-level course on data analytics. The contributions of this teaching case are an experiential learning activity applied to a real-world current event and an interdisciplinary learning activity that allows students to apply and develop their curricular knowledge across core competencies. The overall case objectives are to conduct an exploratory data analysis, visualize the impact of various policies relating to their effects on child poverty rates, and support student learning around the societal impacts of policies.