Sort sequence is based on keyword alphanumeric characters only. .net = net, c++ = c, etc.
4012 2004 §2444
AACSB 2006 §5115 2004 §2422 2003 §2211
AACSB programs 2004 §2424
AASCB 2007 §2513
ABET 2009 §1534 §2355 §3134 §4143 2008 §2344 2007 §2513 2006 §2722 §3143 2005 §3312 §3563 2004 §1132 §2422 §3112 2003 §2211 §2415 §2513 §2515
ABET accreditation 2007 §2525
ABET-CAC 2007 §2314
ABET-CAC Accreditation 2009 §1734
abstract class 2000 §102
abstract data type 2000 §105
academia 2005 §4122 2001 §38c
academic 2006 §2132
academic curriculum requirements 2007 §3713
academic disciplines 2001 §19a
Academic Initiatives 2007 §3355
academic integrity 2003 §3513
academic performance 2007 §3143 2006 §2723 2005 §3573
academic portal 2002 §412a
academic self-confidence 2007 §4124
academic writing 2003 §4132
acceptable/appropriate computer use 2002 §341d
Access 2003 software prototype 2006 §5113
Access competition 2003 §2113
accessibility 2003 §3411
Access Management 2008 §1733
accounting 2000 §111
accreditation 2009 §1534 §2355 §3134 §3352 §4143 2008 §2342 §2344 2007 §2314 §2513 §2532 §3524 2006 §3142 §3143 2005 §3312 §3545 §3565 2004 §2113 §2422 §2445 §3112 §3255 2003 §2211 §2415 2001 §21a §37c 2000 §109 §173
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology 2004 §2422 2003 §2211
accreditation database 2007 §2525
Accreditation Issues 2007 §3112
accreditation tool 2007 §2525
ACM 2001 §00j
ACM curriculum 2007 §2312 2006 §2344 2003 §2223
ACM IS Curriculum 2000 §174
ACP certification 2000 §181
across the curriculum 2000 §170
action learning 2007 §3714 2006 §3733 2003 §3121 2002 §244b
action research 2005 §2523 2004 §3224
active learning 2009 §2344 §2356 2008 §2512 §3332 2007 §2354 §2524 §3342 2006 §3323 2004 §2235 §2454 §3462 2003 §3421 2002 §324c 2000 §409 §608
active learning environment 2008 §2712 2007 §2744 2006 §2524
Active Learning Pedagogy 2007 §2534
active participation in test development 2001 §35a
active server pages 2002 §352b 2001 §30c 2000 §911
activity modeling 2004 §3422
Ada 2001 §00j §00k
adaptable relationships 2005 §2535
adaptation to the classroom 2001 §ws4
adaptive learning 2000 §540
Adjunct Faculty 2009 §2345
administration 2000 §601
administrative simplification 2005 §3544
administrative support 2005 §5122
ADT 2000 §105
adult continuing education 2005 §3374
advanced database course 2002 §221c
advanced programming 2005 §2343
advanced web site design 2004 §2142
Advantages 2008 §5113
advising 2005 §2312 2004 §2252
advising process 2002 §254d
advisory boards 2009 §3342 2004 §2413
adware 2007 §2334
aesthetics 2005 §3352
affect 2006 §2742
affordances 2004 §3242
age 2006 §2723
aged user 2006 §3713
agent 2000 §505
agent model 2000 §505
agent program 2000 §505
agents 2007 §1744
agents theory 2000 §505
agile development methodology 2003 §2213
agile development methods 2005 §5114
agile methodology 2003 §3212
agile software development 2008 §2554 2007 §3353
agile software project management 2009 §3164
agreement 2008 §2742 2007 §2344 2005 §2322
agreement measure 2009 §1532
AIPC 2002 §123w
airline travel agent website 2004 §3122
AITP 2007 §2713
AITP IS Curriculum 2000 §174
AJAX 2008 §2334 2007 §2353 §2553 2006 §2732
algorithm design techniques 2009 §2343 2006 §2525 2000 §125
algorithmic thinking 2000 §506
algorithms 2000 §105 §122
Alice 2007 §2723 2006 §1143 2005 §2133 2000 §506
Alice programming language 2006 §2342 §2743
alignment 2004 §2443
alliance 2006 §2132
alumni 2005 §4122
alumni evaluation 2002 §354c
alumni satisfaction index 2003 §2122
alumni survey 2006 §2514
ambiguity 2002 §242d
ambiguity evaluation 2002 §242d
ambiguity tolerance 2002 §242c §242d
America Competes Act 2008 §2314
analogies 2003 §3511
analogous modeling 2003 §3511
analysis 2001 §39b §ws2
analysis and design 2005 §3364 2003 §2232 2002 §342b
analysis topics 2003 §3221
analyst assistant 2000 §600
analyst skills 2000 §112
analytical hierarchy process 2004 §2144
andragogy 2007 §2542 2001 §32b
Annals of the History of Computing 2001 §00k
ANS X.12 2000 §501
APCS 2000 §540
API 2007 §3325
apparel retail industry 2005 §3344
application architecture 2005 §2314 2000 §503
application design 2001 §20a
application development 2005 §2144 §3523 2003 §2413 §3214 2001 §20a
applications 2000 §170
applications of information technology and computerization 2001 §38a
application viewpoint 2006 §3114
applied computing 2004 §2134 2001 §16a
applied networking 2001 §24c 2000 §182
applied research 2000 §607
ARAD tool 2005 §2314
archaeology 2000 §170
architectural framework 2005 §3122
architecture 2008 §1542 2001 §16b
architecture design description 2006 §3113 §3114
architecture framework 2007 §3154 2006 §3113 §3114
architecture process model 2006 §3113 §3114
Armstrong’s axioms 2004 §4123
art and physical systems architecture 2007 §3324
ASP 2001 §08a §30c
ASP.NET 2007 §2353 2006 §2334 2005 §3134 2004 §3164
assembler 2005 §2524
assembly language 2001 §12c
assessment 2009 §3132 §3134 2008 §1734 §3154 §3712 2007 §2532 §3524 §5112 2006 §2112 §2115 §3143 2005 §2122 §2123 §2312 §2343 §2532 §3532 §3545 §3565 2004 §3142 §3263 §4112 2003 §2111 §2133 §3415 §3515 2002 §223c §243b §412d 2001 §10a §12b 2000 §109 §919
assessment plan 2007 §3524
assessment tool 2007 §2525
assignments 2002 §221c
assistance 2008 §2734 2007 §2544
assisted living 2006 §3713
assistive technology 2003 §3411
Association Analysis 2008 §3142
Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business 2004 §2422
Association of Information Technology Professionals 2007 §3542
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business 2003 §2211
associative network 2008 §2723 2005 §3143
Assurance of learning 2008 §3712
asynchronous e-learning 2007 §2543 2004 §3143
asynchronous learning 2005 §3123 2004 §3144 2001 §15a §17b 2000 §590
asynchronous learning networks 2003 §3121
asynchronous learning tools 2004 §4122
asynchronous support tools 2000 §405
attendance 2007 §3143
attitudes 2006 §2342 2005 §2133 2001 §06b
attributed programming 2005 §2553
attribute importance 2008 §3154
attributes 2004 §4123
audit 2004 §3463
Auditing 2007 §3554
AUP 2002 §341d
Australia 2000 §700
authentication 2004 §2244 2002 §322w 2001 §15c 2000 §581
authoring 2001 §28c
authoring tools 2000 §918
authorware 2004 §3423 2000 §200
automata 2007 §3722 2000 §410
automated curriculum management 2002 §243b
automated grading 2006 §3522 2004 §2233
automated identification 2005 §4123
automatic assessment 2001 §09c
automatic question generation 2003 §4112
automation of education 2002 §243a
AVI movies 2000 §918
avoiding project failure 2001 §00j
B2B 2003 §2121
B2C 2003 §2121
backup 2004 §2414
banking 2004 §3253
barcode 2005 §4123
barriers 2000 §914
BASIC 2001 §22c
basic computer skills 2004 §2254
behavioral modeling 2004 §2434
behavior-driven modeling 2005 §2332
Belady's anomaly 2009 §3522
benchmarking 2006 §2514 2000 §122
benefits to educators 2000 §902
best practices 2008 §3713 2007 §2345
binary components 2000 §180
binary numbers 2002 §345w
bioinformatics 2008 §3312
biometrics 2004 §2244 2003 §2131
biometric security 2009 §3165
Biopython 2008 §3312
blackboard 2009 §1734 §2346 2002 §241p 2001 §28b
blended learning 2007 §2724
blind programmer 2004 §3265
blog 2008 §3135 2005 §2143
blogging 2004 §3242
Bloom's taxonomy 2000 §918
BPM 2009 §3114
BPR training 2000 §118
brain gain 2001 §01a
budget 2006 §2132
bug 2002 §253b
burnout 2001 §15b
business 2005 §2334 2000 §170
business administration 2000 §111
business administration curricula 2008 §2514
business analysis 2009 §2315 2007 §3553
Business Analyst 2008 §3153
business case study 2003 §2412
business collaboration 2009 §3342
business core 2002 §354c
business curriculum 2009 §3513 2005 §3532
business education 2001 §29b 2000 §904
business information intelligence 2005 §2564
Business Information Technology 2008 §3313
business intelligence 2009 §3153 2008 §2313 §3512 2007 §2523 2005 §3142
business modeling 2006 §2153
business problem solving 2002 §224a
Business Processes 2009 §3543 2008 §2313
business process improvement 2003 §2123
Business Processing 2007 §3152
business process innovation 2008 §3362
Business Process Integration 2009 §3512 2008 §2514
business process management 2009 §3114
Business Process Management (BPM) 2008 §2523 2004 §3443
business process model 2001 §33b
business process redesign methodology 2004 §2443
business process reengineering 2003 §2123
business process reengineering methodology 2003 §2123
business school 2006 §4132 2005 §3564 2004 §3223 2003 §2211
Business Statistics 2008 §2512
business success 2005 §3133
business system architecture 2005 §3122
business teaching strategy 2003 §4131
business-to-business 2003 §2121
business to business processes 2000 §121
business-to-business relationships 2003 §3433
business-to-customer 2003 §2121
Business University Partnerships 2001 §18a
b-webs 2000 §208
C++ 2009 §3154 2007 §3313 2006 §2325 §3134 2005 §2533 2004 §2132 §2233 §3455 2001 §22c 2000 §243
CAC 2009 §4143 2004 §2422 2003 §2211 §2513
CAI 2001 §28c
Calculus 2005 §3164
campus-wide 2004 §2415
Capacity Building 2007 §3543
C# application 2004 §4114
capstone 2009 §2326 2007 §2353 §3714 2006 §2524 2005 §3132 2003 §2243
capstone course 2009 §2356 2007 §3713 2006 §2713 §2714 2005 §3554 2004 §2253 §4134 2003 §2421 2001 §34c
capstone courses 2009 §3534
capstone experience 2009 §3313 §3324 2008 §2712 2006 §2712 2005 §2163
capstone experiences 2002 §343b
capstone IS Course 2004 §2224
capstone project 2009 §2343 §2353 2008 §2534 2006 §2154 §2344 2001 §11a 2000 §961
capstone projects 2007 §1544
capstone software development 2007 §2552 2006 §2152 2005 §2362
career counseling 2005 §2152
career development 2008 §3342 2007 §3343
career fields 2004 §3453
careers 2003 §2512
career skills 2001 §12a
career tracks 2009 §3514 2007 §3145
case 2007 §3124 2006 §3125
case-based reasoning 2002 §224c
case problems 2002 §354a
cases 2007 §2515
case studies 2008 §3313 2007 §4123
case study 2007 §3145 §3345 2006 §3114 §3115 2005 §3543 2004 §3123 2000 §411
case study approach 2002 §353c
case tools 2005 §2363 §5123
CAT 2009 §1753
Categorization 2007 §2333
CBA core 2000 §113
CBSD 2000 §180
CBT 2001 §25c §28c 2000 §500
CC2001 2002 §352a
CCER 2006 §2722 §2723 2005 §3112
CCNA 2005 §2313 2001 §ws3
CCNP 2005 §2313 2001 §ws3
cell phones 2007 §3354
certificate 2000 §403
certificate and associate degree programs 2001 §17c
certification 2009 §3352 2008 §1714 2006 §2112 §2115 §2532 §2742 2005 §2122 §2124 §2545 2004 §3463 2001 §01a §21a
certifications 2005 §2313
Certified Internal Auditor Examination 2006 §3525
CGI 2002 §352b
changing user requirements 2002 §343b
cheating 2004 §2233 2003 §3513
Chief Security Officer 2003 §3222
Chief Technology Officer 2004 §4132
China 2007 §2324
China and U.S. 2007 §3514
Chinese Americans 2007 §2752
Chinese culture 2007 §2752
Chinese language 2007 §2752
choosing technology projects 2002 §354d
CIO 2001 §14b
CIO involvement 2008 §2362
CIO Mentoring 2008 §2362
CIP codes 2005 §2164
CIS 2006 §2542 2005 §3332 2003 §3131 §4123
Cisco 2001 §08b
Cisco networking 2001 §ws3
CIS curriculum 2008 §3314 2007 §3344 2006 §2713 2003 §2413 §2512 2002 §243c
CIS curriculum development 2004 §2215
CIS Enrollment 2009 §2352
CIS graduate curriculum 2009 §3542
CIS majors 2007 §2713
CIS minor 2008 §2533
CIS minors 2007 §3315
CIS recruitment 2009 §2352 2007 §3315
CISSP 2005 §2313
CIS student communication skills 2008 §2553
civic engagement 2006 §3713
civil engineering 2001 §00k
CLA 2009 §1565
C++ language 2006 §2525
class 2000 §102
class engagement 2006 §4133
classes 2004 §4114
class/instance 2000 §400
class learning assessment 2007 §3332
classroom 2009 §4344 2006 §3144
classroom discussions 2008 §3332
classroom exercise 2008 §3514
classroom game 2005 §2552
classroom management software 2006 §4133
classroom management systems 2007 §4122
classroom models 2009 §3113
classroom observation 2002 §224d
classroom techniques 2009 §3333
classroom technology 2001 §38b
class web sites 2001 §38b
Clauses Satisfiability 2009 §4142
CLEP 2007 §4112
Clickers 2008 §2512
client 2006 §2142
client-server 2004 §3163
client/server applications 2007 §2722
client/server processing 2000 §140
client-server systems 2008 §2712
client/server technology 2000 §913
client-side programming 2001 §30c
closure 2004 §4123
cloud computing 2009 §2314 §3153 §3554 2008 §2343
CLR 2004 §2132
cluster analysis 2004 §3122
Clustering 2008 §3142
CMC computer mediated communications 2002 §321d
CMM 2000 §115
CMMI 2003 §3515
C# .NET 2006 §3134
coaching 2007 §1744
COBIT 2008 §4112
COBOL 2006 §2142 2005 §2533 2004 §3455 2003 §2413 §2513 2002 §351b 2001 §16c §22c 2000 §126
COBOL's future 2002 §351b
COBOL standards 2001 §12a
code generation 2002 §221d
code modules 2004 §4114
cognitive load 2001 §02a
cognitive model 2008 §2723
cognitive principles 2007 §2753
cognitive style 2000 §915
collaborating in team settings 2002 §343b
collaboration 2007 §4122 2004 §3444 2003 §4133 2001 §29c 2000 §145 §800
collaboration methods 2003 §3433
collaboration tools 2009 §3162
collaborative 2005 §3363 2004 §4124
collaborative learning 2009 §3162 §3313 2008 §2713 §3135 2004 §3144 §4133 2003 §3133 2000 §118 §407
collaborative project 2005 §2522
collaborative tools 2005 §4114
collaborative work 2005 §2342
Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) 2009 §1565
colloquium 2004 §3254
COM 2000 §180
Combined Class 2008 §2524
command language 2002 §252c
commercial airline industry 2006 §3145
Commercial Software 2007 §3152
common language runtime 2004 §2132
common platform 2000 §940
communication 2009 §2345 2001 §20c §33a
communication skills 2008 §2553 2006 §3133 2005 §2544
communication skills in IS 2005 §2522 2004 §2224
Communication Technology 2009 §2345
community college programs 2001 §01b
community engagement 2008 §2724 2005 §3552
community partnership 2003 §3411
community service 2005 §3552 2004 §2454
community technology centers 2002 §341b
comparative analysis model 2002 §412b
compensation 2002 §341a
competencies 2006 §3123 2001 §37b
competency 2001 §21a
competency-based curriculum 2000 §241
competitive advantage 2005 §3572 2004 §4132
competitive intelligence 2008 §3512 2000 §403
complementary strengths 2003 §2222
complexity 2006 §2525 2001 §35a
component-based software 2000 §180
Composite minors 2007 §3315
composition strategies 2001 §39b
CompTIA 2005 §2313
computability 2000 §410
computability concern 2002 §351c
computational 2007 §2342
computational math 2008 §3113
computer 2009 §2325 2005 §2344 §2532 2004 §2414
computer-adapted test 2000 §902
computer anxiety 2001 §19a
computer aptitude 2007 §3323
computer architecture 2002 §253c §342d
computer assisted education 2003 §4113
computer-assisted instruction 2001 §28c
computer attitude questionnaire 2003 §2124
computer attitudes 2001 §19a
Computer-based surveys 2009 §4333
computer-based testing 2005 §2312
computer-based training 2008 §3115 2001 §25c §28c 2000 §500
computer career 2005 §2152
computer careers 2007 §3522 2005 §3124
computer classroom design 2004 §2234
computer classrooms 2004 §2234
Computer Competency 2008 §3134
computer crime 2006 §2354 2000 §128
computer crimes 2001 §05a
computer curriculum 2007 §2313
computer education 2008 §2552 2001 §37b
computer engineering 2004 §3435 2001 §12c
computer ethics 2006 §3334 2001 §07c
computer forensics 2007 §3142 2006 §5114
computer games 2006 §3322
computer industry 2000 §114
computer information systems 2008 §2532 §2534 §3342 2007 §2712 2006 §2714 2005 §3332 §3554 §3573 2004 §3445 2003 §4123 2002 §254a 2001 §16c
Computer Information Systems Coursework 2008 §2714
computer information systems education 2003 §2523
computer information systems pedagogy 2004 §2255
computer integration 2002 §341c
computer lab 2001 §30b
computer lab classroom 2004 §2234
computer labs 2001 §32a
computer languages 2009 §3154
computer learning environment 2004 §3422
computer literacy 2009 §3162 §3334 §3753 2008 §2714 2007 §1545 §2313 §2742 §3552 2006 §2123 §2744 2005 §2172 §3524 §4112 2004 §3432 2003 §2111 2002 §243c 2001 §07a 2000 §129
Computer Literacy Education 2007 §3112
computer majors 2008 §2532
computer-mediated 2009 §3152
computer-mediated communication 2002 §324a
computer-mediated communication and collaboration 2009 §2346
computer mediated communications 2002 §321d
computer-mediated technology 2002 §252b
computer networks 2000 §119
computer performance 2000 §122
Computer Proficiency 2007 §2742
computer programming 2007 §2333 §2524 2005 §3522
computer programming curriculum 2006 §2743 2001 §22c
computer-related graduate program 2001 §29a
computer reticent 2003 §3123 2001 §06c
computers 2009 §2342 2008 §2734 2007 §2544
computer science 2008 §1513 §2342 2005 §2333 2004 §3153 §3435 2001 §06b §16a §ws1
Computer Science and Calculus 2005 §3164
computer science and information systems curriculum 2009 §2325 2008 §3312
computer science curricula 2000 §171
computer science curriculum 2007 §3353 2002 §254b
computer science education 2007 §2343 2000 §917
Computer Sciences 2008 §2524
computer security 2009 §1732 2001 §05a
computer semantics 2001 §00k
computer skills 2008 §3313 2007 §4123 2005 §3532
computer skills assessment 2004 §2254
computer specialist 2005 §3373
computer stress 2001 §19a
computer technology 2004 §3415
computer threats 2004 §3434
computing 2003 §3123 2001 §06b §06c §17b 2000 §143
Computing Accreditation Commission 2004 §2422 2003 §2211 §2513
computing career 2001 §26a
computing careers 2009 §2352 2006 §2133
computing curricula 2003 §2222 2002 §351c 2000 §900
computing discipline 2004 §3453
computing education 2000 §404
computing fields 2009 §3533 2006 §2343
Computing Interest 2009 §2352
computing literacy 2008 §3532
computing major 2006 §3723
computing program in a business college 2004 §3414
Computing Resources 2009 §2314
computing skills 2006 §2133
concepts-first curriculum 2005 §2542
concepts for teaching 2004 §3452
conceptual method 2009 §3333
Conceptual Model 2007 §3152
conduct 2008 §2352
consensus 2009 §1532 2008 §2742 2007 §2344 2005 §2322
consensus measure 2005 §2142
constraint 2003 §2414
constraint-based 2002 §224b
Constructionism 2004 §3154
constructivism 2009 §4144 2008 §2713 2000 §408
constructivist 2001 §34a
container classes 2000 §105
content 2001 §19c
Content Management System 2009 §3554
content marketing 2002 §353b
contest 2003 §2113
continuing education 2007 §2724
continuous improvement 2004 §2113 2003 §2231 2001 §13a 2000 §118
continuous process improvement 2009 §3333
Continuous Program Improvement 2009 §3324
Control Frameworks 2008 §4112
cookie files 2002 §354b
cooperative learning 2008 §1712 2007 §2352 2003 §3133 2000 §409
copyright 2009 §1753 2006 §3332
CORBA 2003 §4111 2000 §180
core concepts 2001 §33c
core skills 2002 §412c
corporate engagement 2009 §3342
corporate IS discrimination 2000 §103
corporate universities 2000 §904
cost and benefit analysis 2005 §2535
cost-benefit analysis 2002 §323d
cost of IT 2005 §3354
course alignment 2005 §2163
course alternatives 2005 §4112
course assessment 2008 §2742 §3162
course authoring tools 2001 §28c
course content 2008 §3114 2001 §13a
course delivery 2002 §241p §323c
course delivery methodology 2005 §3162 §3163
course design 2009 §1554 §3112 2006 §2144 §3112 2004 §2253 §2443 §3432 2003 §2421 §2422 2000 §142
course development 2002 §321a §412d 2001 §11d
course development models 2005 §2542
course evaluation 2008 §1514 §3162 2006 §2512 2002 §412d
course feedback 2002 §412d
course in software engineering 2005 §2342
course integration 2003 §2412 §3211
course management 2002 §411c
course management software 2004 §3243
course management systems 2001 §38b
course management tools 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
course material 2009 §3333
course outcomes 2004 §2213
course preparation 2004 §3134
course prerequisites 2000 §111
course project 2007 §3713
course redesign 2008 §3343
courses out-of-sequence 2006 §3523
courseware 2006 §3522 2005 §2162 2001 §15a
Covey habits 2003 §2233
CP-Matrix 2008 §5114
creating user groups 2004 §3264
creative problem solving 2003 §2242
creativity 2009 §3332 2003 §2242 2001 §ws4
crime-reporting 2001 §00j
crimeware 2008 §3532
crisis prevention 2004 §3444
criteria 2009 §4143 2000 §402
critical analysis 2007 §3714
critical infrastructure protection 2000 §609
critical mission 2000 §540
critical reading 2007 §2354
critical reflection 2007 §3714
critical success factors 2009 §1555 2004 §3443 2000 §242
critical thinking 2009 §1753 2008 §2552 2005 §3363 2004 §2234 2003 §3112 2002 §324b 2001 §17a 2000 §603
Critical-thinking skills 2009 §1565
CRM 2009 §3354
cross-cultural learning 2009 §3162
cross-disciplinary 2000 §940
cross-disciplinary assignment 2005 §2522
cross-disciplinary collaboration 2002 §324a
cross-listed course 2002 §254c
cross-site scripting 2007 §2553
crossword puzzles 2005 §3363 2000 §918
crucial infrastructure security 2004 §3412
cryptography 2001 §28a
Cryptomnesia 2008 §3344
Crystal Clear 2003 §2213
CS 2006 §2542 2005 §2333 2003 §3131
CS0 2007 §2524 2005 §2542 2000 §440
CS1 2007 §2723 2006 §3522 2002 §352a 2000 §440
CS2 2006 §3522 2002 §352a
CSAB 2009 §4143
CSAB accreditation 2001 §16a
CS/CIS and MIS programs 2009 §3313
CSCL 2004 §4133
CS curricula 2005 §2364
CS curriculum 2001 §34b 2000 §440
CS education 2008 §1712 2003 §3521
CS/IS curriculum 2002 §415c
CSO 2003 §3222
CS programs 2009 §3312
CTO 2004 §4132
Culture effect on doctoral attrition 2008 §3533
Culture influence and social isolation 2008 §3533
Culture Social Isolation and Doctoral Attrition 2008 §3533
curricula 2007 §2753
curricular planning 2001 §29b
curriculum 2009 §1535 §4332 2008 §1535 §2352 2007 §1542 §2315 §2522 §2523 §2532 §3114 §3524 2006 §2542 §2732 §3144 §3535 §3712 §4132 §5114 §5115 2005 §2124 §2163 §2313 §2333 §2353 §2545 §3112 §3543 §3563 §3564 §3574 2004 §1132 §2134 §2425 §2444 §2445 §3223 §3254 §3432 2003 §2133 §2221 §2241 §2424 §2522 2002 §223d §341c 2001 §00l §01b §08b §13c §14a §16c §18a §22b §31b §33b §34c §ws5 2000 §110 §117 §120 §141 §143 §144 §145 §147 §301 §403 §640
curriculum assessment 2003 §2122 2000 §905
curriculum content 2000 §106
curriculum delivery 2002 §415a
curriculum design 2008 §2312 §3362 2007 §3543 2006 §3323 §3712 §4142 2005 §2353 §3334 2004 §3132 §3414 2002 §415c 2001 §07a §14c §29a §29c 2000 §126
curriculum development 2007 §2355 §3543 2006 §2332 2005 §2123 2004 §2423 §2435 2003 §2221 §2512 §3215 §3433 2002 §222c §352a §511a 2001 §27a §36a §39a 2000 §106 §112 §121 §171
curriculum framework 2005 §3562
curriculum integration 2005 §2132
curriculum issues 2001 §16a
curriculum mapping 2003 §3215
curriculum models 2003 §2215
curriculum quality assessment 2001 §13a
curriculum requirements 2006 §3523
customer chain 2005 §3344
customer integration 2005 §2534
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 2006 §2533
Customer Relationship Marketing 2006 §2533
customer resource management 2005 §2535
cyber addiction 2000 §909
cybercrime 2002 §123w
cyber crimes 2006 §2324
cyber defense 2008 §3542
cyberdissident 2006 §3333
cyberethics 2005 §3543
cyberlaw 2006 §2355
cyber-plagiarism 2003 §3513
cyber terrorism 2004 §3412
DACUM 2001 §39a
DAMA 2005 §3562
Data 2008 §1542
data access layer 2005 §2553
data administration 2000 §460
database 2008 §2333 2007 §1545 §3313 §3325 2006 §3134 2005 §2544 §2565 §3153 2004 §2425 §2445 §3133 §3163 2003 §2111 §2131 §2232 2001 §00j 2000 §460
database administration 2002 §412d
database application programming 2003 §4121
database applications development 2001 §27a
database case study 2005 §3154
database competition 2003 §2113
database connectivity 2003 §3232 2001 §08c
database curriculum 2000 §407
database design 2007 §2722 §3124 2005 §2565 2004 §4123 2001 §35c 2000 §918
database design skills 2009 §4144
database development 2007 §3124 2002 §354a
database education 2005 §5113
database first course 2003 §3423
database integration 2004 §3225
database interaction 2003 §3232 2001 §08c
database management 2005 §3374 2002 §354a
database management systems 2002 §352b
database performance 2006 §2124
database processing concepts 2009 §3752
database project 2003 §3423
databases 2004 §3252 2001 §35b
database systems 2008 §2712
database systems design 2001 §27a
database Web interaction 2007 §2722
data cleansing 2003 §3521
data collection 2005 §4123
data collection interviews 2006 §2153
data communications 2002 §511a 2001 §08b §30b
data download 2003 §3111
data-driven modeling 2009 §3133
data file 2004 §3252
data files 2005 §3153
data integrity 2004 §3252
data management 2006 §2115 2000 §460
data management curriculum 2005 §3562
data mining 2009 §3153 2008 §3142 §3154 2007 §3333 2005 §3142 §3373 2002 §224b §254b 2001 §35b
Data Mining course 2008 §2313
data modeling 2009 §3133 §4144 2008 §2313 2007 §1545 2005 §2565 2004 §2124
data modeling pedagogy 2009 §3133
data packets 2009 §2344
data pool 2005 §3153
data resource management 2005 §3562
data scrubbing 2003 §3521
data structures 2006 §2524
data structures and algorithms 2000 §125
data table 2006 §3132
data visualization 2004 §3124
data warehouse 2007 §2523 2003 §3521 2001 §35c
data warehousing 2005 §3142 2001 §00l §35b
date arithmetic 2002 §324d
dDatabase 2006 §3132
DE 2009 §4344
debates 2003 §2114 2001 §33a
debug 2002 §253b
decision making 2004 §3252
decision sciences 2008 §1515
Decision Support 2009 §3153
decision support system 2003 §2234 2002 §222a
decision support systems 2002 §254d 2000 §602
Decision Tree 2008 §3142
decision tree analysis 2005 §4113
Declining CIS enrollments 2008 §2533
declining computer majors 2005 §2152
declining enrollment 2008 §3152 2007 §3312
declining enrollment in computer careers 2007 §3522 2005 §3124
declining enrollments 2007 §3315
decryption 2001 §28a
deeper understanding 2007 §1742
deep learners 2003 §2124
defect management 2000 §115
defect prevention 2000 §115
definition 2000 §640
definition of Information Science 2000 §412
definitions 2006 §2542 2003 §3131
deictic gesturing 2001 §15a
DELPHI 2001 §37b 2000 §260
Delphi research 2002 §351d
demand paging 2009 §3522
denormalization 2005 §3153
Dependencies 2007 §2333
depth of knowledge 2001 §35a
descriptive information systems paradigm 2002 §244d 2000 §444
design 2007 §3324 §5112 2006 §3125 §3733 2001 §39b §ws2
design and implementation 2003 §4111
design charrette 2006 §3733
design evaluation 2006 §5122
design framework 2002 §223a
design of interaction 2005 §2323
design principles 2005 §2523
design specification 2003 §2423
design tool 2000 §127
design topics 2003 §3221
determinants 2006 §2522
deterministic finite automata 2003 §3234
develop 2001 §ws2
developing nation 2007 §3742
development funding 2007 §3744
development life cycle 2003 §3212
development models 2000 §242
development of academic program 2003 §2133
DFA 2003 §3234
difficulty assessment 2003 §4112
difficulty learning programming 2008 §2513
diffusion of innovations 2007 §2752
digital divide 2009 §3524 2006 §3713 2002 §341b
digital forensics 2008 §1552 2006 §5114
digital media 2004 §3435
digital piracy 2006 §3334
Digital Technology 2008 §2552
direct or vague instructions 2003 §3112
Disadvantages 2008 §5113
disaster 2007 §2322
disaster planning 2007 §3122
disaster recovery 2007 §3122
discourse 2002 §323d
Discovery and Integration (UDDI) 2004 §3443
discrete math 2008 §3113
discrete mathematics 2005 §3563 2004 §1132 2002 §351a
discussion board 2007 §1742
discussion forums 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
disk sanitation 2003 §3222
dispersion 2007 §2344 2005 §2142
displaced 2007 §2322
display device 2005 §2563
disruptive technology 2000 §208
dissertation research 2008 §1535
distance delivery 2000 §908
distance education 2009 §2324 §3135 2008 §2734 2007 §2323 §2324 §2542 §2544 2006 §2744 2005 §2323 §2354 §3123 2004 §3424 2003 §2424 §2523 2000 §101 §200 §243 §906 §908
distance education success factors 2003 §2523
distance learning 2007 §3552 §3553 §5113 2006 §3133 2005 §2132 §3123 §3162 §3163 §3523 2004 §3144 §4122 2003 §2234 §3121 §3434 §3523 §4131 2002 §223b §323b §411a §412a 2000 §113 §201 §241 §242 §443 §500 §590 §916
Distance Learning (DL) 2008 §5113
distributed 2002 §224b
distributed components 2000 §140
distributed courses 2005 §3152
distributed learning 2000 §242 §244
distributed learning environment 2007 §2332
distributed systems 2003 §2524
DMBOK 2006 §2115
doctoral program 2008 §1535 2003 §2522
doctoral qualification 2003 §2411
documentation 2000 §122
domain identification 2005 §3373
domain knowledge 2007 §2744
domain modeling 2005 §2332
donationware 2007 §2334
door lock security 2003 §2131
dot-com 2002 §411d
Dreamweaver 2004 §3423
DSS 2003 §2234 2000 §602
dual-listed courses 2000 §104
dual tasking 2000 §600
Dynamic Decision 2008 §5114
dynamic document technology 2001 §30c
dynamic link library 2000 §912
dynamic programming 2004 §3454
dynamic web pages 2000 §580
EAI 2002 §221b
EATPUTr 2000 §412
E-Business 2006 §3145 2005 §2354 §3133 §3344 2004 §2232 2003 §2114 §2524 2002 §223a §353a 2001 §11b §18c 2000 §120 §502
e-Business application software 2003 §2433
e-business standardized solutions 2005 §3572
e-classrooms 2004 §2234
E-Commerce 2009 §1562 2005 §3134 2004 §2412 §3225 2003 §2114 §2521 §2524 §3232 §3424 2002 §223a §323a §353a 2001 §11a §11b §11c §11d §15c §18c §23c 2000 §141 §208 §502 §503 §901
E-Commerce courses 2000 §261
e-Commerce curriculum 2003 §2433
E-commerce education 2004 §3164 2002 §353c
e-Commerce graduate programs 2003 §2433
e-commerce technology 2002 §353a 2001 §11b
e-course 2003 §3523
e-customer chain 2006 §3145
EDI 2000 §501
education 2009 §2342 §3152 2008 §2524 §2713 §2734 §3164 §3314 2007 §2544 2006 §3332 §4132 2005 §2134 §2344 §3342 §3562 §3564 2004 §2444 §3223 2003 §2231 §2242 §2511 2002 §243a §323d §343d 2001 §12c 2000 §601
educational games 2005 §3363
educational model 2009 §3312
educational paradigm 2008 §3114
educational research 2002 §224d
educational software 2009 §4144 2008 §2334 2002 §323c 2001 §15a
educational software programs 2000 §402
educational use 2005 §2324
education strategies 2009 §3312 §3313
edutainment 2007 §3342
e-Education 2000 §240
effective learning 2001 §24d
effectiveness 2004 §3252 2003 §2414
efficiency 2003 §2414
egroups 2000 §800
elderly 2006 §3713
e-learning 2009 §1733 §3113 §4342 2008 §1734 2007 §2322 §2543 §3514 2005 §2354 2004 §2434 §3143 2003 §3523 2002 §324c 2001 §23d
eLearning information systems 2009 §3113
E-learning readiness 2009 §4342
electronic classroom 2001 §17a
electronic classrooms 2004 §2234 2002 §324b
electronic commerce 2009 §2326 2006 §3325 §5122 2005 §3333 §3542 2004 §3413 2003 §2114 §2121 §3115 2002 §321a 2001 §11d §15c 2000 §142 §371
electronic commerce degrees 2000 §107
electronic commerce undergraduate programs 2000 §570
electronic data interchange 2000 §501
electronic testing 2001 §08a
EM 2004 §3444
e-mail 2008 §5112 2006 §2543 2002 §252a
EMBA 2006 §2514
Embedded computing education 2008 §3722
eMbedded Visual Basic 2001 §25b
emergency management 2004 §3444
emerging technologies 2003 §4111 §4122 2000 §108
emerging technology 2004 §2442 2002 §221c
Emerging Trends in IS Curricula 2006 §3352
empirical investigation log file data 2009 §3322
employee management 2000 §913
employee selection 2006 §2532
employer requirements 2000 §907
employment trends 2004 §3300
encryption 2001 §28a 2000 §581
End User 2007 §1545
end-user application development 2001 §19b
end-user information systems 2003 §2221
end-user modeling 2000 §602
end-user support skills 2000 §112
engagement 2009 §3332
engineering 2006 §2343
English 2005 §3534
English as a Second Language 2006 §2723
enhanced learning 2009 §3332
enrollment 2007 §1543 §2322 2005 §2364 2004 §2412
enrollment decline 2005 §2152
enrollment management 2000 §147
enrollment trends 2008 §1512 2007 §3314 §3334
Enron 2004 §3123
enterprise application integration 2002 §221b
enterprise integration 2009 §5112 2007 §3513
Enterprise Resource Planning 2009 §3513 §3543 2000 §124 §301
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 2008 §2514
enterprise resource planning systems 2000 §121
enterprise security 2007 §3154
enterprise system 2009 §3512
enterprise systems 2009 §3323 §3513 2008 §2514 §2712 2007 §2324 §3513
enterprise systems education 2009 §5112 2007 §3513
entity classes 2005 §2553
entity modelling 2005 §5113
entity-relationship diagram 2007 §3124
entity-relationship model 2005 §2565
Entity-Relationship modeling 2006 §2143
entrepreneurship 2005 §3133
entropy 2005 §2322
entry-level IS skills 2006 §2733
entry level skills 2006 §2112
environmental waste 2003 §3222
epistemology 2006 §2544
: equals contract 2005 §2554
equitable learning achievement option 2007 §3332
e-recruiting providers 2001 §13b
ERP 2009 §3354 §3512 §3543 2005 §2162 2001 §18a 2000 §121 §124 §300 §301
error detection 2000 §912
error rate 2005 §3372
estimating information systems 2009 §3323
Ethernet 2004 §2414
ethical cases 2007 §2515
ethical conduct 2000 §801
ethical decision making 2007 §2514
ethical dilemmas 2007 §2515
ethical intensity 2007 §2515
ethics 2009 §3332 §4352 2008 §2352 §2355 §2552 §2722 §2723 §3312 2007 §2513 §2514 §2515 §3123 §3314 2006 §2134 §2324 §2354 §3332 §3335 2005 §3143 §3524 §3542 §3543 §3545 2004 §3253 §3254 §3255 2003 §2114 2002 §254a §353a 2001 §00j
ethics education 2008 §2723
ethnicity 2007 §3322
ETL 2003 §3521
Europe 2000 §914
evaluate 2004 §3463
evaluation 2007 §5113 2004 §3423 2001 §31b 2000 §640
Evaluation and Promotion 2008 §3342
evaluation process model 2008 §1514
evaluations 2004 §2214
evaluation techniques 2001 §13a
e-value chain management 2005 §3572
evolutionary development method 2005 §5114
evolutionary systems 2002 §224a
examples of cyber exploits 2004 §3412
exams 2005 §2343
Excel 2000 §602
Excel Data mining Add-ins 2009 §3153
Excel worksheet 2004 §4114
exception handling 2006 §3324
Executive Education 2008 §2362
executive management education 2005 §2132
exit assessment 2004 §2113
exit skills 2006 §2115
expectations 2002 §310s
experiential course sequences 2002 §343b
experiential education 2003 §3431
experiential learning 2009 §4354 §5112 2007 §2533 2005 §3552 2002 §324a 2001 §07b
experimental learning 2000 §940
experiments 2000 §201
expert learners 2007 §3552
expert system 2005 §4113 2004 §3163 2001 §23a
expert systems 2007 §3113 2002 §224a 2000 §600
exploratory learning 2008 §3343
Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) 2004 §3443
external forces 2007 §3333
external variables 2006 §2522
extraction 2003 §3521
eXtreme programming 2008 §2554 2003 §2213
FA 2003 §3234
Face-to-Face Teaching 2008 §5113
faculty 2009 §4344 2008 §1734 2007 §3543 2001 §19c
faculty assessment 2009 §1532 2008 §2742 §3162
faculty attitudes 2008 §3114
faculty development 2007 §3744
faculty effectiveness 2004 §2214
faculty evaluation 2008 §3162 2000 §605
faculty evaluations 2003 §2244
faculty mentoring 2004 §2435
faculty-student team 2004 §3152
familiarity versus practice of mobile phone communication safety 2009 §3165
FAQ 2000 §145
farm information systems 2007 §3155
fault tolerance 2000 §912
feasibility study 2006 §2713
feedback 2008 §3543 2004 §4124 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
feedback and assessment 2009 §3112
female performance 2000 §700
female representation 2000 §700
females 2009 §3532 2007 §2712
females and Computer Science 2005 §3164
females and computing 2007 §2352
females and math 2007 §2352
FIFO 2009 §3522
file system 2005 §3154
filing system 2005 §3154
filtering 2005 §3372
final project 2006 §2524
finance 2000 §111
Financial Services Industry 2004 §3443
fingerprint-based technology 2003 §2131
finite automata 2003 §3234
finite state machine 2003 §3234
firewalls 2002 §322w
First Order Logic 2009 §4142
First Programming Language 2009 §3154
first-year female faculty 2000 §740
Firth of Forth road bridge 2001 §00k
five-year information systems program 2000 §104
flow 2007 §3354
fluency 2001 §33c
fluency with information technology 2005 §2352
FLWOR 2006 §2732
focal entity prototyping 2005 §5114
focused conversation 2006 §3732
focused effort 2005 §3133
focused learning 2005 §2525
forensics 2009 §2355 2005 §3574 2004 §2244
formal language 2000 §410
Formal Languages 2007 §3722
formal specifications 2000 §125
formative usability study 2009 §1754
Fortune 500 2000 §910
FOSS 2005 §2562
foundational discipline 2004 §2232
foundation course 2005 §2172
four-credit course transition 2000 §104
FPGA-based design 2008 §3722
framework 2008 §3113 2006 §2144 §3353 2005 §4124 2004 §2132 2000 §915
free-rider problem 2004 §3263
free software 2007 §2554 2005 §2562
free textbook 2009 §1535
freeware 2007 §2334 2005 §3363 2004 §4124
FSM 2003 §3234
fulfillment logistics 2000 §261
functional dependencies 2004 §4123
fundamentals of information systems 2005 §4112
funding opportunities 2000 §680
fuzzy logic 2002 §224a 2001 §09c
game 2005 §2552
game development 2008 §2554 2004 §2442
games 2009 §3114 2006 §2525 2003 §6001 2001 §28a
game theory 2004 §3262
gaming 2009 §3114
gaming generation 2007 §4123
gaming technology 2008 §3362
gender 2007 §3322 2006 §2133 2005 §3373 2002 §343c §343d 2001 §00n §06a 2000 §700
gender and wage differences 2001 §05b
gender differences 2009 §2342 2007 §2543 2004 §3143
gender issues 2008 §1712 2007 §2332 §2352 §3314 2006 §3534
general education 2006 §3535 2004 §1232
general knowledge 2001 §37b
generic functions 2000 §105
Genetic Algorithm 2008 §5114
genetic algorithms 2002 §224a
genetic programming 2002 §224a
genomics and computing 2008 §3312
geographic information system 2008 §3512 2005 §2564
Geographic Information Systems 2008 §2542 2007 §3323 2006 §3544 2005 §2334 2004 §3124
geomapping 2005 §2334
geriatric 2006 §3713
gerontechnology 2006 §3713
gerotechnology 2006 §3713
gestalt 2008 §2333 §3113 2007 §2342
GET 2007 §2553
Ghost phenomenon 2008 §3344
gigabit 2004 §2414
girls in computing 2001 §26a
GIS 2007 §3323 2005 §2334 §2564 2004 §3124
GIS for Business 2006 §3544
glass ceiling 2003 §3123 2001 §06c
global competition 2005 §4124
global information technology 2000 §123
global IS 2005 §2143
Globalization 2008 §2314
globalized curriculum 2008 §2314
global learning 2003 §3434
Global Supply Chain (GSC) 2007 §3153
goal setting 2005 §3133
government policy 2000 §128
gradebook 2000 §504
GradeBot 2004 §2233 2002 §241p
grade comparisons 2004 §3222
grade distribution 2003 §2244
grade inflation 2003 §2244
grades 2005 §3573
grading 2006 §3522 §4142 2004 §2233 2003 §3412 2002 §252d
grading as learning motivation 2002 §242a
grading method 2002 §242a
graduate 2000 §403
Graduate Curriculum 2007 §2743
graduate curriculum in Information Systems 2004 §3132
graduate curriculum in Information Technology 2004 §3132
graduate education 2008 §3313
graduate IS curricula 2006 §2355
graduate is programs 2004 §3424
graduate program in Computer Information Systems 2004 §3132
graduates 2009 §3533 2008 §1513 2006 §2343
graduate students 2005 §2544
Grammars 2007 §3722
grants 2009 §1742
grant-seeking 2004 §3153
grant writing 2000 §680
graphical user interface 2005 §3524
graphical user interfaces 2004 §3265
graphics 2000 §441
greatness 2005 §3133
grid 2003 §4122
group collaboration 2005 §5112
group formation 2006 §2135
group project 2007 §3712 2004 §3262 §3263
group projects 2007 §1744 2005 §3575 2003 §2233 §3411
groups 2003 §2233
group support systems 2000 §961
groupware 2004 §3263 2000 §961
group work 2005 §4114 2002 §242b
growth 2000 §147
GSS 2000 §961
GUI 2007 §3325
guidance counsellors 2008 §2323
Guidance counselors 2008 §2532
guided problem solving 2003 §4112
H1B visas 2006 §3135
hackers 2000 §960
handheld computers 2005 §2134 2003 §4113
hands-on experience 2007 §2315 2002 §351a
hands-on networking 2001 §24c 2000 §182
hands-on project 2006 §3112
hands-on projects 2001 §33a
hard real-time task scheduling 2000 §540
Hardware 2008 §1542
Hardware/software co-design 2008 §3722
hardware/software content 2001 §27b
HBCU 2002 §341c §351a
HBCUs 2000 §908
HCI 2007 §3323 §5112 2005 §3372 2004 §3442 2002 §323c
HCI courses 2004 §3464
HCI programs 2004 §3464
HCI training 2004 §3464
Health Care IS Education 2007 §3113
health care issues 2005 §2555
healthcare workforce certification 2005 §3544
health informatics 2007 §2332
heavy weight processes 2007 §2552
help desk 2006 §5113
help desks 2002 §252d
Herbal 2009 §1754
heuristic 2000 §406
heuristic programming 2002 §224a
higher education 2009 §2314 §3333 2008 §2712 2007 §2744 §3112 §3512 2006 §2145 §2524 2005 §3352 2004 §3154 §3465 2003 §4113 2002 §243b §254a 2001 §20c 2000 §111
higher-order learning 2001 §17a
higher-order learning skills 2009 §3753
high-level technology integration 2001 §32c
high-order intellectual skills 2001 §32c
high school 2005 §2344 2000 §403
high school students 2008 §2323
high-speed 2004 §2414
HIPAA Privacy 2005 §3544
HIPAA Security 2005 §3544
HIPO 2003 §2112
hiring 2006 §2532
hiring and promotion of professors 2001 §38c
HiSBaR 2004 §2414
historically black colleges and universities 2000 §908
history 2006 §2522 2000 §412
history curriculum 2002 §324d
holistic approach 2003 §2123
Homeland Security 2003 §2431
honor societies 2008 §2342
Hosted IT Services 2007 §3153
HTML 2001 §30c 2000 §441 §580
HTML script 2002 §411b
human activity systems 2004 §3245 2003 §4133
human-computer interaction 2008 §3514 2007 §5112 2006 §5113 2004 §3442 §3464 2003 §3411 2001 §02b §15a
human factors 2007 §3323
human factors in Information Systems 2000 §980
human learning 2004 §3442
human resource management system 2000 §913
human resources 2001 §00n §06a
hybrid distance learning 2003 §3434
hybrid instruction 2006 §3325
hybrid on-line course structures 2000 §405
hypertext 2002 §224b
IAD 2000 §909
IBM Rational Software 2004 §3264
IBM Rational Unified Process 2005 §2362
ICCP 2005 §3112 2000 §181
ICT 2009 §1753
ICT careers 2008 §2323
ICTD 2009 §3135
ICT labour shortage 2008 §2323
IDE 2003 §2413 2002 §221d 2001 §18b
identification 2001 §15c
Identity Management 2008 §1733
identity theft 2002 §354b
IDS 2004 §3233 2001 §36b
IDS engine 2001 §36b
IFIP 2001 §00k
IL 2004 §2132
images 2009 §3163
immigration 2006 §2352
implement 2001 §ws2
implementation 2005 §2545 2004 §2415
implementing unfamiliar technologies 2002 §343b
implicit knowledge 2003 §3233
in-class participation 2007 §2332
incremental 2005 §5114
incubation center 2001 §01a
independent living 2006 §3713
index of learning styles 2006 §3543
individual performance 2009 §4343
industry 2005 §4122
industry alliances 2004 §2413 2000 §370
industry collaboration 2007 §1544
industry/college partnerships 2000 §371
industry/education cooperation 2000 §903
Industry - Education relationships 2007 §2343
industry partnership 2003 §2232
industry-university alliance 2000 §303
inexperienced teacher 2000 §740
informatics 2004 §2134
Information 2008 §1542 2007 §2523
informational tools 2000 §607
information and communication technology 2006 §3543 2003 §2124
Information and Computer Technology 2007 §3112
information and society 2002 §221a
information architecture 2005 §3122
information assurance 2008 §1552 2007 §3345 §3543 2004 §2444 2002 §354b 2001 §13c §ws5
Information Assurance Curriculum 2008 §1733
information assurance programs 2003 §2431
information certification 2003 §3132
information commons 2006 §3532
Information Engineering 2006 §3132
information ethics 2009 §1753 2005 §3142 2003 §3222
information literacy 2008 §3712 2006 §3532 2003 §3222 2000 §904
information processing 2001 §36b
information quality 2006 §2533 2003 §3132
information resource management 2005 §3562 2000 §460
information retrieval 2005 §3154
Information Science 2000 §143 §412 §606
information science accreditation 2000 §173
information science curriculum 2000 §607
Information Science education 2007 §2343
information science research 2000 §607
information security 2008 §3532 2006 §2332 §3722 2004 §3413 2001 §04a §13c §ws5 2000 §609
information security certification 2001 §36a
information security curriculum 2004 §3234
information security curriculum mode 2001 §36a
information security management 2007 §3154
information security manager 2001 §39a
information security skills 2004 §3234
information system 2006 §3132 2005 §5122 2004 §2415
information system architecture 2002 §244b
Information System Education 2006 §2723
information systems 2009 §3152 2008 §2313 §2712 §3313 2007 §1542 §2523 §2532 §2744 §2753 §3122 §3155 §3355 §4123 2006 §2524 §3112 §3524 §4132 §4134 2005 §2333 §2334 §3564 §5112 2004 §2212 §2445 §3223 §3252 §3253 §3435 2003 §2222 §2243 §2511 §3121 2002 §244d §251p 2001 §14c §37a 2000 §111 §128 §444
information systems accreditation 2000 §173
Information Systems Analyst assessment exam 2006 §2723
Information Systems Analyst Exam 2009 §3134
Information Systems and the organization 2000 §980
Information Systems applications 2005 §2555
Information Systems Architecture 2000 §101
information systems careers 2008 §3152
information systems core 2002 §354c
information systems courses 2001 §37c
Information Systems coursework 2006 §2123
information systems curricula 2007 §2512 §3144 §3312 2005 §3142 2004 §3144 2000 §124 §410 §900
Information Systems curriculum 2009 §3513 2007 §3145 §3353 §3355 §3543 §3544 2005 §2164 §2172 2004 §2413 §3424 §3454 2002 §243a 2001 §14a §18c 2000 §106 §108 §114 §119 §174 §183 §570
information systems development method 2002 §243d
information systems economics 2005 §2552
information systems education 2009 §1554 §2344 §3114 §3135 §3762 2008 §1512 §2724 §3152 2007 §3123 §3145 §3312 §3324 §3544 2006 §2135 §2144 §2355 §3524 §3534 2005 §2352 §2555 §3333 2003 §2415 §3212 2002 §243d 2001 §04b §07b §14a §37b 2000 §404
information systems employee 2001 §15b
information systems implementation 2007 §3713
Information Systems (IS) Curriculum 2008 §2523
information systems knowledge 2000 §112
information systems major 2000 §104
information systems management 2007 §3714 2001 §31b 2000 §640
Information Systems minors 2007 §3315
information systems pedagogy 2008 §2713 §3135 2007 §3544
Information Systems Practicum 2004 §3224
information systems profession 2007 §1543 §3544
information systems project 2008 §2534 2006 §2154
information systems projects 2003 §2233
information systems security 2007 §3543 2001 §05a §36a
information systems self-assessment 2002 §352c
information systems skills 2007 §3114 §3544 2000 §112
Information Technology 2008 §2355 2007 §1542 §2514 §3122 §3512 §3723 §4124 2006 §2355 §3112 §3354 2005 §2333 §2352 §3353 §3354 §3534 2004 §2445 §3154 §3465 2003 §2434 §3124 2002 §243d §254a §323d §341a §343c §343d §412b 2001 §00n §06a §11a §29a §29c §38a 2000 §117 §171 §244 §700
information technology accreditation 2000 §173
Information Technology adoption 2006 §3145
information technology and behavior 2000 §909
information technology careers 2001 §26a
information technology curriculum 2005 §3332 2004 §3445
information technology degree 2002 §222c
information technology degree program 2001 §38c
information technology education 2009 §3115 2008 §1535 2006 §3322
information technology ethics 2006 §3335 2005 §3542
information technology investment 2006 §3545
Information Technology (IT) 2008 §5113
information technology life cycle processes 2004 §2443
information technology major 2002 §222c
information technology management 2008 §1535 2005 §3133
Information Technology minors 2007 §3315
information technology personnel salary 2001 §05b
information technology students 2008 §2722
information technology worker shortage 2000 §910
information visualization 2008 §3512
Informing Science 2000 §604
Info Sec education 2004 §3234
Infragard 2002 §123w
inheritance 2000 §102 §400
innovation 2005 §3133 §3354 2004 §3463 2003 §2242
innovation diffusion 2002 §244a
innovations for industry 2002 §343b
Innovative Course Development 2000 §101
innovative teaching approach 2005 §3362
insecurity 2002 §354b
installation 2004 §2414
Instant Messaging 2009 §2345
institutional software selection 2000 §207
institutional theory 2001 §00n §06a
instruction 2009 §3152 2007 §4122
instructional design 2009 §3114 2001 §34a
instructional innovation 2004 §3154
instructional pedagogy 2006 §2322
instructional technologies 2009 §3322
instructional technology 2008 §3115 2002 §243a §321d
instructions 2002 §242c
instruction time 2007 §3143
intangible assets 2005 §3353
integer overflow 2006 §2325
integrated 2004 §2415
integrated course 2000 §142
integrated development environment 2004 §2143 2002 §221d
integrating DBMSs into the web environment 2002 §352b
Integration 2009 §3112 2005 §3133 2004 §3443
integration skills 2002 §351d
intellectual climate 2001 §19c
intellectual property 2008 §2552 §3344 2006 §2134 §3334 2000 §502
intellectual skills 2001 §32c
intelligent agent 2000 §505
intelligent agents 2009 §1754 2008 §1515
intelligent exam grading 2002 §224c
intelligent system 2001 §23a
intelligent systems 2002 §254d
intelligent tutor 2003 §4112
intelligent tutoring systems 2000 §915
intensive semester 2006 §3712
intentions 2003 §2423
interaction 2007 §2323
interaction mode 2002 §252c
interaction types 2005 §2323
interactive learning 2004 §3462
interactive learning technology 2004 §2234
interactive spreadsheet application 2007 §3332
interdisciplinary 2001 §29c
interdisciplinary collaboration 2009 §2325 2008 §3312
interdisciplinary curriculum 2000 §606
interdisciplinary education 2002 §321a 2001 §11d
interdisciplinary program 2001 §29a
Interface 2007 §3325
interface design 2008 §3514 2007 §2753 2001 §02a
intergenerational computing 2006 §3713
intermediate classes 2003 §3214
intermediate language 2004 §2132
internal control agent 2004 §3413
internal control evaluation 2001 §23a
international 2004 §3253
international issues 2006 §2324
International Management 2007 §3313
Internet 2007 §3123 §3512 2006 §2324 §3533 §3713 2005 §3134 2004 §2412 2003 §4131 2002 §244c §323b §351d §411d 2001 §04b §23c 2000 §202 §260 §371 §503
Internet addiction disorder 2000 §909
Internet banking 2007 §2752
Internet-based course delivery 2000 §908
Internet-based curriculum 2000 §241
Internet-based education 2002 §223b
Internet-based systems 2002 §254d
Internet course 2002 §223d 2001 §ws1
internet courses 2002 §411c §415a
Internet data routing 2009 §2344
Internet delivery 2000 §206
Internet development 2002 §415b
Internet EDI 2000 §501
Internet education 2001 §23d
Internet ethics 2009 §1753
Internet job board attributes 2001 §13b
Internet learning 2000 §443
Internet literacy 2000 §200
Internetlization of Curriculum 2000 §240
Internet pornography 2002 §341d
Internet programming 2002 §415b 2000 §200
Internet recruiting providers 2001 §13b
Internet spying 2002 §354b
Internet technology 2001 §17c
Internet usage 2002 §321d
Internet users 2003 §3114
Internet/web programs 2001 §18c
internship 2000 §701
internships 2008 §2534 2006 §2714 2004 §2413 2000 §381
inter-organizational workflow 2000 §121
interpersonal skills 2006 §2733
interpersonal skills in IS 2004 §2224
interpreters 2002 §342d
intranet 2001 §28b
intrinsic motivation 2006 §3322
intro course 2001 §33b
introduction to computers 2005 §4112 2004 §3432
Introduction to programming 2008 §2513 2007 §2723
introductory accounting course 2009 §3132
introductory classes 2003 §3214
introductory computer course 2008 §1712 2003 §3423 2000 §129
introductory computer programming 2002 §343c
introductory computer science 2000 §440
introductory computer science and information systems curriculum 2007 §3142 2006 §2323
introductory course description 2006 §2743 2000 §117
introductory courses 2004 §2435
introductory experiential learning 2002 §342b
introductory IS course 2006 §4142
introductory-level 2001 §11c
introductory programming 2006 §1143 §2325 §2342 2005 §2133 2004 §2133 2002 §242b
Introductory programming course 2007 §2723
introductory sequence 2002 §352a
introductory technology course 2005 §2134
intrusion detection 2009 §1732 2008 §3542 2006 §3722
intrusion detection system 2004 §3233
intrusion detection systems 2001 §36b
investment banking 2006 §3545
IP addresses 2002 §345w
IPEDS 2009 §2316
IPO diagrams 2001 §39b
IP packet header format 2002 §345w
IS 2006 §2542 2005 §2333 2003 §3131
IS 2001 2002 §342d
IS2002 2007 §2523 §3312 2006 §2513 §2722 §3535 §4132 §5115 2005 §3112 §3372 §3564 2003 §3215
IS2002.1 2006 §5115 2004 §2253 2003 §2421
IS2002.10 2003 §2213 §2214
IS2002-4 2004 §3415
IS2002.5 2003 §2112
IS2002-6 2004 §3415
IS2002.9 2003 §4122
IS2002 curriculum 2006 §2112 §2115 §2344
IS 2002 Curriculum Model 2008 §2344
IS 2002 implementation 2004 §3414
IS2002 Model Curricula 2006 §3525
IS2002 model curriculum 2009 §1534 2007 §3145 2006 §2153 2005 §3332 2004 §2424 §3123 2003 §2115 §3115
IS2002.p0 2003 §2421
IS'97 2002 §251p 2001 §14a §37a 2000 §174
ISA 2006 §2723
IS accreditation 2006 §2722 2004 §2423 §3112 2003 §2215 §2513 §2515 2001 §sp0
ISAM simulation 2005 §3154
IS capstone course 2006 §2153 2003 §3121
IS/CIS accreditation 2002 §351b
IS classes 2000 §172
IS curricula 2009 §1733 2006 §3342 2005 §2332 §2364 2004 §2424
IS curriculum 2009 §2315 §3514 §3543 2008 §1713 §2514 §3153 §3155 §4112 2007 §2312 §3333 2005 §2543 §2564 2004 §1142 §2232 §2243 §2254 §2422 §3414 §4112 2003 §2215 §4121 §4122 2002 §354c 2001 §31a 2000 §100 §113 §409 §411 §905
IS curriculum design 2007 §3342 2000 §103
IS curriculum development 2003 §2115 §3115
IS curriculum issues 2006 §2513 2000 §161
IS curriculum model 2003 §2422
IS degree 2009 §2342
IS education 2008 §1712 §1714 §2333 §3134 2007 §2312 §2332 §2342 §2345 §2724 §2742 §3742 2006 §2344 2005 §2543 2004 §3433 §4112 2003 §3415 §3421 §3423 §3521 §4121 2002 §221c §251p 2001 §37a §37b 2000 §118 §604 §905
IS employers’ satisfaction 2004 §2245
IS employment 2002 §343a
IS enrollment 2008 §2323
IS enrollments 2009 §2315
IS ethics 2000 §801
IS executive boards 2009 §3342
IS exit exam 2003 §3415
IS faculty professional certification 2000 §181
IS gender issues 2000 §103
IS/IT Curriculum Development 2007 §3352
IS/IT skills requirements 2007 §3352
IS/IT workforce 2007 §3352
IS majors 2007 §2712
IS model curriculum 2007 §2314 2006 §2722 2005 §2123 §2124 2004 §2423 2003 §3415 §3515
IS pedagogy 2009 §2344
IS practicum 2004 §3224 2000 §411
IS professional skills 2004 §2424
IS Program Quality 2006 §2722
IS security 2003 §2422
IS skill expectations 2004 §2245
IS skill requirements 2000 §905
IS skills 2006 §2733 2002 §343a
IS strategy 2004 §3123 2001 §31a
IS survey 2004 §2245
IS workers 2008 §2532
IS worker shortage 2007 §2712
IT 2008 §2342 2006 §2542 2005 §2333 2003 §3124 §3131 2001 §14b §16a
IT 2005 Model Curriculum 2007 §3145
IT adoption 2005 §3572
IT and computer personnel 2001 §38a
IT and ethics 2008 §2723 2005 §3143
IT Architecture 2007 §3152
IT areas of study 2004 §2215
IT buzzwords 2003 §4122
IT careers 2007 §2714
IT competency 2000 §904
IT Compliance 2007 §3554
IT corporate skills 2004 §2215
IT curricula 2009 §1733
IT curriculum 2006 §2133 §3135 2005 §3332 2004 §3464 2003 §2221 §2223
IT department work planning 2006 §5113
IT education 2007 §3723 2005 §3353 2003 §2223 §2522 §3512 2001 §34c 2000 §904
IT education framework 2000 §606
IT employment 2007 §2312 2003 §2223 2002 §343a
IT enrollment 2007 §2714 2006 §3135
ITEST 2008 §1512
IT ethics 2002 §221a
IT field 2004 §2232
IT help desk support 2006 §5113
ITIL 2008 §1714 2002 §310s
IT Infrastructure Library 2002 §310s
IT innovation 2005 §3353
IT management 2003 §2522
IT manager 2006 §2355 2003 §3512
ITM graduate curriculum 2009 §3542
IT personnel salary 2001 §05b
IT productivity 2005 §3354
IT programs 2001 §01b
IT Project+ 2006 §3134
IT Security 2007 §3153
IT Service Management 2008 §1714
IT skill level 2006 §3335
IT skills 2007 §2312 2003 §2223 2000 §120
IT staffing problem 2000 §903
IT systems curriculum 2003 §2412
IT training industry 2000 §904
IT undergraduate curriculum 2003 §3512
IT workers 2008 §2323 2006 §2352 §2353
J2EE 2006 §2335 2005 §3523 2002 §223a
Java 2009 §3154 2007 §3313 2006 §2122 §2325 §3134 2004 §2233 §3163 §3455 2003 §3232 §4112 2002 §222a §223a §323a §352b 2001 §08c §16b §18b 2000 §110 §148 §901
Java Beans 2001 §18b 2000 §180
Java education 2002 §221d
Java programming 2003 §4123
JavaScript 2004 §3423 2001 §30c 2000 §200 §580
Java Server Pages 2003 §3232 2001 §08c
jazz 2009 §1555
JDBC connectivity 2000 §442
jeroo 2004 §2133
JESS 2004 §3163
Jesuit higher education 2002 §221a
JINI 2000 §901
JISE 2004 §2432 2002 §344p
job analysis 2001 §39a
job databases 2001 §13b
job satisfaction 2001 §15b
job skills 2007 §2522
joint capstone 2005 §3132
journal 2003 §2511
JSP 2001 §18b
justifying information systems 2009 §3323
just-in-time teaching 2004 §3433
just-in-time training 2000 §590
K-12 Technology Education 2008 §2314
Katrina 2007 §2322
key measures 2001 §19b
keynote 2004 §2300
KINGSTRAN 2001 §00k
KM 2006 §3122
knowledge area 2006 §3123
knowledge areas 2002 §321c
knowledge-based management systems 2006 §3122
knowledge cafe 2005 §2512
Knowledge Discovery and Mapping 2009 §3314
Knowledge Engineering 2009 §3314
knowledge levels 2004 §4112
knowledge management 2009 §3115 §3314 2008 §5112 2006 §3122 2005 §2543 §5112 2003 §4131 2002 §323b §324c 2001 §09a
knowledge network 2002 §324c
knowledge representation 2003 §2423
knowledge-sharing community 2004 §2435
knowledge transfer 2007 §2345 2001 §23a
Knowledge Value-Added 2009 §3134
knowledge workers 2006 §3122
lab activities 2008 §3532
lab attendance 2005 §3573
lab experiments 2004 §3235
labor analysis 2006 §2352 §2353
laboratories 2003 §2514
laboratory 2004 §2414 2002 §351a
laboratory activity 2007 §3523
laboratory-based learning 2009 §2346
laboratory course 2000 §900
labor market trends 2005 §2512
labour analysis 2008 §2323
lab scheduling 2003 §2514
LAN 2004 §3163 §3235 2001 §32b
language 2005 §2524
languages 2006 §3324
laptop 2006 §3543 2003 §2124
laptop computing 2006 §2145
large classes 2008 §2355 2004 §3142
large introductory classes 2006 §3323
large-size classes 2009 §3113
late binding 2005 §2554
law 2006 §2355
layers 2008 §2554
LDAP 2000 §901
Leadership 360 Assessment 2008 §2362
Leadership Development 2008 §2362
leading edge and emerging technologies 2003 §2524
leading edge technologies 2005 §3342 §3343
learner-centered 2008 §3114
learner involvement 2000 §918
learner-learner interaction 2005 §2323
learner responsibility 2006 §3133
learning 2009 §1554 §3334 §4344 2008 §3314 §3323 2006 §2135 §2144 2004 §4124 2003 §3233 2002 §242c 2000 §402
learning and teaching 2001 §14c
learning assurance 2006 §2112
learning communities 2006 §2322
learning community 2000 §202
learning environment 2006 §3323
learning goals 2005 §3565
learning journal 2005 §2143
learning laboratory 2001 §24d
Learning Management System 2009 §3554 2007 §2334
learning management systems 2008 §3713
learning model 2007 §3514
learning modules 2001 §34a
learning objectives 2002 §242d
learning-on-the-fly 2008 §3314
learning organization 2003 §4133
learning organization information system 2001 §09a
Learning Organization Information Systems 2004 §3245
learning outcome assessments 2004 §2213
learning outcomes 2009 §1554 §3114 §3132 2004 §2213
learning outside the box 2004 §3462
learning pods 2009 §3753
learning skills 2008 §2744 2001 §17a
learning style 2000 §915
learning styles 2008 §3343 2006 §3543 2005 §2354 2003 §3211
learning support systems 2008 §1515
learning technology 2008 §3323
learning theories 2002 §342b
learning theory 2005 §3123 2000 §500
lectures 2007 §2354
legacy 2006 §2142 2005 §2533
legacy application 2003 §2413
legacy projects 2003 §3222
legal and regulatory environment of IT 2009 §4352
legal contracts 2006 §5123
Legal Issues 2007 §2513
Lego 2001 §22b
LEGO® Mindstorms 2004 §3154
liberal arts 2006 §2344 §2734 2005 §3334
liberal arts experience 2009 §4354
liberal education 2002 §242b
Liberal Education in Technology 2007 §2524
library marketing 2006 §3532
life-cycle 2005 §2565
life cycle development 2005 §2534
lifelong learning 2008 §3712 2000 §241
lightweight methodologies 2005 §5114
light weight processes 2007 §2552
light-weight systems analysis and design 2003 §2213
Likert 2009 §4333
Likert-scale 2009 §1532 §4333
limited funding 2002 §243b
linear regression 2006 §2354
literacy 2005 §2532 2004 §1232 2001 §33c
literature 2000 §170
live project 2009 §2353
LMS 2008 §3713
loading 2003 §3521
local area network 2004 §3235
location-based privacy 2008 §2312 2007 §2512
logging utility 2001 §36b
logical 2007 §2342
logical flowcharting 2005 §4113
logical math 2008 §3113
longevity 2005 §2555
long-term care 2006 §3713
low-level technology integration 2001 §32c
loyalty 2001 §15b
Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation 2002 §252a
MAC 2004 §3235
machine language 2005 §2524
mainframe 2005 §3134
mainframe education 2009 §4332
maintenance 2004 §3434
malware 2002 §322w
management 2006 §5123 2005 §3133 2004 §3445 2000 §111
management education 2005 §3534 2000 §244
management information systems 2009 §2346 2008 §2524 2007 §3114 2006 §5123 2005 §3334 2004 §2422 §3435
management information systems department 2003 §2211
management science 2000 §602
managerial/organizational issues 2003 §3412
managers 2002 §341a
managing expectations 2006 §3133
managing projects 2002 §343b
mandatory laptop requirement 2006 §3533
MANET 2004 §3233
mapping 2009 §1534
mapping and ranking database applications 2001 §25a
marketing 2009 §3163 2005 §2334 2000 §111 §170
market value 2005 §3353
markup language diagram 2002 §411b
Markup languages 2008 §2315
Mashups 2007 §2743
masters of educational technology 2002 §252b
Masters Science in IS 2008 §2362
math 2008 §2314
mathematical programming 2004 §3454
mathematics 2009 §3533 2007 §2342 2006 §2343 2005 §3534 2002 §343d
MBA 2006 §3325
MBA concept course 2000 §123
MBA curriculum 2009 §3542 2002 §254a
MBA IS core course 2000 §161
MBA online 2004 §2112
MBA programs 2008 §1515
MBA Revision 2009 §3542
MBTI 2006 §3723
MCFT format 2002 §224c
m-commerce 2000 §503
MDA 2005 §2534
measurement 2004 §2213 §3445
mechanism design 2004 §3262
media access control 2004 §3235
media choice 2005 §3575
media richness 2005 §3575
Medway bridge 2001 §00k
memoranda 2005 §2173
mental model 2005 §3143
mental models 2007 §3323
mentoring 2009 §3533 2008 §1513 2007 §3334 2006 §2343 2002 §252b 2000 §241 §740 §800
mentoring programs 2000 §103
mentors 2007 §3322
mentorship 2009 §3333
mentorship programs 2003 §3123 2001 §06c
merit 2003 §2511
metaphor-driven modeling 2005 §2332
metaphors in IT education 2003 §3511
methodology 2009 §4354 2005 §2153 §3122 2003 §3431
metric 2009 §2316
metrics 2004 §3445 2002 §323c
Microsoft 2006 §2132
Microsoft Access 2003 2006 §5113
Microsoft MCP 2005 §2313
Microsoft Office 2000 2001 §25c
Microsoft Project 2006 §3134
Microsoft Visual Basic 2001 §22a
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2004 §2143
microworld 2004 §2133
middleware 2000 §140
Milisen 2002 §222a
Millennial Generation 2007 §3112
millennial learner 2007 §3343
Millennials 2007 §2534
minorities 2009 §3532 §3533 2008 §1513 2006 §2343 2002 §341c §351a 2000 §701
minorities and Computer Science 2005 §3164
minorities and computing 2007 §2352
minorities and math 2007 §2352
minors 2007 §3315 2004 §2412
MIPS 2004 §2233
MIS 2004 §2112 §2212 §2422 2003 §3131 2001 §33a
MIS capstone 2005 §3132
MIS course 2002 §354d 2000 §113
MIS courses 2001 §19c
MIS curriculum 2006 §2712 §2733 2003 §2512 2000 §142
MIS exit exam 2000 §181
MIS faculty 2003 §2411
MIS graduate curriculum 2009 §3542 2000 §907
misinformation systems 2003 §3132
MIS Introductory Course 2008 §3343
MIS pedagogy 2006 §2145
MIS program 2006 §3525
MIS research 2003 §4132
missile defense systems 2001 §00j
mixed-type comparisons 2005 §2554
MLD 2002 §411b
mobile ad hoc network 2004 §3233
mobile commerce 2004 §3122
mobile computing 2008 §2312 §2554 2007 §2512
mobile devices 2009 §2323
mobile learning 2006 §3354
mobile ticketing 2004 §3122
model curricula 2006 §2723 2005 §2164 §2555
model curriculum 2008 §2712 §4112 2006 §2734 2005 §2122 §3562 2003 §2242 §2243 §2431 2002 §251p 2001 §14a §37a §37c
model driven architecture 2005 §2534
modeling 2007 §3324 2006 §3342 2005 §2332 2002 §224d
modeling processes 2004 §2124
modeling tools 2005 §3364
modular lab configuration 2001 §32a
Moodle 2007 §2334
Moore's law 2000 §603
moral intensity 2007 §2514 2006 §3335
morality 2006 §2134 §3332
more than ROI 2002 §354d
Most Popular Language 2009 §3154
motivation 2008 §1514 2003 §6002
mp3 2008 §1722
MS Access 2001 §20a
MSIS2000 2003 §2243
MSIS program 2003 §2231
MS program in Information Technology 2004 §3132
multi-criteria 2009 §4343
multi-cultural 2009 §1562
multi-disciplinary CIS minor 2008 §2533
Multi-disciplinary minors 2007 §3315
multidiscipline capstone 2005 §3132
Multifaceted Projects 2008 §2534
multi-linguistic Website 2003 §3114
multimedia 2009 §3152 2004 §3423 2002 §224b 2001 §34a 2000 §205 §580 §916
multimedia systems 2000 §590
multi-media technologies 2004 §2434
multimedia technology 2000 §202
multimodal interaction 2001 §15a
multipane 2005 §3372
multiple-choice exams 2005 §3532
multiple representations 2002 §224d
multi-session 2004 §2414
multi-tasking 2000 §912
multi-tier architecture 2000 §140
Multi-Tiered Application Development 2007 §2353
multi-tiered architecture 2003 §2524
multitier systems 2008 §2712
Multi-value 2007 §3325
multiwindow 2005 §3372
music downloading 2001 §07c
music piracy 2006 §3334
mutant program 2006 §2122
MVC 2006 §3353
MVC Framework 2009 §3554
MVDBMS 2007 §3325
Myers-Briggs 2006 §3723
MyLibrary 2006 §3532 2006 §3333
MySQL 2007 §2334 2002 §352b
Naiive Bayes 2008 §3142
narrative 2005 §3133
Nassi-Shneiderman 2002 §411b
National Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education 2003 §2431
national information system curriculum models 2003 §2133
national infrastructure center 2002 §123w
National Science Foundation 2006 §2343 2004 §3153
Natural language plagiarism 2008 §3344
naïve Bayesian model 2008 §3154
NCC 2004 §3133
NCISSE 2003 §2431
.NET 2007 §3313 2006 §2142 2005 §2533 2004 §2132 §2143 2003 §1112 2002 §244a
.NET Framework 2004 §2442
.NET integrated developer environment 2003 §3214
Netscape 2000 §580
Net Support School 2005 §2525
Network+ 2006 §3125 2005 §2313
network administration 2003 §2514
network infrastructure 2003 §2514
networking 2006 §3133 2004 §3415 2003 §2514 2001 §04b §08b §32a §ws3 2000 §201 §601 §900
networking lab 2001 §24c
networking technologies 2006 §3112
network lab 2000 §182
network management 2006 §4134
networks 2007 §2335 2006 §4134 2005 §3343
network security 2008 §3542 2007 §1743 2003 §2514 2000 §960
neural network 2001 §09c
neural networks 2008 §3142 2002 §224a
new courses 2002 §323a
new MBA program delivery 2009 §3353
new media 2001 §34a
new technologies 2004 §4132
new technology adoption 2004 §3164
new venture 2009 §2326
Nigerian information security 2009 §3165
non-Information Systems majors 2009 §3753
non-majors 2007 §2524 2001 §33c
Non-Profit Organizations 2008 §2724
non-response 2002 §412b
non-technical skills 2001 §33a
Non-traditional Higher Education 2009 §3324
nontraditional organizations 2007 §3155
non-traditional students 2007 §3333 2002 §412c
normal Forms 2005 §3153
normalization 2007 §1545 §3124 2005 §3153 2004 §4123
notebook 2006 §3543
note taking 2007 §2354
novice programmers 2003 §2112 2000 §127
NSA 2004 §2444
NSA Centers of Excellence 2004 §3234
NSF 2009 §1742 §3533 2004 §3423 2000 §680
NSF-ATE 2001 §17c 2000 §202
NSF scholarships 2008 §1512
NSF STEM 2007 §3312
NSS (Net Support School) 2005 §2525
number systems 2001 §28a
nursing home 2006 §3713
NVivo 2004 §3162
object 2000 §102
objectives 2005 §3565
objectives-based learning 2008 §3343
object orientation 2007 §3743 2003 §3522 2002 §244d 2000 §400 §444
object-orientation quick reference 2007 §3743
object-oriented 2006 §3115 2005 §2524 2002 §352a
object-oriented analysis 2006 §2153 2005 §3533 2003 §2432
object oriented analysis and design 2004 §2122 2003 §2423
Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Programming 2006 §2333
object-oriented curriculum 2003 §2432
object-oriented design 2005 §3533 2003 §2432
object-oriented languages 2001 §16c
object-oriented modeling 2005 §2332
object-oriented ontology 2007 §3743
object-oriented paradigm 2007 §2723 §3743 2004 §4134
object-oriented pedagogy 2007 §3743
object-oriented programming 2007 §2722 2006 §1143 2004 §2133 2003 §3522 2002 §342a 2000 §102 §105 §110
Object-Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle 2008 §3155
object-oriented testing 2001 §00j
object-oriented tools 2002 §222a
objects first 2004 §2133
office information systems 2000 §961
offshore 2005 §2124 2004 §3453
offshore outsourcing 2005 §2364
offshoring 2007 §2714 2006 §2352 §2513 §3135 2005 §2144
OLAP 2001 §35b
Oman 2004 §3253
online 2005 §2532 2001 §ws1
online addictions 2006 §3533
online assessment 2004 §2112
online banking 2007 §2752
online case discussions 2004 §3242
online communities 2009 §1555 2007 §3552
online course delivery 2006 §2545 2004 §3134
online course design 2006 §2545
online courses 2007 §5113
on-line delivery 2007 §2324 2005 §3374
online discussion 2008 §3323 2007 §3552
online distance learning programs 2001 §23d
online education 2007 §2325 §2724 §3552 §3553 2006 §3133 2005 §3543 2004 §2112 §3162 §3425 2003 §2424 2002 §222b §223b §223d §412a 2001 §23d
online educational programs 2000 §908
online examinations 2002 §224c
online graduate group projects 2005 §2342
Online Higher Education 2009 §3353
online instruction 2006 §2545 2004 §3222
online-Internet course 2002 §412c
online job databases 2001 §13b
online lab instruction 2002 §412a
online languages 2003 §3114
online learner 2009 §2324
online learner characteristics 2009 §2324
online learning 2009 §1733 §2322 §2323 2008 §5113 2005 §3162 §3163 2002 §223d 2000 §204
online learning materials 2000 §206
online learning models 2000 §906
online learning styles 2009 §3322
online pedagogy 2006 §2545
online programming 2009 §1535
Online programs 2008 §2342
online questionnaires 2000 §905
online recruitment 2000 §910
online research 2007 §3123
online session strategies 2001 §24a
online student performance 2006 §2545 2004 §3222
Online support 2007 §2325
online survey 2005 §3352
online teaching 2006 §2143 2004 §3222 2003 §2523 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
online testing 2007 §4123 2001 §08a
online threaded discussions 2007 §2323
online tools 2004 §3142
online writing 2002 §223d
ontology 2003 §2521
Ontology Development 2009 §3314
OOA 2006 §2153
OO-COBOL 2002 §351b 2000 §126
OOP 2008 §2333 2000 §102 §105 §110
OOP concepts 2003 §3511
Openbravo 2009 §3512
open database connectivity 2000 §911
open social utility 2007 §3713
open source 2009 §3512 2007 §2334 2005 §4114
open source ERP applications 2009 §3512
open source philosophy 2005 §2324
open source software 2008 §3342 2007 §2554 2005 §2324 §2562
operating systems 2005 §2342 2001 §12c 2000 §601
operations research 2004 §3454
optimizing HTML tags 2003 §3223
Oracle 2000 §301 §370
Oracle application programming 2000 §442
oral and written communication skills 2009 §2325
ordinal measure 2005 §2322
ordinal scale 2007 §2344
organizational behavior 2005 §3332
organizational memory 2001 §09a
organizational systems 2003 §4111
organization modeling 2002 §244b
organization of raw material 2003 §3112
organizations 2008 §3713
organization transformation 2005 §5112
ORID method 2006 §3732
Orion 2002 §241p
OSI model 2001 §30b
outcome assessment 2009 §3324 2004 §2113
outcome-based education 2004 §2213
outcomes assessment 2009 §1534 §1734 2008 §1535 2007 §3512 2006 §3142 2004 §2212 §3465
outcomes-based action learning 2006 §3733
outcomes-based learning 2007 §3714
out-of-class learning experience 2007 §3542
Outreach 2008 §2724
outsourcing 2008 §1713 2007 §2714 §3333 2006 §2352 §2513 §3135 §3535 §5123 2005 §2364 §2535 2004 §3453
outsourcing of technology jobs 2008 §3152
overview 2005 §3372
ownership 2009 §3332
P2P computing 2003 §4122
packet sniffer 2009 §1732
page replacement 2009 §3522
paired comparison 2009 §4343
pair-programming 2007 §2524 2006 §2342 2005 §2133
panel 2007 §3162
Paper prototyping 2008 §3514
parallel computers 2004 §2225
parallel computing 2004 §2225
parallel computing for IS majors 2004 §2225
Pareto Principle 2005 §3154
partial credit 2002 §224c
Participation 2008 §1734
participative learning 2008 §3343
participatory research 2004 §3224
partnership 2001 §01a
part-time 2008 §1513
part-time doctoral study 2001 §17b
password cracker 2009 §1732
patents 2000 §502
Pathfinder 2005 §3143
patient care systems 2000 §540
pay 2002 §341a
payment systems 2000 §261
PBL 2000 §404
PC security 2007 §1743
PDA 2005 §2134 2003 §4113
pedagogical 2004 §4124
pedagogical implications 2000 §242
pedagogical issues 2006 §3323
pedagogical learning devices 2006 §3342
pedagogical limitations 2001 §24d
pedagogical techniques 2008 §3332
pedagogy 2009 §2356 §3114 2008 §1712 §2355 §2744 §3115 §3312 §3313 §3314 2007 §1545 §1742 §2354 §2355 §2542 §2723 §3123 §3142 §3345 §3714 §4112 2006 §2323 §2332 §3325 §3733 2005 §2324 §2544 §3342 §3362 §3545 2004 §2133 §2214 §2443 §3134 2003 §2511 2002 §342a 2001 §32b 2000 §409 §411
peer-and-self assessment 2004 §3262
peer evaluation 2009 §4343 2002 §342c
peer grading 2002 §342c
peer influences 2007 §2713
peer review 2008 §2522 2002 §342c 2000 §407
peer tutoring 2009 §3532
peer tutors 2001 §24a
pen-based computing 2004 §2235
PeopleSoft 2001 §18a 2000 §301 §370
perceptions 2007 §2713
performance 2002 §242c §252c 2001 §02a 2000 §441
performance incentives 2005 §2535
performance prediction 2001 §00j
Performance task 2009 §1565
Perl 2009 §1535 2004 §2233
persistence 2005 §3575
personal data 2002 §354b
personality 2006 §3723 2005 §3373
personal knowledge management 2005 §2543
personal productivity software 2002 §321d
personal software process 2000 §115
personal success 2005 §3133
personas 2001 §24b
pervasive computing 2008 §2312 2007 §2512
phenomenal 2002 §224b
phishing 2008 §3532 2007 §3523
phishing email 2007 §3523
photographs 2006 §5000 2004 §5000
PhotoShop 2004 §3423
PHP 2002 §352b
PHY 2004 §3235
physical layer 2004 §3235
Physical Program Level Design 2008 §3112
Physical System Level Design 2008 §3112
physical systems design 2009 §3323
PIM 2005 §2534
placement test 2005 §2312
placement testing 2005 §3532
plagiarism 2008 §3344 2003 §3513 2001 §12b
Plagiarism detection 2008 §3344
Plagiarism detection software 2008 §3344
Plagiarism deterrents 2008 §3344
Plagiarism methods 2008 §3344
planned data redundancy 2005 §3153
planning 2003 §2414
planning documents 2003 §3112
planning sheet 2006 §3132
platform 2004 §2132
PMI body of knowledge 2002 §321c
Pocket PC 2005 §2134 2001 §25b
podcast 2008 §3135 2006 §2744
podcasting 2008 §1722 2006 §3354
polymorphism 2000 §102
population density 2002 §411a
pornography 2002 §341d
Portfolio Assessment 2009 §3324
port scanner 2009 §1732
POST 2007 §2553
poster presentation 2006 §2713
poster session 2000 §940
postgraduate 2000 §403
post-implementation review 2004 §3162
posting grades on the web 2002 §242a
practice 2003 §2214
preconceptions 2000 §408
predicate 2006 §2125
predicting retention risk 2008 §3154
Prediction Models 2008 §3142
predictor test 2000 §917
pre-professional faculty 2005 §4122
pre-programming 2005 §2542
prerequisite course 2003 §4123
presentations 2000 §401
presentation systems 2001 §15a
presenting information 2002 §343b
principles of management course 2004 §3445
prior knowledge 2004 §3433
privacy 2009 §4352 2008 §1733 2007 §2512 2006 §2324 §5122 2005 §3542 2003 §3222 2002 §254a §322w §354b
privacy issues 2000 §801
probability model 2009 §3522
problem-based learning 2009 §5112 2007 §3714 2005 §3553 §5112 2000 §404
problem domain specialist 2003 §2423
problems found in doing research 2006 §2523
problem solving 2004 §4134 2002 §224d 2001 §17a 2000 §406 §440 §506
problem-solving courses 2000 §917
problem-solving skills 2001 §ws4
procedural 2006 §3115
process 2008 §1734 2005 §2362
process encapsulation 2002 §244d 2000 §444
process evaluation 2000 §128
process improvement 2007 §3154
process modeling 2000 §121
process uncoupling 2002 §244d 2000 §444
process writing 2008 §2522
proctoring 2002 §252d
product-based learning 2000 §603
professional doctorate 2001 §17b
professionalism in computing 2001 §00k
professional societies 2001 §37c
professional work experience 2001 §38c
Proficiency Testing 2008 §3134 2007 §2742
program admission criteria 2000 §111
program assessment 2004 §2212
program design 2006 §2514 2003 §2112 2000 §127
program growth 2000 §202
program improvement 2005 §2122
program management 2001 §14b
program management methodology 2007 §3144
program metrics 2004 §2213
programming 2009 §1535 2008 §2333 2007 §3325 2006 §3324 2005 §2144 §2524 2004 §2143 §2233 §2235 §3154 2003 §3211 §3214 2002 §412c 2001 §12b §16b §22b §39b §ws1 2000 §406
programming assessment 2005 §2343
programming contests 2001 §25b
programming course 2000 §243
programming education 2004 §3452
Programming for high schools 2008 §2513
Programming for teachers and educators 2008 §2513
programming games 2006 §3322 2000 §405
programming language integration 2001 §22c
programming languages 2009 §3752 2007 §3544 2006 §3144 2001 §16c 2000 §100
programming management 2001 §12a
programming. NSF 2009 §3532
programming skills 2000 §112
programming teaching 2009 §2343 2006 §2525 2000 §125
program orientation 2007 §3114
program outcomes 2009 §3352 2004 §2213
program relevancy 2003 §2122
program selection 2004 §3435
Program specification 2008 §3344
program testing 2001 §12a
Program units 2008 §3344
PROGSIM 2004 §4113
project 2009 §1554 2006 §2144 2005 §2544 2004 §2425 2002 §242c
project-based learning 2009 §3762
project based teaching 2006 §3325
project-based web course 2004 §2142
project course 2001 §34c
project development teams 2003 §3133
project initiation 2006 §2534
projection model 2001 §38a
project life cycle 2002 §321c
project management 2008 §2534 2007 §2315 §3152 2006 §2534 §2712 §2714 §3123 §3134 2005 §2153 §2342 2004 §3134 §3152 2003 §2115 §2213 §2214 §2414 2002 §321c 2001 §00j §14b 2000 §582 §608
project management methodologies 2007 §3144
projects course 2002 §321b
project sponsor 2006 §2534
project unlimited 2007 §3313 2006 §3134
promotion 2003 §2511 2000 §605
promptness 2006 §4133
protocols 2004 §3235 2000 §501
protocol stack 2007 §2335
prototype 2004 §3444 2000 §911
proxy 2005 §2533
prudence 2006 §2134
PSM 2005 §2534
PSP 2000 §115 §582
public domain 2007 §2334
public key cryptography 2000 §581
public/private collaboration 2009 §3524
public sector evaluation 2004 §3463
publishing 2002 §344p
publishing journal articles 2005 §3512 2004 §2432 2003 §3422
puzzles 2003 §6001
Python 2008 §3312
Python programming language 2005 §3362
QC 2003 §2132
QE 2003 §2132
QI 2003 §2132
QM Expectations 2008 §2533
QM Standards 2008 §2533
qualitative research 2009 §2322 2004 §3162 2002 §252b 2000 §108
quality 2009 §2316 2003 §2231 §3515 2000 §402
Quality Assurance 2006 §2533
quality benchmarks 2007 §3553
quality design characteristics 2007 §3324
quality management 2006 §2533 2000 §582
Quality Matters Rubric 2008 §2533
quality of life 2002 §252a
quality of perception 2000 §205
quality of service 2000 §205
quality software 2002 §222d
quantitative analysis 2009 §4333 2005 §3563 2004 §1132 2003 §3111
quantum computing 2003 §2132
quantum cryptography 2004 §1142 §2243
quantum encryption 2004 §1142 §2243 2003 §2132
quantum information 2003 §2132
quantum key distribution 2004 §1142 §2242 §2243
query language 2006 §2125
Query tool 2008 §2334
questioning techniques 2006 §3732
questionnaire survey 2006 §5125
quiz generation 2001 §08a
RAD 2001 §20a §27c 2000 §114
Radio Frequency Identification devices 2007 §2512
Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) 2008 §2312
Random Page 2009 §3522
ranking 2009 §2316
rapid application development 2001 §20a 2000 §114
rationale 2000 §143
Rational Rose 2001 §22a
Rational Rose 2000 2000 §146
rational unified process 2005 §2153
RCX 2001 §22b
RDBMS 2001 §27c
reading reports 2005 §3552
real estate 2000 §111
real-life learning-teaching activities 2002 §252d
real-time task scheduling 2000 §540
real-world development experience 2007 §3713
real-world experience 2002 §254c
real-world problems 2003 §3112
real-world projects 2000 §603
recorded lectures 2004 §4122
recording software changes 2006 §5113
recruiting 2008 §3164 2007 §2322 2001 §13b
recruitment 2007 §3314 §3334 2000 §701
redundancy 2005 §3153 2001 §02a
reengineering 2000 §118
reflection 2005 §2553 §2554
reflection reports 2005 §3552
reflective experience 2009 §4354
reflective practice 2006 §2322
regression discontinuity 2007 §3342
regression testing 2002 §222d
Regulatory compliance 2008 §4112
relational algebra 2006 §2125
relational calculus 2006 §2125
relational database 2000 §913
relational databases 2003 §3231
relational data model 2009 §3133
relational model 2005 §2565 2004 §2124
relational modelling 2005 §5113
relational model quick reference 2009 §3133
relational paradigm 2009 §3133
remote deployment 2005 §3523
Remote Desktop Technology 2008 §2734 2007 §2544
remote lab 2005 §3523
requirements analysis 2003 §3113
requirements engineering 2004 §3422
requirement specifications 2000 §401
requirements specification 2003 §2423
requirements traceability 2006 §2152
research 2005 §2544 2000 §605
research and development 2007 §3744
research characteristics 2006 §2523
research component 2006 §2323
research design 2007 §2752
research environment 2004 §3152
researcher’s psychological problems 2006 §2523
research funding 2007 §3744
research methods 2006 §2544
research participation 2002 §412b
research process 2006 §2523
research process on WWW 2002 §412b
research skills 2008 §3712 2004 §3152 2003 §3412
resistance to change 2005 §3575
Resolution Method 2009 §4142
resource dependence 2000 §303
response rate 2002 §412b
restoration 2004 §2414
restrictions 2006 §3132
retail industry 2005 §3344
retail industry (Internet) 2005 §3572
Rete algorithm 2004 §3163
retention 2009 §3533 2008 §1513 2007 §2322 §3314 §3334 2006 §2343 2005 §2364 2000 §701 §919
retention of IT professionals 2005 §3332
review 2005 §3133
reviewers 2002 §905g
reviewing 2005 §3512 2004 §2432 2003 §3422
RFBs 2003 §3113
RFID 2007 §2512 2005 §4123
RFPs 2003 §3113
Rich Internet Applications 2008 §2334 2007 §2553
richness 2007 §3354
rightsizing 2000 §147
rights management 2002 §353b
risk analysis 2007 §3345
risk and returns 2006 §3545
risk management 2004 §2300
robot 2001 §22b
robotics 2004 §3154
role models 2007 §3322 2000 §740
role play 2007 §1742
rScore 2009 §2316
rss 2008 §1722
rubric 2006 §4142 2005 §3543 2002 §342c
rubrics 2009 §3352
rule-based programming 2009 §1754
rules 2006 §3132
RUP 2005 §2153 §2362
SaaS 2009 §3554 2006 §3352
SA&D 2005 §2363
salaries 2002 §341a 2001 §05b
Sales 2.0 2009 §3354
sample scenario 2006 §3125
SAM XP 2004 §3432
SAP 2009 §3543 2008 §2514 2007 §2324 2000 §301 §370
SAP R/3 2005 §2162 2000 §300
SAP R/3 business workflow 2000 §121
Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2007 §3554 2003 §3132
satisfaction 2002 §242c §252a
Saudi Arabia 2007 §2332
scalability 2006 §2124 2004 §3225
scale 2007 §2342
Scenario-Based Design 2004 §3245
scenario modeling 2001 §31a
scheduling 2007 §3143
schematic model 2001 §25a
scholarship 2000 §605
scholarships 2009 §3533 2008 §1513 2007 §3312 2006 §2343 2004 §3153
schools of business 2009 §3333
science 2008 §2314
science teaching and learning 2002 §224d
scientific inquiry 2006 §2544
SCM 2005 §4123 §4124
SCOPS 2002 §224d
screen readers 2009 §2323
scripting languages 2003 §3232 2002 §352b
scrum 2005 §2153
SD&I 2005 §2363
SDLC 2006 §2344 2005 §2363 2003 §3212
search costs 2005 §2552
search indexes 2003 §3223
secondary education 2005 §2344
second life 2009 §3114
Second Programming Language 2009 §3154
Secure Electronic Transport 2007 §3153
secure programming 2006 §2325
security 2009 §2314 §2355 §4352 2008 §1542 §1552 §1733 §3542 2007 §3345 §3523 2006 §2354 §5114 §5122 2005 §2313 §3343 §3574 2003 §2241 2002 §254a §322w §353b 2001 §39a 2000 §261 §581
security and assurance education 2007 §3122
security curriculum 2006 §2324
security education 2009 §1732 2008 §3542 2006 §2325 2004 §2244 2001 §04a 2000 §609
security process model 2007 §3154
security standards 2001 §13c
security tool 2009 §1732
security viewpoint 2007 §3154
segregation 2007 §2332
selection approaches 2003 §3113
selection of a process 2007 §2552
self-assessment 2005 §2312 2002 §342c
self-directed learning 2008 §3314 2005 §5112 2000 §118
self-esteem 2007 §2352
self-paced 2004 §3432
self-paced learning 2006 §2143
self-perception 2007 §2352
self-regulated learner 2007 §3332
self study 2004 §3112 2003 §2515
semantic network 2005 §3143
Semantics 2008 §2744
semantic web 2003 §2521
semester project 2007 §3712
seminar 2002 §324c
seminars 2009 §3533 2006 §2343
senior citizen 2006 §3713
senior project 2009 §2353 2006 §2713
senior project capstone 2003 §2213
senior projects 2008 §2534 2006 §2714 2005 §3554
server 2001 §16b
server configuration 2009 §3534
server-side programming 2001 §30c
server-side scripting 2001 §17c
service customization 2006 §3532
service learning 2009 §2356 §3524 §4354 2008 §2724 2007 §3344 §3742 2006 §2323 §3713 2005 §3552 §3553 2004 §2255 §2454 §3244 2003 §2134 §3411 §3421 §3431 2002 §252a
Service-Oriented Architecture 2008 §3362 2006 §2334 §2335 §3352
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) 2008 §2523 2007 §3144 2004 §3443
service-oriented computing 2006 §2334 2004 §2442
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) 2008 §2523
Service-Oriented Development (SOD) 2004 §3443
Service-Oriented Enterprise (SOE) 2008 §2523
service providers 2002 §310s
servlet 2001 §18b
Seymour Papert 2004 §3154
shared computing core 2002 §415c
shared memory 2000 §912
shareware 2007 §2334
shifting paradigms 2000 §380
shortage 2006 §2352 §2353
shortened semester 2006 §3712
SIGITE 2003 §3124
significant learning 2006 §2322 2004 §2255 2003 §2134
simple machine 2005 §2524
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 2004 §3443
simulation 2009 §3114 §3522 2004 §3235 §3454 2002 §253c §342d 2001 §12c
simulator 2001 §32b
SITE 2003 §3124
site design 2006 §5122
site development tools 2000 §261
situational factors 2009 §3112
six sigma 2009 §3333 2008 §1732
skills 2008 §2323 2006 §2352 §2353 2004 §4134 2001 §21a
skills courses 2001 §24a
skills transfer 2005 §2163
skills vs knowledge 2003 §2122
small and medium enterprises 2005 §4124
small business 2009 §2326
small business systems 2007 §3155
small college 2005 §4122 2004 §3254 2003 §2411
smart card 2001 §15c 2000 §914
smart classroom 2007 §4122
smart classrooms 2007 §2332
smart client software 2002 §124w
smart e-classroom 2001 §17a
Smart Home Technologies 2008 §3322
smart label 2005 §4123
smartphones 2009 §3353
SME 2005 §4124
SNMP 2006 §4134
snowflake schema 2001 §35c
SOA 2006 §3352
SOAP 2006 §2732
SOAP envelope 2007 §2553
social constructivism 2004 §3442
social contract theory 2006 §3333
social interactions 2004 §4133
Social Isolation in doctoral programs and culture 2008 §3533
socially responsible teaching 2009 §1562
Social networking 2008 §2713 §3135 §5112
social networking site 2006 §3333
Social Networks 2009 §2345
social presence 2005 §3575 2004 §2434
social responsibility 2002 §221a 2001 §00j
social science 2000 §170
Social Software 2008 §2713 2007 §2534
society 2004 §3442
soft computing 2002 §224a
soft-side teaching 2004 §3462
soft skills 2009 §3762 2008 §3313 2007 §3723 §4123 2006 §2153 2002 §242b
soft skills in IS 2004 §2224
Soft Systems Methodology 2005 §3152 2004 §3245
software 2008 §1542 2007 §5112 2005 §2532
software agent 2000 §505
software architecture 2002 §243d
Software as a Service 2006 §3352
Software as a Service (SaaS) 2009 §2314
software capabilities 2004 §3243
software design 2008 §2554
software development 2007 §2554 §3313 2006 §3134 2005 §2144 §2562 2002 §321b §342a 2001 §23c 2000 §116
software development effort estimation 2002 §253d
Software Development Process 2008 §3342
software development strategies 2006 §2333
software engineering 2008 §2333 §2712 2007 §2554 §2744 2006 §2344 §5113 2005 §2144 2004 §3435 §3452 2003 §2423 2002 §342a 2001 §14b 2000 §126 §440
software engineering course projects 2007 §1544
software engineering process 2009 §3164
software integration 2000 §207
software piracy 2001 §07c
Software plagiarism 2008 §3344
software programming education and training 2006 §3322
software project estimation 2002 §253d
software prototype 2006 §5113
software quality 2000 §407
software reusability 2009 §2343
software roles 2005 §2134
software skills learning 2001 §24a
software support 2000 §600
software testing 2007 §3554 2002 §222d 2001 §34b
Software tool 2009 §4142 2007 §3722
software tools 2007 §3355 2005 §2524 2004 §3243 2003 §2232
sourcing strategies 2006 §5123
South Korea 2004 §3253
spam 2007 §3523
spatial ability 2007 §3323
spatial analysis 2008 §3512
spatial cognition 2007 §3323
spatial relations 2004 §3124
special courses 2002 §252d
special education 2004 §3265
Specializations 2009 §3514
special topics course 2000 §961
special topics courses 2007 §2355
speech articulation deficiency 2002 §222a
SPIM 2004 §2233
split attention 2001 §02a
spreadsheet 2007 §1545 2003 §2111 2002 §243c §324d
spreadsheet mapping 2006 §3544
spreadsheet models 2000 §504
spyware 2002 §322w
SQL 2005 §2565 §3374 2001 §27c §35c
SQL Server 2008 §3142
SSM 2005 §3152
Standard Curriculum 2008 §3164
standardized curricula 2004 §2113
standards 2008 §2352 2004 §3463 2003 §2241 2001 §ws5
standard template library 2000 §105
star schema 2001 §35c
statistical difference in student groups 2002 §352c
statistics 2004 §3454
STEM 2009 §3135 §3533 2008 §1512
stereotype 2005 §3373
stereotypes 2006 §5125
Sterling 2000 §370
stigmergic collaboration 2009 §2346
STL 2000 §105
Stochastic Petri net 2008 §5114
stock market 2005 §3354
storage courses and curriculum 2007 §2343
storage education 2007 §3513
storage technologies 2007 §2343
strategies for educators 2007 §2753
strategy 2005 §4124
streaming technology 2002 §412a
streaming video 2009 §3152 2002 §223b
strength of consensus 2005 §2322
structure chart 2002 §411b
structured analysis 2006 §2153 2002 §244d 2000 §444
structured debates 2003 §2114
structured programming 2003 §3522 2000 §105
structured query language 2001 §08c
structured reflection 2002 §252a
Student 2008 §1734
student affairs 2001 §12b
student approaches to learning 2004 §4112
student attitude 2006 §3533
student attitudes 2006 §3334 2003 §2113 §2434 2001 §07c §35a 2000 §129
student beliefs 2003 §2434
student-centered learning 2007 §1742 2000 §409
student centred education 2009 §1554 2006 §2144
student clubs 2007 §3542
student competitions 2008 §3542
student computing ability 2007 §2742 2006 §3142
student course evaluation 2009 §1532
student course preferences 2002 §222b
student developed systems 2002 §411c
student employment 2006 §2154
student evaluation 2009 §3333
student evaluation of faculty 2006 §2512
student expectations 2003 §2244
student feedback 2009 §3333
student identification 2007 §1543
student industrial projects 2005 §5114
Student Information System 2009 §3554
student interest 2008 §2714 2006 §2123
student internships 2007 §1544
student learning 2004 §3433 2001 §28b §38b 2000 §919
student learning goals 2009 §3112
student managed learning 2001 §14c
student management teams 2000 §603
student motivation 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
student participation 2002 §223c 2001 §10a 2000 §800
student password use 2009 §3165
student perceptions 2008 §1512 2003 §2424 2002 §223d
student perceptions of computer careers 2007 §3522
student performance 2004 §3142 2001 §35a
student portfolios 2000 §241
student preparedness 2006 §3523
student prerequisites 2000 §917
student projects 2000 §371
student recruiting 2009 §3163
student registration 2000 §911
student research 2007 §5112 2006 §2154
Student Response Systems 2008 §2512
student responsibility 2008 §3114
students 2007 §2514
students lacking prerequisites 2006 §3523
student use 2006 §3533
studio-based teaching 2001 §07b
studios 2001 §07b
studio-style learning 2001 §11a
study program 2005 §2523
study teams 2002 §223c 2001 §10a
subjective satisfaction 2005 §3372
subnet masks 2002 §345w
success factors 2006 §2513 2003 §3431
success factors in on-line courses 2000 §443
success rate 2006 §2343
superdistribution 2002 §353b
supervision 2002 §224d
supply chain 2005 §4123
supply chain management 2005 §4124
support teams 2001 §24a
support vector machine model 2008 §3154
surface learners 2003 §2124
surveillance 2001 §02b
survey 2003 §2511
survey online 2005 §3352
survey questionnaire 2002 §222b
SWOT 2003 §2414
SWT 2007 §3325
Sydney Opera House 2001 §00k
syllabi 2001 §11c
syllabus 2009 §1554 2000 §403
SynchronEyes 2007 §4122
synchronous e-learning 2007 §2543 2004 §3143
synchronous learning tools 2004 §4122
system acquisition 2004 §2144
system analysis and design 2006 §2723 §3353 2004 §3455
System Analysis Design 2007 §3313 2006 §3134
system architecting process 2002 §243d
system architecture 2004 §3415
system construction 2004 §2144
system design 2007 §3554 2004 §3225
system development 2000 §915
system development paradigms 2005 §3364
system development review 2005 §5122
system integration 2004 §3415
System-on-chip 2008 §3722
Systems 2008 §1542
systems analysis 2009 §3132 2007 §2554 2006 §2713 2005 §2363 §2562 2002 §221b 2001 §22a §24b 2000 §109 §116 §146 §401
systems analysis and design 2009 §2356 2008 §2524 §2534 §3155 §3543 2007 §2533 §3712 2006 §2714 §3115 2005 §2173 §3553 §3554 2004 §2144 §3244 2003 §2134 §3211 §3221 2002 §254c §321b 2001 §20a §24d 2000 §208 §608
systems analysis and design course projects 2007 §1544
systems analysis and design curricula 2006 §3342 2005 §2332
Systems Analysis and Design Textbooks 2008 §3112
Systems Analysis & Design 2005 §2314
systems analyst 2008 §3153 2007 §2522
system satisfaction 2002 §252c
systems design 2006 §2713 2002 §221b 2001 §22a 2000 §146
systems development 2008 §1732 2005 §2163 2004 §2143 2003 §3522 2000 §260
systems development group project 2004 §4134
systems development life cycle 2007 §2533 2002 §321b
systems development project 2005 §2314 §2522
systems educators 2007 §2323
systems implementation 2008 §1732 2006 §2713
systems integration 2004 §2143 2002 §221b
Systems Oriented Architecture 2007 §2314
systems paradigm 2002 §244d 2000 §444
systems proposal 2006 §2153
systems thinking 2003 §4133
system troubleshooting 2001 §27b
tablet computing 2006 §2145
Tablet PCs 2004 §2235
tacit knowledge 2003 §3233
TAM 2006 §2522 2004 §4113
TAM theory 2002 §244a
task scheduling 2000 §540
task-technology fit 2004 §2434
task-technology fitness 2004 §3422
taxonomy 2005 §3372
Tcl 2004 §2233
teacher-centered 2008 §3114
teacher preparation 2002 §341c
Teacher Preparation Program 2008 §2552
teaching 2007 §1545 2006 §2512 §3144 2002 §253b 2000 §400 §602
teaching about IT spending 2002 §354d
teaching and control environment 2005 §2525
teaching and learning activities 2009 §3112
teaching and technology 2004 §3463 2002 §324b
teaching approach 2006 §5125
teaching approaches 2001 §28b
teaching effectiveness 2009 §3333 2006 §2512
Teaching Examples 2007 §2333
teaching experience 2004 §3134
teaching experiences 2004 §3134
teaching great design 2007 §3324
Teaching Introductory IS 2006 §3352
teaching methodologies 2007 §4123 2005 §2354
teaching methods 2007 §2313 §3712 2005 §2314 2004 §3462 2001 §35c 2000 §408
teaching online 2007 §2542 2004 §3425
teaching portfolios 2000 §241
teaching programming 2003 §2112 2000 §127
teaching research methods 2000 §108
teaching strategies 2007 §3343
teaching strategy 2002 §323b
teaching telecommunications 2009 §2344
teaching the introductory course 2004 §3434
teaching tips 2005 §3362 2004 §2225
teaching tips for IT courses 2001 §33a
teaching UML 2005 §3533
team-approach 2005 §3122 2004 §2425
team-based learning 2000 §409 §603
team-building 2004 §3154
team building skills 2009 §3753 2001 §ws4
team communication 2003 §2233
team formation 2000 §172
team-oriented problem solving 2003 §3133
team performance 2007 §3354
team project 2002 §353c
team projects 2009 §4343 2004 §4133 2003 §2233
team roles 2008 §3544
teams 2008 §3544 2005 §3575 2003 §2233 2002 §324a 2000 §172 §608
team teaching 2007 §1742 2002 §321a 2001 §11d
teamwork 2008 §3544 2004 §3262 §3263 2003 §2214 §3112 2000 §172
technical 2000 §402
technical communication 2008 §2553 2005 §2173
technical concepts 2001 §27b
Technical Course 2007 §2325
technical courses 2007 §2323
Technical Staff 2009 §1533
Technical Support 2009 §1533
technical writing 2002 §223d
techniques 2001 §ws4
technology 2009 §2342 2008 §1542 §2314 2006 §2354 §3533 §3713 2005 §2344 §3133 2003 §3123 2001 §06c 2000 §914
technology acceptance 2008 §2734 2007 §2544 §2752
Technology Acceptance Model 2007 §3512 2006 §2522 2004 §4113 2002 §244a
Technology Challenges 2008 §3322
Technology Changes 2008 §3322 2007 §3112
technology disciplines 2007 §3744
technology education curriculum 2008 §2314
technology-enabled learning 2009 §1733
technology-enhanced instruction 2000 §919
technology infrastructure 2004 §3415
technology integration 2009 §3753 2002 §324b 2001 §17a §32c 2000 §144
technology management 2000 §260
technology-oriented programs 2000 §106
technology policies 2008 §2314
technology standards 2008 §2314
technology transfer 2001 §01a 2000 §381 §940
telecenter 2003 §2234 2002 §411a
Telecommunication 2009 §4344
telecommunications 2000 §201 §900
telecommunications curriculum 2001 §04b
telecommunications management 2001 §31a
telecommuting 2002 §411a 2000 §380
telecommuting network 2003 §2234
telematics 2000 §380
telework 2002 §411a 2000 §380
telework program planning and management 2000 §380
tenure 2003 §2511 2001 §38c 2000 §605
tenure-eligible 2003 §2411
terminal degree 2001 §38c
term papers 2006 §2543
testbed 2004 §2233
test development 2001 §35a
test harness 2002 §222d
testing 2006 §2124 2005 §2343 §2532
test suite effectiveness 2006 §2122
textbook problems 2006 §2543
textbooks 2009 §3112
textbook selection 2008 §3155
theoretical computer science 2000 §410
theory construction 2006 §2544
theory implementation 2005 §3152
theory of planned behavior 2007 §2713 2006 §2532 §2742
theory of reasoned action 2003 §2434
thin-client technology 2002 §412a
Third Programming Language 2009 §3154
thread effectiveness 2007 §3552
Threats 2008 §1542
three-dimensional imaging 2005 §2563
three-tier structure 2001 §25a
Thurstone 2009 §4343
time-series 2002 §224b
time series forecasting analysis 2003 §3114
time to complete 2005 §3372
tool selection 2003 §2232
top careers 2007 §3315
topic ranking 2002 §221c
total quality 2000 §118
total quality management 2000 §104
traditional COBOL 2002 §351b
Traditional minors 2007 §3315
traditional software project management 2009 §3164
training 2006 §2154 2005 §2532 2002 §243a 2000 §301
transaction cost economics 2000 §303
transaction processing systems 2009 §3323
transdiscipline 2000 §604
transfer of learning 2009 §2322
transfer of training 2009 §2322
transfer rate 2009 §3533 2008 §1513
transfer students 2008 §3154
transformation 2003 §3521
transformative learning 2009 §3524
transition 2005 §4122
transition to objects 2005 §3533
Treebook 2000 §504
trends in the IT profession 2005 §3332
triple Constraint 2002 §321c
Trojan horses 2002 §354b
trust 2008 §3543 2000 §261
trusted software 2002 §353b
TSP 2000 §115
Turing Machine 2007 §3722
turnover 2001 §15b
tutorial 2004 §3432
tutoring 2009 §3532 2007 §3334 2002 §252d
Twitter 2009 §2345
two-course sequence 2000 §148
two-year college programs 2007 §3334 2001 §01b
ubiquitous 2002 §224b
ubiquitous computing and communication 2006 §3533
UK IT legal considerations 2006 §5113
UML 2006 §2153 2005 §5123 2004 §2122 2002 §222a 2001 §22a 2000 §146
UML-2-Light version 2006 §5125
UML diagrams 2006 §5125
UML-related techniques 2006 §5125
undergraduate 2009 §2342 2001 §06b §11b §11c 2000 §111 §143 §403
undergraduate business program 2006 §4132 2005 §3564 2004 §3223
undergraduate curriculum 2008 §2315
undergraduate education 2009 §3113 2007 §4123 2000 §680
undergraduate group projects 2005 §2342
undergraduate information systems 2006 §2734
undergraduate introductory information systems course 2006 §5115
undergraduate IS curriculum 2004 §2132
undergraduate IT research 2004 §2245
undergraduate research 2004 §3152 2003 §2521
underrepresented 2008 §1513
UN/EDIFACT 2000 §501
UNESCO 2008 §2314
unethical behavior 2008 §2722
unified modeling language 2006 §2153 §5125 2003 §2432 2001 §22a
Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2001 §30a
unified process 2003 §2432
Unified Process Life Cycle 2007 §2314
United Nations 2008 §2314
United States 2008 §2314 2000 §914
Universal Data Server 2002 §352b
Universal Description 2004 §3443
University 2009 §4344
University Alliance Program 2000 §300
university corporate partnerships 2004 §2215
University Corporate Relationships 2007 §3352
university-industry relationships 2009 §3342
university type 2007 §3322
Unix 2007 §3313 2006 §3134
unorthodox approaches 2002 §224a
unprepared student 2009 §2324
urban education 2002 §224d
usability 2007 §2753 2006 §2132 2005 §3352 §3524 2003 §3411 2002 §323c
usability concern 2002 §351c
usability study 2001 §02b
use-case points 2002 §253d
Use Interface 2009 §3154
use patterns 2006 §3543
user acceptance 2006 §2522
user control 2004 §3252
user groups 2004 §3264
user interaction design 2001 §24b
user interface 2008 §2554 2002 §252c
user satisfaction 2001 §19b 2000 §116
user support 2001 §27b
using students as teachers 2001 §24a
UTAUT 2008 §2734 2007 §2544
validating competency and skills 2001 §21a
value chain 2009 §3312 2005 §3344
values 2006 §2134
values education 2006 §2134
VBA 2000 §602
VB.NET 2007 §3113 2004 §1212 2003 §1112
VBScript 2001 §30c
VCL 2008 §2343
vendor bias 2000 §303
vendor certification 2005 §2545
vendor selection 2000 §303
videoconferencing 2005 §2143
video recording 2002 §223b
Views 2001 §27c
virtual addiction 2000 §909
virtual classroom 2000 §204 §916
virtual classroom community 2008 §3323
virtual function 2000 §102
Virtual Infrastructure 2009 §3314
virtualization 2008 §2343 2007 §2335 2006 §3722
virtual lab 2008 §2343 2005 §3522
virtual-lab environment 2002 §412a
virtual laboratory 2000 §201
virtual machine 2008 §2343
virtual memory 2009 §3522
virtual office hours 2008 §2734 2007 §2544
virtual reality 2009 §3114
virtual teaching 2000 §916
virtual teams 2008 §1713 2005 §4114 2000 §161
visual analog scale 2009 §1532
Visual Basic 2007 §3313 2006 §3134 §3544 2004 §1212 §3455 2003 §1112 2002 §223c §242b 2000 §200 §405 §504
Visual Basic for Applications 2000 §602
Visual Basic.Net 2009 §3154
visualization 2005 §2563 2002 §253c 2000 §400
visually impaired 2004 §3265
visual modeling 2001 §22a 2000 §146
Visual Studio 2007 §2353 2006 §2334
VLA 2001 §20c
v-lab environment 2002 §412a
vote counting software 2001 §00j
Vulnerabilities 2008 §1542
WAC 2008 §2522
wages 2001 §05b
WATFOR 2001 §00k
WCAG 2009 §2323
Web 2006 §2142 2005 §3134
Web 1.0 2008 §5112
Web 2.0 2009 §3113 §3162 §3334 §3354 §3554 2008 §2713 §3135 §3313 §5112 2007 §2353 §2534
web accessibility 2009 §2323
web application development 2004 §3164
web applications 2009 §3534 2006 §2124 2001 §ws2
web applications development platforms 2009 §3752
web application server 2001 §18b
web architecture 2004 §3225
web-based 2006 §3522 2005 §5122 2002 §323c §351a
web-based application 2001 §23a
web-based classes 2000 §240
Web-based courseware 2000 §207
web-based education 2009 §4342 2002 §223b 2001 §23d
web-based instruction 2000 §204
web-based Learning 2009 §1733 2003 §3434 2002 §244c 2000 §906
web-based recruitment 2000 §910
web-based system 2000 §911
Web-based Technology 2009 §4342
web-based training 2005 §3123 2001 §28c
Web-based tutorials 2000 §500
web bugs 2002 §354b
WebCenter 2004 §4124
WebCT 2004 §3162 §3432 2002 §241p §244c 2000 §206
web customization 2003 §3424
Web database 2003 §3232
Web database applications 2002 §352b
Web-deployed applications 2000 §140
Web design 2008 §3313 2005 §3522 2003 §3223 §3421
web design course model 2004 §2142
Web development 2008 §3313 2007 §2743 2004 §2412 2003 §3424 §4121 2002 §411c 2001 §23c 2000 §100 §503
Web Development and Technical Implementations 2009 §1533
Web development platforms 2006 §3324
web-enhanced 2002 §323c
web literacy 2009 §3162
weblog 2009 §3115 2005 §2143
weblogs 2008 §5112 2004 §3242
web-only course 2001 §ws1
web page design 2009 §3163
web pages 2000 §116
web personalization 2003 §3424
web programming 2004 §2412
Web server 2009 §3534
web service 2003 §4122
web services 2008 §2523 2007 §2353 §2553 §2743 §3144 2006 §2142 §2334 §2335 §3352 2004 §2442
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2004 §3443
web site 2005 §3352
website case study 2009 §1555
web site design 2000 §441 §906
website development 2000 §371
websitegarage 2000 §441
Web survey design 2002 §412b
Web survey implementation 2002 §412b
Web technologies 2008 §2315 2007 §2722
Web technology 2009 §4342
WebTV 2002 §252a
weighted mean 2005 §2142
weighted standard deviation 2005 §2142
WID 2008 §2522
wiki 2008 §3135
wikis 2008 §2713
Windows 2006 §2142
Windows CE 2001 §25b
wireless 2006 §3533
Wireless communication 2007 §3354
wireless communications 2002 §511a
wireless computing 2004 §2235
wireless LANs 2002 §511a 2001 §20c
wireless network 2004 §3233 2002 §244c
wireless networking 2002 §511a
wizard 2002 §252c
women 2009 §3533 2008 §1513 §1712 2007 §2712 2006 §2343 §3534 2005 §3373 2003 §3123 2001 §06b §06c 2000 §701
women-education 2001 §06b
women in computing 2007 §3334 2001 §26a
women in IS 2009 §2342
women in IT 2001 §26a
women‘s enrollment in computer careers 2005 §3124
women students 2007 §4124
word problems 2000 §406
word processing 2002 §243c
word puzzles 2003 §6001
worker shortage 2000 §903
workforce 2007 §1543
workforce development 2000 §381
working adults 2001 §31b 2000 §640
working memory 2001 §02a
working world 2006 §2543
work processes 2000 §582
workshop development 2000 §380
work system method 2006 §3524
World Wide Web 2003 §2521 §3111 2002 §351d 2001 §23c 2000 §503
world wide web indexing 2003 §3223
writing 2009 §3332 2005 §2173 §2353
writing across the curriculum 2008 §2522 2006 §4142 2005 §2353
writing assignments 2004 §3123
writing grant proposals 2004 §3153
writing in the disciplines 2008 §2522
writing skills 2003 §3412
writing-to-learn 2008 §2522 §3332
WWW 2005 §3134
XBRL 2008 §2315
XHTML 2002 §415b
XML 2008 §2315 2007 §2743 §3113 2006 §2334 §2732 2004 §2143 2002 §415b 2000 §901
XML databases 2003 §3231
XML technologies 2003 §3231
XPath 2006 §2732
XQuery 2003 §3231
XSL 2006 §2732 2003 §3231 2002 §415b
XSLT 2003 §3231
xTuple 2009 §3512
Y2K 2004 §3444
yield management 2004 §3454
YouTube 2009 §1732
zoom 2005 §3372
