EDSIGCON Proceedings 2020

EDSIGCON Proceedings 2021

Washington DC, November 2021

Panels and Discussions

(ordered by presentation time)

Panels Chair

Nesrin Bakir, West Texas A&M University

Panel: Like Playing Whack-a-Mole in the Dark: Teaching Online during a Pandemic

Jill West (Moderator)
Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Graceful Beam
Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Michael Sosnkowski
Virginia Commonwealth University

Mark Ciampa
Western Kentucky University

Teaching online has always been challenging. Throw a pandemic into the mix, and teaching online becomes exponentially more difficult. Students who have no interest in taking an online course suddenly have no other options. Instructors must wrestle with a myriad of technical, motivational, and pedagogical challenges. In this panel of experienced online instructors in cybersecurity, networking, cloud computing, business management, and information systems, we will discuss various techniques for teaching online during a pandemic. Topics will include tools and strategies for the online classroom, perspective from the administrator’s point of view, and insights from authors who design and develop online curriculum. While acknowledging specific challenges, we’ll see how available tools, strategies, and the learning science behind it all can turn this crisis into a critical turning point toward greater success and connection with students.

Wednesday at 12:20 pm

Teaching the Big Data Technologies Course

Arben Asllani
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The majority of business organizations have established Big Data initiatives for gathering business intelligence from large datasets, different data types, and fast-moving data streams. Meanwhile, there is a shortage of data scientists and experts with Big Data skills. Universities and colleges have created Big Data courses, certifications, or Master's programs to close the gap. A recent study indicates that about 60% of recent articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education contain the phrase "Big Data." The goal is to speed up the educational process and send Big Data professionals into the workforce as soon as possible. More....

Wednesday at 2:00 pm

Discussion/Roundtable: Teaching in a COVID World - Face to Face and Synchronous Challenges

Moderator: Lisa Kovalchick
California University of Pennsylvania

Teaching in a COVID world has proved challenging to say the least. This open forum will discuss challenges faced by both faculty and students, as we moved face-to-face instruction online. It will also address the benefits of remote learning versus online instruction. The goal of this discussion is to share ideas and best practices. Please consider joining us and sharing your ideas and learning from the group.
Wednesday at 2:40 pm

What is a Gamer: An exploration of culture, identity, and belonging?

Jennifer Breese
Pennsylvania State University

Jeffery Chiampi
Penn State Wilkes-Barre

Donna Bayer
Penn State University

David Giles
Penn State University Harrisburg

The purpose of this panel is to assist in the research development exploring whether ‘gamers’ identify themselves as gamers or not and why? Duggan (2015) found that 50% of men and 48% of women play video games in some form or fashion be it on consoles, mobile applications, or computers; however, a striking number of both populations shun the descriptor of ‘gamer.’ Men identified themselves as gamers at a rate nearly four times that of women who said the same. The identification statistics garner even further interest when the actual identification number of 15% of men and 6% of women is reported (Duggan, 2015). Duggan (2015) focused primarily on traditional gender roles or heteronormative with an additional review of ethnicities. A limited number of authors are looking at gender with regard to feminism (Gray et al., 2018) in video games aside from potentially more obvious masculinity potential issues (Taylor & Vorhees, 2018) and the Gamergate controversy. Gamergate has been a blanket term used to describe the controversy of gender harassment or more specifically a backlash against a perceived feminism increase in video games. Ruberg and Shaw (2017); Ruberg (2019, 2020); and Shaw (2015) have delved heavily into gender specifically Queer and TGBTQ gaming overall. Paaßen et al. (2016) found that, at best, the male gamer stereotype is only partially accurate but is seemingly compatible with the male identity. They concluded that an underlying hostility towards women in gaming and an incompatibility between the female and gamer identities results in fewer women identifying themselves as gamers despite playing many of the same games as men.

Wednesday at 3:40 pm

Presentation/Discussion: Prospect Press Recent and Forthcoming Textbooks

Beth Golub
Prospect Press

In this session, Prospect Press President & Editor, Beth Lang Golub, will present the range of Prospect Press textbooks curated to serve the IS curriculum. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about our textbooks and discuss ideas for new books that you feel are needed for the field. Lately, Prospect Press has been developing books for business analytics courses especially those offered in conjunction with the IS curriculum. More...

Thursday at 10:40 am

Discussion/Roundtable: Teaching in a COVID world - Hybrid and Asynchronous Challenges

Michelle Louch
Carlow University

It goes without saying that COVID has brought significant, unique challenges to higher education. For many of us, the most obvious was the shift from face-to-face to online. However, what we are finding is that even those courses that were “already” online, either wholly or in part, are facing COVID-related challenges as well – some of which include students working more hours, Zoom fatigue, an increased sense of disconnect, and an increased academic workload in other classes. This forum will offer attendees the opportunity to discuss the expected and unexpected issues faced, as well as share ideas and approaches that we can use as we move forward.
Thursday at 11:20 am


Jeffry Babb
West Texas A&M University

James Pomykalski
Susquehanna University

Eric Breimer
Siena College

Li-Jen Lester
Sam Houston State University

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincent College

You are invited to visit EDSIG and ISCAP leadership and other members to discuss the current state of the organizations, to learn more about the organization, and to offer suggestions and insights on how we can better meet the needs of the membership. Feedback is welcome to improve our academic conferences, journals, or any other aspects of our association. The session is structured around open discussion with Q and A to engage in dialog with the community. Both new and returning members are encouraged to attend."

Thursday at 11:20 am

Publishing Opportunities in JISE as well as ISEDJ and JISAR

Lee Freeman
University of Michigan – Dearborn

Scott Hunsinger
Appalachian State University

If you have ever wanted to publish your pedagogical research in a journal, the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) may be for you. Join JISE's Editor-in-Chief, Lee Freeman, for a quick overview regarding the journal's mission, the types of articles being solicited, the submission requirements, and the review process. In addition, Scott Hunsinger, editor of JISAR (Journal of Information Systems Applied Research) will address your questions on the process of a manuscript presented at the conference being considered for our two other journals. This will be followed by an open Q&A. This session is open to everyone, regardless of your past publication history with JISE.

Thursday at 1:00 pm

Discussion/Roundtable: Building a successful Cyber Education Program - and lessons learned

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincent College

CAE? ABET? CISSP? CEH? Badges? HUH? If you are starting a new Cybersecurity program or evolving to new standards – let’s talk.

Thursday at 1:40 pm

Discussion/Roundtable: Integrating Analytics into the Information Systems Curriculum

Rachida Parks
Quinnipiac University

A team discussion from other ISCAP/EDSIG members who have built or desire to integrate analytics into the Information Systems curriculum. In addition research topics will be discussed to determine if there is interest in collaborative research.

Thursday at 1:40 pm

IS2020: Progress on Updating the Information Systems Model Curriculum

Jeffry Babb
West Texas A&M University

Jonathan Leidig
Grand Valley State University

Mark Thouin
University of Texas - Dallas

Raja Sooriamurthi
Carnegie Mellon University

Greg Anderson
Brigham Young University

Being a decade old, the model curriculum used to develop, update, and assess IS programs (IS2010) was reviewed and assessed by an Exploratory Task Force, established in partnership between the ACM and AIS. The Exploratory Task Force recommended that a taskforce be created to update the content and structure for a new model curriculum. These model curricua efforts underscore the importance of, and need for, the IS discipline to express its core in terms of a standard curriculum that provides a foundation upon which undergraduate IS programs may meet stakeholder demands. Key directions from the Exporatory Task Force that have guided the taskforce on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020) on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020) include: 1) feedback that technical skills do not appear to meet industry needs; 2) A competency basis for describing student outcomes would strengthen the model; and, 3) facilitating an ongoing process to produce a community-driven "living" document would perhaps prevent a decade-long interval between reports. ISCAP-EDSIG has also participated in the taskforce on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020). This panel seeks to follow up on the a previous EDSIGCON panel in 2019 to further engage the IS education community in this effort. Panelists will introduce key components of this process, our progress thus far, and seek further input and feedback. This session should be of interest to all attendees, especially faculty developing college-level curricula in Information Systems.

Thursday at 3:00 pm

Using Virtual Machine Labs for the Data Comm Class

Clinton Daniel
University of South Florida

Manish Agrawal
University of South Florida

We have developed a custom virtual machine (VM) to provide hands-on lab activities for courses covering Data Communications, Networks, and IT Infrastructure. This activity helps students gain a practical understanding of the logical layers included in the Open Standards Interconnect (OSI) model. As the student learner navigates through each of the OSI model layers, which map to the TCP/IP stack (Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical), they apply Networking and Operating System concepts using a Linux VM which can be downloaded and hosted on a laptop or PC. More...
Friday at 9:00 am

Findings: Summary of Best Practices from the 'Teaching in a COVID World' discussion groups

Lisa Kovalchick
California University of Pennsylvania

Michelle Louch
Carlow University

As a way to wrap-up our COVID Discussion Panel, we offer this final session where we will discuss lessons learned during the Wednesday and Thursday discussions on face-to-face, hybrid, synchronous online, and asynchronous online learning during these unprecedented times. Everyone is welcome, and attendance at one of the previous discussion sessions is not required.
Friday at 11:20 am