ISCAP Proceedings - 2023

Albuquerque NM, November 2023

2023 ISCAP Proceedings: Abstract Presentation

Enhancing Information Systems Education through Location Analytics

Dan Farkas
Pace University

Namchul Shin
Pace University

The abundance of publicly available geographic and demographic datasets offers an untapped reservoir of opportunities for enhancing Information Systems (IS) education. This paper introduces an innovative course designed to engage IS students in research projects utilizing diverse datasets from sources such as the US Census Bureau, providing them with hands-on experience in data manipulation and location analytics. The course will guide students through the process of identifying relevant datasets, formulating research questions, applying appropriate data analysis techniques, and developing a coherent research narrative. Students will work on projects focusing on a variety of data, including income, population, crime, education, spending, and health, in different locations at different scales (e.g., zip code, county, state) culminating in research outputs suitable for conference publication. Keywords: Information Systems, Location Analytics, GIS, Demographic Data, Geographic Data, Methodology: In pursuit of understanding the impact of integrating Location Analytics into IS education, our research follows a systematic approach: Hypotheses: H1: Utilizing public datasets in IS education enhances students' engagement and comprehension of real-world data analysis. H2: This pedagogical approach fosters tangible skill development in GIS, research, analysis, and presentation. H3: Real-world impact and post-course success are positively influenced by the course's structure and content. Data Collection: Pre-and post-course surveys, focus group discussions, and one-on-one interviews. Analysis: The data will be analyzed through statistical models to test the hypotheses. The Course Description: IS688 – Location Analytics and GIS Research This course is designed to provide graduate students with a comprehensive understanding of location analytics and GIS tools and techniques for research applications. The course will review the fundamentals of GIS and spatial analysis, as well as advanced techniques for location-based data analysis, including data visualization, and spatial modeling. Through a combination of lectures and readings students will develop the skills necessary to apply GIS and location analytics to a wide range of research questions. The course capstone will be a paper suitable for publication or presentation at a conference. Sample Studies: "Mapping Cancer Incidence across Regions: A Geospatial Clustering Analysis of Breast and Lung Cancer in Urban and Rural Areas" "Urban Growth and Environmental Impact: A Geospatial Examination of Land Use, Population Density, and Natural Resources" References 1. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications. 2. Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2008). The Craft of Research, Third Edition. University of Chicago Press. 3. Yin, R. K. (2013). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. SAGE Publications. 4. Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. University of Michigan Press.