EDSIGCON Proceedings 2019

EDSIGCON Proceedings 2019

Cleveland, Ohio


Abstracts Chair

Jeffrey Cummings, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Ordered by presentation time

Using Mendix for Learning Agile in a Graduate Information Systems Project Management Course

Melinda Korzaan
Middle Tennessee State University

Michael Erskine
Middle Tennessee State University

Thursday - 11/7/2019 in Humprey at 11:45 am

Demand for agile in managing projects is on the rise and with reports that the use of agile can result in delivering projects five times faster than with traditional methods (Milway, 2011), this demand will likely only continue to increase. Many organizations are currently implementing agile to some degree within their project management practices. More....

Best Practice of Active Learning in Teaching Computer Networking Theory

Li-Jen Lester
Sam Houston State University

Thursday - 11/7/2019 in George Bush at 2:20 pm

Best Practice of Active Learning in Teaching Computer Networking Theory Li-Jen Lester, Sam Houston State University, lester@shsu.edu Subject Area: Abstracts The word of “theory” seems easily leading students to a passive mode of learning when the “theory” of a subject is the main objective of the course. In the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM), the best practices of learning is to process the information effectively by carrying out reflection externally as well as internally. This study focuses on how to implement active learning pedagogy to create a learner-centered environment in the Computer Networking Theory course for spring semester in 2019. More...

Exploring the Emporium Delivery Model for an Introductory Computer Applications Course

Victor Berardi
Kent State University at Stark

Gregory Blundell
Kent State University, Stark Campus

Thursday - 11/7/2019 in Humprey at 2:20 pm

Computer Applications is a three-credit hour course teaching the fundamentals of MS-Office applications (e.g., Word, Excel, Access, etc.), the concepts of data, information, and knowledge, and the basics of computer systems and the internet. The Office applications are the greatest focus, consuming approximately half the semester contact hours. The course is of value not only to traditional college students but also to working adults seeking workforce retraining, skills development, and certification as well as to high-school students taking college-level courses for credit. More....

Engaging students in learning Public Key Cryptography

Vamsi Gondi
Ball State University

Friday - 11/8/2019 in Humprey at 11:45 am

Computer, data and network security is becoming key essential aspect day by day for every business and for government agencies. The improper security deployments, vulnerabilities and flaws in security infrastructures has resulted trillions of dollars and loss of human life. It is very essential to train future work force to implement proper security mechanisms. One major issue on training the students for security is their below par comprehending mathematical skills. Public Key Cryptography (PKC) is one such concept where students need to use high level mathematical skills. Through my previous interactions in the classroom sessions, the traditional chalk and board approach to teach PKC was not effective in retention of the concepts in long run. To improve the retention level, I developed two pedagogical techniques involving students working in pairs and accomplishing the security tasks. I measured the impact with the student feedback forms and with the reference to blooms taxonomy.

Incorporating Parallel Design for Group Projects in Information Systems Analysis

Christopher Sibona
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Friday - 11/8/2019 in Humprey at 4:10 pm

Parallel design is a design concept where multiple designers develop a design prototype individually and at the same time (Nielsen & Faber, 1996). Once initial designs are complete, the designers meet to converge to a single solution. The designers will have diversity in their designs, and designers can choose the best elements from each design to develop a prototype. Prototype design will typically take more than one iteration before a design converges to satisfy all stakeholders. Parallel design can help speed up the design process because each designer works independently for some time with independent solutions. There is a trade-off for the multiple design ideas and increase in speed; however, in that parallel design tends to incur higher costs (Nielsen & Faber, 1996). More...

Title IX mandate to report non-consensual sexual contact: An application of text data analytics to understand the views of university freshmen

Minoo Modaresnezhad
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Mary Canel
Tilburg University

Friday - 11/8/2019 in Wade at 4:10 pm

Nonconsensual sexual contact (NCSC) constituted one-third of all campus crime reports in 2015 according to the National Center for Education Statistics (Musu et al., 2019). 20-25% of students experience NCSC during their college careers. The most common time that NCSC occurs is during the first four semesters of college and students who live in on-campus housing are more likely to experience NCSC. There is an increase of 262% in NCSC reports between 2001 and 2015. More....

From Data Preparation to Visual Exploration and Insight Generation: A Data Analytics Case

Rachida Parks
Quinnipiac University

Saturday - 11/9/2019 in George Bush at 11:45 am

Business leaders around the world are using data analytics to create business value by processing the massive amount of organizational data generated daily. Nowadays, students are expected to achieve a mastery of data-driven decision-making, using analytical skills, before entering the workforce. However, it is often difficult to provide students with real datasets and real analytical cases for practice in the classroom. This case aims to provide students with a unique real-world dataset using an international analytics competition (AIS Analytics Challenge). Providing students with an opportunity to use such data will deepen and systemize their understanding of applied data analytics and thus prepare them better for jobs in big data and analytics. The case learning objectives include the following: (1) apply data analytics software, (2) evaluate how data analytics can be used to answer important business questions, and (3) develop critical skills related to data analysis. A set of deliverables have been developed to align with the case learning objectives. This case can be implemented in an introductory course in analytics, as well as intermediate and more advance level courses.

Flattening the Data: Understanding Multi-Table Databases from the Perspective of a Two-Dimensional Spreadsheet

Richard Grenci
John Carroll University

Saturday - 11/9/2019 in Humprey at 11:45 am

This presentation discusses the use of a series of exercises that introduce how multi-table databases can be analyzed within spreadsheets. The exercises begin with single “flat” tables and then move to multi-table databases that are broken into subsets based on the point of analysis. Google forms, Microsoft Access and Excel, and Power BI are employed. The exercises can be used in an introductory information systems or business analytics course.

Speed Mentoring of Information Systems Students: A Multi-Stage Mentorship Model for Improved Recruitment, Retention, Internship and Career Placement of IS/IT Students

Alex Citurs
Eastern Connecticut State University

Saturday - 11/9/2019 in Wade at 11:45 am


Growing demands by employers for more business-tech savvy interns and career hire graduates across a wide range of IS/IT career path areas, coupled with a shrinking incoming collegiate demographic of prospective students have placed additional pressure on Information Systems/Information Technology faculty and administrators to increase initial student recruitment numbers and improve successful program completion retention numbers. Likewise, business-technical employers are wanting to improve their successful recruitment and retention of a larger number of highly productive flexible, well-matched and highly skilled interns and career hires to meet their growing biz-tech employee needs. More...