ISCAP Proceedings 2023

ISCAP Proceedings 2023

Albuquerque NM, November 2023

Conference Highlights

Workshops and Exhibitor Demonstrations

Exhibitor Demonstrations

What's Happening at Prospect Press

David Williams
Prospect Press

Overview: Prospect Press develops textbooks tailored to IS curriculum needs and covering emerging topics. This session presents new textbooks coming out this year as well as our program plans regarding Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

Friday at 10:20 a.m.


Introduction to the ScrimmageSIM Business Simulation: A Hands-on Experience.

Bret Wagner
Brandon Mitchell


Overview: This workshop will give you an opportunity to experience the ScrimmageSIM Business Simulation. This simulation is modeled after SAP's ERP Software, and provides a more operationally-focused set of simulation scenarios. The system uses an MySQL database on the back end and only requires a web browser and internet connection for the user. Data analytics tools like Tableau and PowerBI can be easily connected to the MySQL database. Bring your laptops and prepare yourself for the full immersion experience!

Wednesday at 3:10 p.m.

A Deep Dive into Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Sam Diament
Red Hat

Overview:Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is the most effective cloud computing solution available today. From the public cloud to the edge, RHEL brings flexibility and reliability to new frontiers. RHEL supports application development tools, automation protocols, cloud computing containers, middleware, storage, and more. Because RHEL is the world's leading enterprise Linux platform, students with experience using it will be better positioned to succeed in their careers as future IT professionals.

Through a series of demonstrations and self-paced hands-on exercises, you will learn about core and updated capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9. Key areas covered include: By the end of this workshop, you should be able to: Relevant Courses: This workshop is relevant to instructors teaching the following courses (or similar):
Thursday at 10:20 a.m.

Engaging the Distracted: Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Management Systems to Gen Z and Millennials Without Deterring Non-Traditional Students

Ted Tedmon
Casey Wilhelm
North Idaho College

Overview: Student populations have changed but too few management systems professors have adjusted their instructional designs to meet these changes. Today’s classes often include more ESL students as well as students that receive accommodations for cognitive challenges such as ADHD, yet aside from allowing extra time on assessments and assignments, little is done to meet the needs of these students. Similarly, millennials and Gen Z students demand more recognition as well as the opportunity to provide feedback. Few courses provide for these needs. Using adaptive learning, unlimited-attempt, formative assessments, and integrated learning, the presentation provides tools, and the rationale behind their use, in order to assist instructors to increase student engagement, retention, and academic success.

Thursday at 1:45 p.m.

Empowering Educators: Accelerated Data Visualization and Analytics with Power BI

Shannon Lindsay

Overview: In today's data-driven world, the ability to create compelling data visualizations and perform meaningful analytics is an indispensable skill for both students and teachers in higher education. This interactive workshop is designed to equip this diverse audience with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in data visualization and analytics.

In this hands-on session, you'll visualize data and uncover insights using Microsoft Power BI, a cutting-edge data visualization and analytics tool. Regardless of prior experience with Power BI or data-related tasks, you'll get to practice your analytics skills in a supportive learning environment. By the end of this workshop, you'll be able to create charts, reports, and dashboards that let you interact with and gain insights from your data.

Prerequisites: This workshop is recommended for everyone. There is no Power BI experience required. You must bring a computer that has Microsoft Power BI installed with the September 2023 version or later. Download from

Friday at 8:45 a.m.

An Introduction to Intelligent Process Automation

Anthony Sacco
Kevin Mentzer
Bryant Richards
Nichols College

Overview: Welcome to RPA. This has been a powerful tool for teaching many important skills to our students including critical thinking, resourcefulness, business analysis, and fundamentals of data and technology. Attendees will be introduced to RPA and build two RPA use cases. We'll also discuss challenges and opportunities about introducing automation into undergraduate programs. Online access to needed software will be provided. Bring your own laptop if you want to participate.

This would appeal to anyone interested in Low Code/No Code, Automation, Emerging Tech, Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Friday at 3:45 p.m.